


摘要:【目的】丰富花椒品种资源,选育适宜低海拔地区栽培的花椒品种。【方法】‘蜀椒1号’是野生花椒优树经多代种子繁殖、栽培观测、苗期抗性试验、性状评价、DUS测试培育而成。【结果】花椒新品种‘蜀椒1号’为 聚伞状圆锥花序, 成熟鲜果红色、近圆形,平均每穗颗粒数44,果(粒)径5.19 mm,千粒质量92.89 g,出皮率49.76%,6年生椒树鲜椒产量8 317.5 kg/hm2。其挥发油含量达109.3" mL/kg,不挥发性乙醚抽提物含量(含率)9.90%;采收期为8月中旬至9月中旬。【结论】‘蜀椒1号’具有低海拔地区栽培、抗逆性强、挥发油含量高等特点,适宜在四川省海拔300~2 200 m的山地、河谷及丘陵地区种植。


中图分类号:S718;S573.9""""" 文献标志码:B文章编号:1000-2006(2025)01-0265-02

‘Shujiao Yihao’: a new cultivar of Zanthoxylum bungeanum

GONG Xia, WU Yinming*, WANG Haifeng, ZENG Pan, TANG Ya, WEN Keng, JIAO Wenxian

(Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Characteristic Plants, Neijiang 641200, China)

GK2!2〗Abstract: 【Objective】The study aimed to expand the cultivar resources of Zanthoxylum bungeanum, and breed a new cultivar of Z. bungeanum that can be cultivated at low altitudes.【Method】Z. bungeanum" ‘Shujiao Yihao’" is" a new cultivar" that was cultivated through multiple generations of propagation from wild trees with superrior traits, observation of the cultivars, analysis of seedling resistance, trait evaluation, and distinctness, uniformity, amd stability testing.【Result】The ‘Shujiao Yihao’cultivar produces umbels with mature fresh fruits that are red and almost round in shape. Each cluster contains 44 grains on average, with an average fruit diameter of 5.19 mm, and a thousand-seed weight of 92.89 g. The rate of peel removal was 49.76%, and the yield of fresh peppers from 6-year-old plants reached 8 317.5 kg/hm2. The content of volatile oil was as high as 109.3 mL/kg, while the content of non-volatile substances in the diethyl ether extract was 9.90%. The harvesting period of the ‘Shujiao Yihao’cultivar lasts from mid-August to mid-September.【Conclusion】The ‘Shujiao Yihao’cultivar possesses numerous beneficial traits including suitability for cultivation at low altitudes, potential tolerance to adverse conditions, and a high content of volatile oils. It is suitable for cultivation in the mountains, valleys, and hilly areas of Sichuan Province, at altitudes of 300-2 200 m above the sea level.

Keywords:Zanthoxylum bungeanum; new cultivar; ‘Shujiao Yihao’; superior wild tree

花椒(Zanthoxylum bungeanum)为芸香科(Rutacea)花椒属(Zanthoxylum)落叶灌木或小乔木,花椒属植物较耐旱、不耐涝,近年来水淹成为植株最常见的逆境胁迫因子之一[1]。‘蜀椒1号’是野生实生花椒优树经多代种子繁殖、栽培观测、苗期抗性试验、性状综合评价和DUS测试培育而成的优良花椒新品种。截至2017年,通过种子育苗共扩繁子代3代植株,分别种植于四川省内江市资中县、绵阳市涪城区和阿坝州汶川县(表1),并对其性状进行了连续观测和综合评价。


1 生物学特性

花椒‘蜀椒1号’(图1)株高2~5 m、树势强、树姿半开张到开张;主干、主枝绿色至灰绿色,表面粗糙、具扁刺,皮孔圆形,密度中等到密;1年生枝棕褐色、皮刺宽扁状,密度中等;奇数羽状复叶,叶轴无翅、正反面均有轴刺,复叶长13.0~17.1 cm、宽9.2~11.7 cm,小叶5~9枚、以7、9枚居多,绿色、卵圆形、尖端急尖、叶缘锯齿状,腺点在叶缘齿状凹陷处规则分布、在叶面呈不规则分布,小叶平均长5.9 cm、宽3.2 cm、背面中脉上有互生、弯曲的小刺;聚伞状圆锥花序,顶生或腋生,萼片绿色、1轮,柱头绿色、2~4枚;果实红色、近圆形,油腺点大、多、凸起状,平均每穗颗粒数44、果(粒)径5.19 mm、千粒质量92.89 g;出皮率49.76%,6年龄椒树鲜椒产量8 317.5 kg/hm 干椒皮挥发油含量达109.3 mL/kg,不挥发性乙醚提取物含量(质量分数)9.90%。在四川盆地丘陵地区,萌芽期3月中上旬,开花期在3月25日左右,采收期为8月中旬至9月上旬,种子成熟期为9月中旬;在盆周低山区萌芽期3月底,开花期4月18日左右,采收期8月下旬至9月中旬,种子成熟期9月下旬。

2 栽培推广技术要点

‘蜀椒1号’以种子繁殖为主,适宜在四川省海拔300~2 200 m的山地、河谷以及盆地丘陵地区种植,中海拔地区2—5月和9—11月移栽、定植,低海拔地区10月至次年4月均可移栽、定植,株行距3 m×3 m或3 m×4 m。由于长势旺、抽稍量大,春季应适当控制氮肥用量、及时抹除多余春稍,坐果后及时追施膨果肥,减少落果。低海拔地区挂果树冬季修剪应注意疏枝和枝条的回缩,避免树体过大。采用物理、化学措施相结合,重点防治蚜虫、螨类和锈病。


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(责任编辑 王国栋)


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