

中学英语之友·高二版 2008年5期



我们都乐意对他人提出建议或批评,但这个世界上更需要的却是鼓励。 远离那些轻视你理想的人,因为他们会使你变得渺小。同那些激励你的人打交道, 他们会使你的生活变得更加精彩。

Simeon Ford, the owner of the old Grand Union Hotel in New York, said, “You dont need to know anything about a hotel to run one. You just __1__ up and the customers tell you how to __2__ it.”

That must be __3__ of other businesses, too. I heard of a newspaper editor who __4__ in her assistant and handed him a pile of __5__. “These are suggestions sent in by subscribers(订户) on __6__ to run our paper. Make sure you carry them out,” she said.

He did. He carried them out and __7__ them in the dustbin. Many people are quick to __8__, and quicker to criticize(批评). When asked why she was always so __9__, one woman said, “I guess I just have a __10__ for seeing other peoples faults!” This is a gift I think she could __11__.

Criticizers are not hard to __12__. What the world needs are good __13__. Not more people to find fault, but people to point out __14__ and encourage us to do better than others. The most successful people look for __15__ qualities. They see potential where others see __16__. And they encourage success in others.

Mark Twain put it like this: “Keep away from people who try to __17__ your ambitions(雄心、大志). Small people __18__ do that, but the really great people make you feel that you too, can become __19__.”

Who do you spend time with? Criticizers or encouragers? __20__ yourself with those who believe in you. Your life is too important for anything less.

1. A. make B. do C. shut D. open

2. A. build B. buy C. run D. book

3. A. proper B. true C. exact D. real

4. A. called B. sent C. brought D. gave

5. A. papers B. goods C. magazines D. books

6. A. where B. how C. when D. what

7. A. wrapped B. covered C. dropped D. buried

8. A. praise B. answer C. encourage D. suggest

9. A. critical B. hungry C. nervous D. upset

10. A. hope B. gift C. wish D. need

11. A. contribute B. accept C. hide D. improve

12. A. distinguish B. identity C. recognize D. find

13. A. protectors B. advisers C. criticizers D. encouragers

14. A. strengths B. weaknesses C. shortcomings D. mistakes

15. A. top B. positive C. negative D. poor

16. A. faith B. fault C. failure D. courage

17. A. look forward to B. look out for

C. look up to D. look down on

18. A. always B. ever C. seldom D. never

19. A. strong B. rich C. wise D. great

20. A. Supply B. Surround C. Equip D. Satisfy



There is not much difference between life in Germany and life in Britain. In __1__ countries, as most of the people work in towns, they have similar jobs and hobbies. __2__ yet, if you lived in Britain, your __3__ would not be quite the same as it is here in __4__. Here are some __5__.

__6__ a German, you possible live in a flat. __7__ you were English, you would possibly live in a house of your own.

In Germany, you __8__ hands with dozens of people every day. The __9__ hands you shake, the better. If you lived in England, you would __10__ ever shake hands with anyone, unless you were the Queen __11__ a politician.

__12__ Germany, you can have an ice-cold glass of __13__ at any time of a day. In England you can drink a glass of beer in a public house only at certain hours and it wouldnt be __14__. If you were English, you would __15__ your oldest clothes on Sundays, drink tea __16__ milk at least five times a day, eat fish or eggs __17__ breakfast, and find __18__ interesting to play crickets. But, __19__, you wouldnt have to learn English. Instead, you would be working in the garden, watching TV, or discussing the __20__ with your neighbor.

1. A. any B. either C. all D. both

2. A. And B. Nor C. As D. Not

3. A. life B. jobs C. weather D. habits

4. A. China B. Germany C. Britain D. America

5. A. choices B. ways C. languages D. examples

6. A. Like B. To C. As D. For

7. A. Though B. If C. Because D. While

8. A. wash B. clean C. shake D. wave

9. A. less B. leaner C. dirtier D. more

10. A. always B. almost C. often D. hardly

11. A. and B. or C. but D with

12. A. Besides B. In C. Except D. For

13. A. tea B. beer C. coffee D. milk

14. A. warm-blooded B. white-haired C. ice-cold D. kind-hearted

15. A. dress B. wear C. put on D. have on

16. A. with B. to C. form D. for

17. A. on B. to C. for D. at

18. A. one B. this C. that D. it

19. A. above all B. after all C. in all D. at all

20. A. politics B. problems C. weather D. interest



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