Unit19Modern agriculture课本要点精练


中学生英语高中综合天地 2008年5期




1. Do you know whether a ladybird is a kind of useful ________(昆虫)?

2. The farmers are busy building an________ (灌溉)channel.

3. It is a great pleasure for me to have a ________(西瓜)on such a hot day.

4. His new________(技术) has improved a lot over the past season.

5. With the________(发展)of modern agriculture and industry, more and more

waste is produced.

6. They will give us the money on c________that we pay it back within six months.

7. This book is i________for young adults in their first year of learning English.

8. Weve got to be p________and buy only what we can afford.

9. After the old lady paid the bill, the waiter came and r________the plates and dishes from the table.

10.He came up with a new m________of solving the problem at todays meeting.



11.Sorry, sir, you are not allowed to smoke here. we________smoking only in restricted areas.

A. considerB. agree

C. allowD. encourage

12.How much did the project________the farmer families in last year?

A. bringB. give

C. benefitD. result

13.You are the only person I can________to reduce my pressure of work.

A. depend onB. work on

C. carry on________D. take on

14. To make full________of your spare time, youd better make a plan.

A. useB. decision

C. differenceD. mind

15. —Look! He can manage to carry two such huge boxes himself.

— But he used to be so weak that he could carry only one small box________.

A. at a timeB. at times

C. at one timeD. for the first time

16. Paul is good, kind, hard-working and intelligent;________ , I cant speak too highly of him.

A. as a resultB. in a word

C. by the wayD. on the contrary

17.We tried to________his doubts and let him tell the truth.

A. replaceB. review

C. rebuildD. remove

18. More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a great________of goods.

A. attentionB. mixture

C. varietyD. kind

19.We mustnt do anything that________ the interest of the people.

A. goes upB. goes against

C. goes withD. goes off

20.Year________year those college stu-dents come to see the old man who has no son or daughter.They find he grows weaker year________year.

A. after; byB. by; after

C. after; afterD. by; by

21.At the meeting they discussed three diff-erent________to the study of math-ematics.

A. meansB. approaches

C. waysD. methods

22.________ that the problem was more than he could deal with, he called the police for help.

A. Realizing

B. To realize

C. Realized

D. Having been realized

23. I prefer the way________ we communi-cate with others face to face.

A. howB. when

C. thatD. where

24. We should try our best, in my opinion, to do all that we can________these ancient cultural relics.

A. to protectB. protecting

C. protectedD. protect

25. —I hear that Tom cant afford his schooling this year.

—________ , lets do something for him.

A. If soB. Where possible C. When necessaryD. What a shame



26. It was not until she got home________ Jennifer realized she had lost her keys.

A. whenB. that C. whereD. before

27. It was because of bad weather________the football match had to be put off.

A. so B. so thatC. whyD. that

28. It was in Beihai Park________ they made a date for the first time________ the old couple told us their love story.

A. where; thatB. that; that

C. where; whenD. that; when

29. —Was it midnight________you arrived home by taxi?

— Im afraid so.

A. thatB. at which

C. the timeD. when

30. —________that he managed to get the information?

— Oh, a friend of his helped him.

A. Where was itB. What was it

C. How was itD. Why was it



31. Jia Sixies book is________ (对……有实际的指导作用) farming.(guide)

32. This saves time and allows farmers_______________(再种一茬庄稼)in each season.(extra)

33. In recent years, we________ (大大提高了人们的生活水平). (raise)

34. I still dont know________ (何时引进)some advanced machines from that devel-oped country.

35. In the past year,much water________ (被抽了上来) from this big river.(pump)

36. Look, they seem________ (正在播下)seeds in the large field. (sow)

37.________ (我们是否指导他们)hasnt been decided until now. (guide)

38. All these trees________(能被用来) building houses and bridges.(use)

39. It was________ (因为坏天气) that the football match had to be put off.(weather)

40. We should try to get________(尽量多收集信息).(as)



41.Weak buildings will fall down in an earth-quake,but strong one may stay up.

42.Those who against the plan please raise your hands.

43.Dicks still in the office. He must be busy for some important work.

44.After being washed,the clothes should be hanged up in the sunlight.

45. He spends most of his time doing a re-search in his lab.

46. He told me that he would leave Shanghai next day.

47. They asked him it was necessary to re-move seeds now and then.

48. He pointed out that was important to remove seeds before sowing seeds in the soil.

49. China is the first country studied the sci-ence of agriculture.

50. She had no idea where Coke lived except that his house was near to a church.


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