Plasma Science and Technology
Plasma Science and Technology
Numerical simulation of laser-induced plasma in background gas considering multiple interaction processes
Kinetic-theory-based investigation of electronegative plasma-wall transition with two populations of electrons
Investigation of the fast magnetosonic wave excited by the Alfvén wave phase mixing by using the Hall-MHD model in inhomogeneous plasma
The theoretical study on intermittency and propagation of geodesic acoustic mode in L-mode discharge near tokamak edge
Experimental study of sheath potential coefficient in the J-TEXT tokamak
Nonlinear evolution and secondary island formation of the double tearing mode in a hybrid simulation
Experimental study of ELM-induced filament structures using the VUV imaging system on EAST
Oblique propagation of nonlinear ionacoustic cnoidal waves in magnetized electron-positron-ion plasmas with nonextensive electrons
Simulations of standing wave effect, stop band effect,and skin effect in large-area very high frequency symmetric capacitive discharges
Preliminary study of an open-air watercontacting discharge for direct nitrogen fixation
In-situ reduction of silver by surface DBD plasma:a novel method for preparing highly effective electromagnetic interference shielding Ag/PET