

中学生英语高中综合天地 2008年5期

徐 杰

1. Comedies are theatre plays that make people laugh.(page 52)




He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them _______ in his lesson.(2007 江苏)

A. interestedB. interesting

C. interestD. to interest

②Paul doesnt have to be made _______. He always works hard.(2000 全国)

A. learnB. to learn

C. learnedD. learing

2. Funny plays often have characters that are stereotypes of nationities or people doing certain jobs.(page 52)

【考点】 certain的用法

【归纳】certain adj(未指明确实名称的)某……;确定的;无疑的;一定会……用作定语或表语,其主语通常是sb或形式主语it, 常用句式:Its certain that…而sure的主语只能是sb。例如:He is certain/sure to win. Its certain that he will win.他肯定会赢的。

for certain 肯定地,确凿地make certain 弄清楚certainly adv 当然地


Wait till you are more ______. Its better to be sure than sorry.(1997全国)

A. inspired B. satisfied

C. calm D. certain

3. Acting out stereotypes of people from different countries can be very funny.(page 52)


【归纳】act out(用行动或行为)表达/表现…… act as 充当(某种角色)act on/upon(药等)起作用;按……行动


We went to Canada to travel and my cousin _______ as our guide.(2005湖南)

A. played B. showed

C. acted D. performed

4. The actors make us laugh by making fun of somebodys way of dressing or telling an amusing story.(page 52)

【考点】make 的常用短语

【归纳】make fun of取笑;嘲笑make over转让;改造 make off匆匆跑掉 make use of利用某事物(某人) make up化妆;组成;编造 make up for 弥补make for促成;向……移动;领悟,弄明白;make out 理解;开(支票)


The idea puzzled me so much that I stopped for a few seconds to try to_______.(2003 北京春)

A. make it outB. make it off

C. make it upD. make it over

5. To appreciate the jokes of crosstalk artists, listeners have to know very well what the comedians are talking about. (page 53)

【考点】appreciate 的用法

【归纳】 appreciate及物动词,意思是①感激,感谢②欣赏;赏识;鉴赏,后常跟名词、代词或动名词短语作宾语,还可跟it形式宾语再接if引出的句子。appreciation n. 评定;鉴别;欣赏;感激


①Id appreciate _______ if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.(2006 山东)

A. thatB. itC. this D. you

②I really appreciate _______ to relax with you on this nice island.(2001全国)

A. to have had time B. having time

C. to have time D. to having time

6. If you are not fluent in Chinese, you will not catch all of it.(page 53)




He speaks English well indeed, but of course not _______ a native speaker.(2004 上海)

A. as fluent as B. more fluent thanC. so fluently as D.much fluently than

7. A yellow car passed me and suddenly cut in right in front of me, …(page 55)

【考点】cut 的常用短语

【归纳】cut down 砍倒;减少cut in 插嘴;超车抢道 cut off 切断;中断(联系)cut out剪掉,剪下;裁剪(衣服) cut up 砍成碎片cut into pieces 砍成碎片cut through凿穿;抄近路


①He was in hospital for six months, He felt as if he was_______from the outside world.(2004 北京春)

A. cut outB. cut off

C. cut upD. cut through

②I was just talking to Margaret when Jackson_______.(2005湖南)

A. cut in B. cut down

C. cut outD. cut up

8. The story of how I got my new job, and came to be on such good terms with my boss is a funny one.(page 55)

【考点】terms 的常用短语

【归纳】on good terms with sb 与某人关系好 come to terms with sth/sb 与……达成协议,迁就in terms of 就……而言,根据,关于


9._______achievement, last weeks ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned a low, though not failing, grade.(2006湖南)

A. In terms ofB. In case of

C. As a result of D. In face of

