Waist-to-hip Ratio Can Show Your Health Condition


语数外学习·初中版 2024年8期

Some girls tend to feel frustrated if they havea pear-shaped body, with hips that are wider thanthe bust and shoulders. While pear-shaped peo-ple’s waists are typically smaller, they may havemore fat on their hips and legs. So, many pear-shaped girls try to hide their hips and legs underlarge dresses and pants.

However, a recent study suggested that pear-shaped people are the ones who won the geneticlottery .

A study published by the US National Libraryof Medicine found that the waist- to- hip ratioshows the strongest and most consistent associa-tion with mortality . Traditionally, the body massindex has been considered the best indicator ofhealth. However, this study challenges this belief.

It surveyed nearly 40,000 people and found that,regardless of BMI, WHR is positively correlatedwith all-cause mortality (all of the deaths that oc-cur in a population, no matter the cause). The larg-er the WHR, the higher the all- cause mortalityrate will be. Instead of focusing on how much fata person has, scientists suggest people should fo-cus more on how fat is distributed in a person’sbody.

WHR, as its name suggests, compares yourwaist measurement to your hip measurement. A larger waistline means more central fat, whichcould indicate more visceral fat , also known astoxic fat. Harvard Medical School states that morevisceral fat increases the risk of illnesses includ-ing diabetes , heart diseases and asthma . That’swhy people with a pearshaped body tend to behealthier than others. According to the WorldHealth Organization, a healthy WHR is less than0.85 for women and less than 0.9 for men.

It is impossible to specifically target waist fatwhen people try to lose weight. But losing overallfat will make the waist smaller. Researchers fromJohns Hopkins University suggested we eat lesscarbohydrates and more food higher in fiber andprotein. Moreover, doing strength training helpsbuild more muscle, which makes you burn morecalories even when you’re resting.







