临港世外“师之蕴九年一贯初小衔接英语教师主题研修工作室”以“小学低年级主题引领下的单元整体设计”为主题,以Kids’ Stories中“The Chase”教学为例,探索“小学低年级故事阅读语言模仿学习”的有效方法。
1. 课标衔接。课标要求在教学中,教师要强化素养立意,围绕单元主题,充分挖掘育人价值,确立单元育人目标和教学主线,围绕主题,依托语篇,设计体验、模仿、理解、应用等体现逻辑关联的语言实践活动,帮助学生建构基于主题的结构化知识;借助课堂任务单和板书,采用问答、描述和表演等活动内化所学语言和文化知识;通过小组讨论、制作展板或海报、创编故事,以及表演等活动,用英语交流和表达新的认知,体现对主题的理解。
2. 单元素养。本单元为牛津教材(上海版)第四模块“The natural world”中第一单元“On the farm”。
语言能力:学生能够在感知、体验、积累和运用等语言实践活动中知晓、理解并运用本单元核心单词duck、chick、cow、pig,并能在语境中理解并运用句型“What’s this/that?”“It’s a...”。文化意识:学生通过学习不同的动物特点,能对应配图理解对话内容,感受大自然中不同动物的特点,培养学生善于观察的能力和对动物的喜爱之情。思维品质:学生能够在肢体语言、信息媒介的帮助下理解对话和故事内容,从多角度初步观察和认识、了解动物,能有条理地用英语表达观点,并且能够利用之前学过的动物单词创编新的对话和故事。学习能力:学生能够树立正确的英语学习目标,保持学习兴趣,主动参与语言实践活动;能通过跟读模仿、看图说话等形式学习相关词汇;能通过文本试听、模仿朗读、角色扮演等形式学习相关句型,在学习中注意倾听、乐于交流、大胆尝试;学会自主探究,合作互助;学会反思和评价学习进展,调整学习方式;学会自我管理,提高学习效率,做到乐学善学。
Students’ learning habits and attitudes have been initially set. This unit is designed to enhance students’ ability to imitate and express themselves in spoken and written English through a combination of listening,speaking,reading and writing activities. Students have been doing pair work and group work.
1. To read the key words with the right pronunciation. (One-dimensional objective)
2. To imitate the story with the right pronunciation and intonation. (Two-dimensional objective)
3. To memorize the whole story and say the new words correctly. (Three-dimensional objective,Difficulties)
I. Present the unit objectives and interpret the context (Pre-task preparations)
Teacher:Last period,we have learned a story named “The hungry lion”. Before new contents,let’s welcome our actors. Please introduce yourselves.
1. Students’ show time. Question:How wonderful!Here I have a new script about animals on the farm. Presupposition:Students have a great interest in the new script. (Purposes:To warm up and stimulate the students’ interest in the class.)
2. Show the pictures and words about animals. Presupposition:Review the words learned about animals. (Purposes:To help students recall animal-related words and phrases in order to learn new sentence patterns by using old words.)
3. Show the cover of the story. Question:What can you see?And what do the mouse do?Presupposition:The mouse runs on the road. (Purposes:To set up the context and lead to the topic.)
4. Previously on the story. Question:Why does the mouse run on the road?Presupposition:Maybe someone is chasing after him. (Purposes:To help the students know the general idea of the story.)
II. Listen to the text carefully and try to understand the whole story(While-task procedures)
1. Listen to the audios,and imitate the pronunciation and intonation of each sentence in the story. Presupposition:Students can basically repeat the sentences. (Purposes:To enhance students’ listening skills and speaking the sentences directly.)
2. Watch the videos of different animals and try to imitate them to repeat the sentences. (Purposes:To imitate the characteristics of characters and animals,which helps the students learn and imitate the each sentence in the story.)
3. Snowball rolling from the title to a particular picture. Presupposition:Each group tries to recite with the given pictures. (Purposes:To help the students consolidate their memories.)
III. Practice and perform(Post-task activities)
1. Be divided into two groups and practice sentence by sentence. Teacher:You will be divided in to two groups depending on the characters’ pictures. Each group needs only one of each character. (Purposes:To help the students improve their divergent thinking and believe that what you learn is what you think,which is what you express.)
2. Read the story. (Purposes:To allow students to promote learning with a sense of competition.)
IV. Make a summary to draw out the educational value
Purposes:To integrate educational value so that students not only learn the knowledge but also develop good values in the classroom.
1. To understand the key words in the story. (One-dimensional objective)
2. To imitate the story with the right pronunciation and intonation. (Two-dimensional objective)
3. To act out the whole story and perform accurately based on the structure and drawn pictures. (Three-dimensional objective,Difficulties)
I. Present the unit objectives and interpret the context(Pre-task preparations)
Teacher:Last period we learned Story “The Chase”. Can you recite now?
1. Students’ show time. (Purposes:To warm up and stimulate the students’ interest in the class.)
2. Show the pictures and words about animals in story. Question:Look at these pictures. Can you read and match them with pictures?(Purposes:To help students recall animal-related words and phrases in order to learn new sentence patterns by using old words.)
II. Listen to the text carefully and try to act out the whole story vividly(While-task procedures)
1. Listen to the recordings,and follow to accurate the pronunciation and intonation of each sentence in the story. Teacher:Listen carefully and repeat. Watch and try to act as these animals. (Purposes:To enhance students’ listening skills by listening to the recording and speaking the sentences directly.)
2. Snowball rolling from the title to a particular picture. Students:Act out from title to the fifth picture. (Purposes:To help the students consolidate their memories.)
III. Practice and perform(Post-task activities)
1. Practice sentence by sentence. Teacher:One of you will perform one animal on the stage. The rest of the classmates answer together. (Purposes:To help the students improve their divergent thinking and believe that what you learn is what you think,which is what you express.)
2. Act out the story. (Purposes:To make learning English more interesting for students,and allow students to promote learning with a sense of competition.)
IV. Make a summary to draw out the educational value
We can get a lot of inspiration from life. Be good at observing life and animals. (Purposes:To integrate educational value so that students not only learn the knowledge but also develop good values in the classroom.)
V. After-class task suggestions to motivate continuous learning
Teacher:After this class,you can write your own story by using different words of animals to create different storyline.
在教学过程中注意创设情境,让学生在轻松愉悦的氛围中掌握知识。同时还注重学生的情感教育,通过游戏活动等方式激发学生的学习兴趣和热情。在课堂上,教师努力营造民主和谐的课堂氛围,鼓励学生大胆发言并及时给予肯定;尊重每个学生的个体差异性,善于发现每一个学生身上的亮点。比如在这节课中,教师注意到部分基础比较薄弱的学生对新词的掌握程度不高,在Practice by self的环节之后,教师先邀请了班级中英语水平较好的学生来模仿输出,此举可以帮助发音掌握不到位的学生再次模仿学习,以免部分学生被点到名后的输出出现问题,打击学习英语的自信心。