

中学英语之友·高二版 2008年5期

Unit 18

1. If you use our inflatable bike, you can simply let the air out and put your bike in a bag. 如果你使用充气自行车,你可以把空气放出来,把自行车放进袋子里。

let out为“动词+副词”短语,意为“放出(水、空气等); 释放; 使流出去; 发出(声音);泄露(秘密、消息等)”。例如:

You have to let the water out of the bathtub. 你得把浴盆中的水放掉。

Someone has let the news out.


2. If we look only for the correct answer and reject ideas that do not provide a complete answer, we may get stuck. 如果我们只找正确答案,拒绝那些不能给我们完整答案的想法,那么我们就可能被框住。


They had rejected our request.



The rejects from an officers training course will take an exam in a month.


(3)get stuck表示“被阻挡;被困住;被粘住(=be stuck)”。例如:

His head is stuck in the window.


3. As with thinking outside the box, the process includes a series of different attempts and several false starts. 正如突破常规思考一样,换个角度看问题的过程包括一系列不同的尝试和一些错误的开端。

(1)as with相当于as it is the case with,省略了it is the case, 意为“正如……一样”,with后接名词,代词或动名词等。例如:

As with drawing a picture, you should be patient and careful in doing this job. 就像画画一样,做这件事需要耐心细致。

Then, as with young birds, the time comes for the young to leave.



作名词,表示“企图;试图;尝试”,主要用于an attempt/ones attempt to do sth.结构,表示“尝试做某事;企图做某事”。例如:

They failed in all their attempts to climb the mountain.


作动词,表示“开始做;尝试;企图”,后接名词或不定式作宾语,常用attempt to do sth.(=try to do sth./seek to do sth.)表示“尝试做某事(不一定获得成功)”。例如:

He attempted to speak but was told to be quiet.


4. Great thinkers are aware of this and try to combine new and old ideas in as many different ways as possible. 伟大的思想家了解到这一点,并且设法把新的思想和旧的知识尽可能多的以不同方式联系起来。

(1)be aware of表示“觉察到;知道;意识到”。aware是形容词,常作表语,不置于名词之前作定语。意为“意识到的;知道的;有……意识的;认识的”。

aware前面不能用very修饰,习惯用well, quite等词修饰。例如:

It happened without my being aware of it.



Are you aware that you have hurt her feelings?


Im quite (well) aware how you must feel.


5. Keep track of your mistakes and try to learn from them.记下你的错误并努力从错误中学习。

keep track of…表示“记录;追踪;了解情况;保持联系”。例如:

My mother used to keep track of every penny she spent. 我母亲过去常常把自己所花的每一分钱都记下来。

Its hard to keep track of all ones old school friends. I have lost track of some of mine already. 与所有老同学联系很难,我已失去与一些老同学的联系了。

Unit 19

6. Have mercy on Antonio, Shylock. 对安东尼奥仁慈一点儿吧,夏洛克。

mercy作名词,意为“仁慈,宽恕;幸运,恩惠”。常用搭配have mercy on, show/give mercy to,表示“宽恕;饶恕;对……有怜悯之心”。例如:

Its a mercy she wasnt seriously hurt.


We should learn to show mercy to others. 我们应该学会宽恕他人。

They showed little mercy to their enemies. 他们对待仇敌毫不留情。

In old times, the rich had little mercy on the poor. 在旧社会,富人对穷人毫无怜悯之心。

No mercy was shown to the prisoners.


7. Ive promised to take my pound of flesh. 我说过一定要拿走属于我的那一磅肉。

(1)promise既可作及物动词又可作名词,意为“许诺;诺言;答应”。常用结构promise to do sth.表示“答应做某事”;promise that从句表示“答应……”;promise sb. sth.表示“答应/许诺某人某件东西”。例如:

Mother promised me a gift for my birthday. 妈妈答应给我买生日礼物。

She promised to come earlier.


I promised that I would return the book to you within a week.



This year promises a good harvest. 今年预示着大丰收。

8. Its useless trying to argue with Shylock. 跟夏洛克讲理是没有用的。

Its useless/no use/no good+doing sth.是一固定句型,意为“做某事没有用(好处)”。例如:

Its no use crying over spilt milk.


It is useless visiting him at this hour. He must be out. 这个时间去拜访他没用,他肯定不在家。

It is no use asking him about it. He knows nothing about it. 问他这件事没用,他对这件事一无所知。

9. You might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea. 你还不如站在海滩上跟大海讲理去。

may/might as well do sth.意为“还是做某事好,不如做某事,不妨做某事”。例如:

You may as well begin at once.


We may as well go and have a look.


We may as well stay where we are.


10. If you offered me six times what you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh. 即使你愿意给我6倍于刚才你提出的那个钱数,我还是要拿回我应得的那一磅肉。




②A+谓语+倍数+the size/length, weight, height, width, age, price…+of B。例如:

Asia is four times as large as Europe. 亚洲是欧洲的4倍大。

Asia is four times the size of Europe.

=Europe is one fourth the size of Asia. 欧洲面积是亚洲的1/4。

③……倍数+as many+可数名词复数+as或……倍数+as+(much+不可数名词+as)。例如:

We planted five times as many trees as they did.


(2)如要表示“A比B大/长/高等多少倍”,一般用“A+谓语+倍数+形容词/副词(比较级)+than B”。例如:

Asia is three times larger than Europe. 亚洲比欧洲大3倍。



This railway is eight times as long as that one.

=This railway is eight times the length of that one.

=This railway is seven times longer than that one.

=The length of this railway is eight times of that one.


Our classroom is twice/half the size of theirs.我们的教室是他们教室的两倍/一半大。

11. What are you accused of? 你因什么而受到起诉?

accuse作及物动词,意为“指控;控告;指责”。常见搭配accuse sb. of…表示“指控某人犯……错/罪”;be accused of…表示“被指控犯了……错/罪”。例如:

The police accused him of murder, but he said that he was innocent.


12.Ive kept my side of the bargain and I expect him to keep his. 我遵守了我的协议,我希望他也能遵守。

bargain作名词,意为“交易;买卖合同;便宜的东西;协议;特价商品”;作及物动词时,意为“讨价还价”。常用词组bargain with sb. about/over/for sth.表示“与某人讨价还价/洽谈某物的价钱”。例如:

He got a bargain at the shop.


If you bargain with them, they might reduce the price. 如果你讲讲价,他们可能会把价钱降低。

13. I declare the court allows it and the law gives it to you. 我宣布法庭可以允许你(这样做),法律(把它)判给你。


The manager declared the meeting open. 经理宣布会议开始。

They declared him to be the winner. 他们宣布他为获胜者。

At last, the USA declared war against Iraq. 最后美国向伊拉克宣战。

I declared for/against his opinion. 我赞成/反对他的观点。

14. Therefore, go down on your knees and beg the Duke for mercy. 因此,快去跪下请求公爵宽恕你吧。

(1)therefore作副词,意为“因此”,表示结果或理由,相当于as a result of that;它不能引导从句,不要把它当连词来用。therefore常常和and一起使用,这时therefore前可用逗号或者不用标点符号;如果不与and连用,therefore前用分号。例如:

He doesnt know much about China; therefore he cant advise me about it. 他对中国不甚了解,因此向我提不出什么建议。

(2)go down on ones knees意为“跪下,屈膝”相当于get down on ones knees; go down on one knee意为“单腿跪下”。例如:

The son went down on his knees, begging his father for mercy.


Unit 20

15. On May 3, 2002, archaeologists in England found a grave of a man dating back to around 2300 BC. 2002年5月3日,英国考古学家发现了一座约公元前2300年的男人墓穴。

date back to意为“追溯到;起源于;始于”,date back为“动词+副词”短语,后常接介词to;相当于date from或go back to,无被动语态。作谓语时常用一般现在时。例如:

These old buildings possibly date back to the Ming Dynasty.


Which dynasty do you know this coin dates back to?


There was an amazing discovery of human remains dating back(to) nearly two million years ago.(=which date back to/date from nearly two million years ago.) 令人惊讶的是发现了近200万年前的人类残骸。

16. It is not yet known how these were conveyed over a distance of 380 kilometres. 至今还不知道这些石头是如何从380千米以外的地方运过来的。


Its hard for them to convey the goods to the top of the mountain.


The police asked the driver to convey the passengers to the destinations safely. 警察要求司机把乘客安全送到目的地。

The baby is now able to convey his meaning.


施爱眉 浙江乐清市三山中学


新目标英语七年级(下)units 1~6复习小结