I Am Water我是水
阅读(快乐英语中年级) 2024年10期
Watch me. I am water.
I am home for the fish.
I am rain for the earth.
I am drink for the people.
I am bathwater for babies.
I am all that,
and I am more.
I am water for cooking.
I am ice for cooling.
I am snow for sledding(乘雪橇).
I am pools for splashing(戏水).
I am all that, and I am more.
I am puddles(水坑) for boots.
I am rivers for boats.
I am waves for watching.
I am all that, and I am more.
Watch me.
Watch over me.
I am water.
1. 绘本中提到的水的形态有哪几种?
2. 在标准大气压下,水的沸点是多少摄氏度?在高山上,水能烧开吗?
3. 地球上的水都是无色无味的吗?