Hawaiian Islands


语数外学习·初中版 2024年8期

One of the hardest parts of planning a trip toHawaii is deciding which of the major HawaiianIslands you should visit.

Each has its own personality and offersunique adventures and activities.

1. Oahu

Oahu has a bit of everything, packed in 597square miles. You can hike into thick rainforests,and when you need a break, relax on powderywhite sand beaches and stay at luxury resorts.

Oahu has become a great destination for fam- ilies. The urban core of Honolulu and Waikiki hashistoric sites, museums and bustling and nightlifescenes. The island lives up to its nickname of theGathering Place.

2. Maui

Maui is a great island for honeymooners.

The Valley Isle has top- class resorts and golfcourses, adjacent to some of the state’s bestbeaches.

A large dormant volcano in east Maui atsunrise or sunset is a serene experience, as wellas driving the Road to Hana, famed for its thun-dering waterfalls.

3. Kauai

Kauai is the oldest of the main Hawaiian Is-lands. The island gets a lot of rain, but that’swhat makes it so lively, you’ll come across flow-ers and plants you’ve never seen before.

For some of the best views on the island, vis-it Waimea Canyon, known as the Grand Canyonof the Pacific, and the Na Pali coast, boastingsome of the world’s highest sea cliffs.

4. Big Island

The Big Island is the only Hawaiian islandstill growing. Witness the power of Pele, the Ha-waiian goddess of fire, wind, lightning and volca-noes with a visit to the Hawaii Volcanoes Nation-al Park.

It’s one of the few spots in the world whereyou can see lava flow.

In fact, the Big Island has 10 of the world’ssub-climate zones, from the snow-covered moun-tain of Mauna Kea, green forests of Waipio Val-ley to stretches of barren desert.



1. 瓦胡岛

瓦胡岛什么都有,占地 597 平方英里。你可以徒步进入茂密的雨林,当你需要休息的时候,可以在粉白的沙滩上放松,住在豪华度假村。


2. 毛伊岛



3. 考艾岛



4. 大岛


