Useful Trivia About the Sydney Opera House悉尼歌剧院逸事
Sydney Opera House, originally designed by Danish architect Jørn Utzon, marks its 50th anniversary in 2023. The Sydney Opera House is the symbol of modern Australia, the nation’s leading tourism destination, one of the world’s busiest performing arts centres, and a community meeting place that belongs to all Australians.
1. Sydney Opera House sits on Bennelong Point. Bennelong Point was named after Woollarawarre Bennelong, a senior Eora1 man at the time of the arrival of British colonisers in Australia in 1788.
1. 悉尼歌剧院坐落在澳大利亚新南威尔士州悉尼市区北部悉尼港的便利朗角。便利朗角是以伍拉拉瓦尔·便利朗的名字命名的。英国殖民者于1788年抵达澳大利亚时,便利朗是依奥拉族原住民的长老。
2. The original cost estimate to build Sydney Opera House was $7 million. The final cost was $102 million and it was largely paid for by a State Lottery. Utzon, who resigned midway, never saw his design completed.
2. 悉尼歌剧院的建设成本最初预估为700万澳元。最终成本激增至1.02亿澳元,其中大部分由新南威尔士州政府发行的彩票支付。乌松中途辞职,从未有机会亲眼目睹他的设计作品完工。
3. 233 designs were submitted for the Opera House international design competition held in 1956. Jørn Utzon from Denmark was announced the winner, receiving ₤5000 for his design. Utzon’s 12 drawings arrived in Sydney just before the competition closed in December and were numbered entry 218 out of 233.
3. 1956年举办的歌剧院国际设计竞赛共收到233份设计方案。丹麦建筑师约恩·乌松的设计脱颖而出,他因此获得了5000英镑的奖金。比赛于12月截稿,乌松的12幅设计图纸在截稿前一刻运抵悉尼,在参赛的233份作品中被编为第218号。
4. Construction was expected to take four years. It took 14 years. Work commenced in 1959 and involved 10,000 construction workers. Executing Utzon’s vision was a huge challenge.
4. 原计划4年完工的建设最终耗时长达14年。1959年开始动工建造,共有1万名建筑工人参与其中。实现乌松的设计愿景是一项巨大的挑战。
5. American singer and civil rights activist Paul Robeson was the first person to perform at Sydney Opera House. In 1960, he climbed the scaffolding and sang Ol’ Man River to the construction workers as they ate lunch. The first performance at the Sydney Opera House took place long before the building was complete and even before construction of the sails had commenced.
5. 美国歌手和民权活动家保罗·罗伯逊是在悉尼歌剧院演出的第一人。1960年,他爬上脚手架,为正在吃午餐的建筑工人演唱了歌曲《老人河》。悉尼歌剧院的首场演出远早于建筑竣工,甚至风帆都还未开始建造。
6. Sydney Opera House was added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 2007. Expert evaluation to the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, in 2007, described it as “one of the indisputable masterpieces of human creativity, not only in the 20th century but in the history of humankind,” and it has provided the backdrop for innumerable standout moments.
6. 2007年,悉尼歌剧院被列入联合国教科文组织的《世界遗产名录》。当时,联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产委员会的专家对悉尼歌剧院的评价是,该歌剧院“不仅是20世纪,而且是人类历史上,人类创造力无可争议的杰出作品之一”,为无数令人瞩目的历史时刻提供了背景。
7. There are more than 1 million roof tiles covering approximately 1.62 hectares sitting over the structure. They were made in Sweden. In total, the Sydney Opera House is covered by 1,056,006 roof tiles, which are “self-cleaning,” designed to be effectively cleaned by rainwater.
7. 悉尼歌剧院铺设了100多万块屋顶瓦片,总面积约1.62公顷。所有瓦片均为瑞典制造。总共有1,056,006块屋顶瓦片覆盖整个歌剧院,这些瓦片具备“自洁”功能,可MYcPa8aMAcD3N1ttzxp0+A==以通过雨水进行有效清洗。
8. Seven A380s could sit wing-to-wing on the site. Complete, the Opera House measures 600 feet long and 394 feet wide at its widest point. The structure’s large precast concrete “shells” are each composed of sections of a sphere with a 246-foot and 8.6-inch radius. The highest roof point is almost 220 feet above sea level—around the same height as a 22-story building.
8. 悉尼歌剧院现场可并排停靠7架A380客机。建成的歌剧院长600英尺,最宽处394英尺。这座建筑用的是大型预制混凝土“外壳”,每块外壳由半径约246.72英尺的球体的各个部分组成。屋顶最高点距离海平面近220英尺,大约相当于22层楼的高度。
9. Sydney Opera House was opened by Queen Elizabeth II on 20th October, 1973. She has since visited four times, most recently in 2006. She recognized what had been achieved in birthing not just an iconic building, but the new face of a nation, ushering in an incredible new era of performance art.
9. 1973年10月20日,英国女王伊丽莎白二世为悉尼歌剧院揭幕。此后,她曾4次到访,最近一次是在2006年。女王认为,悉尼歌剧院落成不仅意味着诞生了一座标志性建筑,还体现了澳大利亚这个国家的新面貌,开启了表演艺术非凡的新时代。
10. When the Sydney Symphony Orchestra is on stage in the Concert Hall, the temperature must be 22.5 degrees to ensure the instruments stay in tune. Temperature and humidity are critical to musical instruments.
10. 悉尼交响乐团在音乐厅登台演出时,室温必须保持在22.5摄氏度,以确保乐器的音准。温度和湿度对乐器至关重要。
11. Arnold Schwarzenegger (former actor and Governor of California) won his final Mr Olympia body building title in 1980 in the Concert Hall.
11. 1980年,阿诺德·施瓦辛格(曾当过演员和美国加州州长)在悉尼歌剧院音乐厅赢得了他最后一个“奥林匹亚先生”称号。
12. A net was installed above the orchestra pit in the Joan Sutherland Theatre during the 1980s following an incident during the opera Boris Godunov. The opera featured live chickens and one bird walked off the stage and landed on top of a cellist.
12. 20世纪80年代,歌剧《鲍里斯·戈都诺夫》上演期间发生了一起意外事件,随后琼·萨瑟兰剧场管弦乐池上方便安装了一张防护网。该歌剧演出会使用活鸡,当时一只鸡跑下舞台,落在了一个大提琴手的头上。
13. More than 10.9 million people visit the Opera House every year. Sydney Opera House is the Country’s number one tourist destination and its busiest performing arts centre hosting more than 1,800 performances attended by more than 1.4 million people. Deloitte has estimated the total cultural and iconic value of the Sydney Opera House to Australia at $11.4 billion.
13. 悉尼歌剧院每年接待游客超过1090万。它是澳大利亚最热门的旅游目的地和最繁忙的表演艺术中心,每年举办超过1800场演出,吸引了超过140万名观众。根据德勤公司的估算,对澳大利亚来说,悉尼歌剧院文化和象征意义的总价值高达114亿澳元。
14. Sydney Opera House is cooled using seawater taken directly from the harbour. Working with engineer Ove Arup, Utzon implemented a cooling system which circulated seawater from the surrounding harbor through more than 20 miles of pipes, saving close to four million gallons of municipal potable water each year; in addition to naturally air-conditioning spaces, the system also sequestered heat produced by cooling units to keep interiors warm during the chillier months.
14. 悉尼歌剧院所用的冷却水是直接取自港口的海水。乌松与工程师奥韦·阿鲁普合作,设计了一个冷却系统,通过20多英里长的管道循环使用周围港口的海水,每年可节省近400万加仑的市政饮用水。该系统不仅为室内空间提供了自然空调,还巧妙隔离了冷却装置释放的热量,可以在寒冷的季节为室内保暖。
15. Each year, Lunar New Year is celebrated at the Opera House with sails lit in red, Lunar Lanterns and Mandarin tours.
15. 悉尼歌剧院每年都会举办中国农历新年的庆祝活动,歌剧院风帆外壳会被点亮成红色,还会高挂灯笼,并提供普通话导游。
* 麦考瑞大学文化研究方向哲学博士,北京语言大学英美文学方向博士,悉尼大学教育学硕士。现任澳大利亚西悉尼大学人文与传播艺术学院翻译系教师,从事商务口译、文学翻译、视听翻译等课程的英文教学。主要研究方向包括美国文学、澳大利亚原住民文学、翻译理论与实践。
1 居住在杰克逊港地区的澳大利亚原住民部落。