1. 人生的价值在于为社会做出贡献,而不是拥有的财富。Our life is valued by what we do to the world rather than what we have. (or: We live to add what we can to life, not to get what we can from life.)
2. 活在世上,我们应该学会感恩。学会了感恩,才会体会到幸福。We must learn to be grateful. Only in this way can we live a life of happiness.
3. 如果你累了,要学会休息,而不是放弃。When you get tired, learn to rest, not quit.
4. 保持积极乐观的态度,好人和好事就会向你走来。If you stay positive and optimistic, good people and good things will be drawn to you.
5. 每个人都可能放弃,放弃是非常容易的事,但当所有人都认为你会崩溃时,你却能挺住,那才是力量。Anyone can give up. It’s the easiest thing to do. But to hold it together when everyone else thinks you’d fall apart is true strength.
6. 人生不是等待风雨过去,而是学会在风雨中起舞。Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but about learning to dance in it.
7. 最强的人并非总是取胜的人,而是那些失败了也不放弃的人。 The strongest people are not always those who win, but those who won’t give up when they lose.
1. 成功的人总是在找机会帮助别人,不成功的人则老是问:“这对我有何好处?” Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others, while unsuccessful people are always asking, “what’s in it for me?”
2. 帮助别人实现梦想,你的梦想也就实现了。 Help others achieve their dreams, and you will achieve yours.
3. 成功的秘诀是愿意帮助他人先取得成功。 The way to achieve your own success is to help somebody else get it first.
4. 让你幸福的不是你拥有的东西,而是爱心、善良和互相帮助。 It is not the things you have that make you happy. It is love and kindness and helping each other.
5. 无论你的脑子或策略多高明,如果你一个人对一个团队,你总会输。 No matter how brilliant your mind or strategy is, if you’re playing a solo game, you’ll always lose out to a team.
6. 尽量不要将别人视为偶像。我们可以被别人激励,但不要将他们偶像化,因为他们会让你失望。 Don’t idolize anyone if you can. We can be inspired by people, but don’t idolize people, because they’ll let you down.
7. 我们一天天变老,却忘记父母也在一天天变老。照顾他们的老年吧,就像我们小的时候他们照顾我们一样。 As we get older, we forget our parents are also getting older. Look after them in old age as they looked after us in our young age.
1. 对外国文化一无所知的人,也无法真正懂得自己的文化。 Those who know nothing of foreign cultures cannot truly know their own.
2. 文化差异不应该将我们分离,而是让我们走到一起。 Cultural differences should not separate us from each other, but rather bring us together.
3. 世界之美,就在于其文化的多样性。 The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its culture.
4. 理解文化多样性对我们和平共存至关重要。 The understanding of cultural diversity is essential for our peaceful co-existence.
5. 在一个越来越互联的世界里,容忍、跨文化对话和对多样性的尊重比以往更为重要。 Tolerance, inter-cultural dialogue and respect for diversity are more essential than ever in a world where peoples are becoming more and more closely interconnected.
1. 大学教育的价值,不是你学到了多少事实,而是训练大脑的思考能力。(阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦) The value of a college education is not the learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think. (Albert Einstein)
2. 拥有大学文凭不表明已经是成品,仅表明他已经为生活做好了准备。 A college degree is not a sign that one is a finished product but an indication that a person is prepared for life.
3. 大学就像知识的喷泉,而学生是去那里饮水的。 College is like a fountain of knowledge, and the students are there to drink.
4. 每个人都是天才,但是如果你用爬树的能力来判断一条鱼,那么这条鱼会一辈子都认为自己很蠢。(阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦) Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. (Albert Einstein)
5. 应该让年轻人明白,生活不只是挣钱,而是拥有丰富多彩的经历,而大学就是通向那种生活的最好道路。 Young people should be made to understand that life is not just about making money, but about having rich and colorful experience and college is the best gateway to that life.
1. 一小时规划顶得上十小时苦干。 An hour of planning can save you ten hours of doing.
2. 好的计划就像路线图:它显示了最终目的地,以及到达目的地的最佳路径。 A good plan is like a road map: it shows the final destination and the best way to get there.
3. 成功需要运气,更需要动手实践。 Success is about luck, and more about practice.
4. 率先垂范是教育别人的最好方式。 Being a role model is the best form of educating.
5. 人生中若没有积极的榜样,一个人很难成为有益于家庭和社会的人。 Without a positive role model in your life, it is difficult to become a man who benefits his family and society.
1. 人类文明已经在很大程度上摧毁了许多植物和动物的栖息地,有些物种已经彻底从地球上消失了。 Human civilization has largely destroyed the habitats of many plants and animals so that some species have disappeared entirely from the earth.
2. 虽然在自然保护和人类发展之间保持平衡很不容易,但我们总是能找到出路。采取措施改变现状永远不会晚,但越早越好。 Though keeping a balance between the natural protection and human development is never easy, we can always find a way out. It is never too late to take measures to change the situation, and the earlier, the better.
3. 经济增长虽然对环境有潜在危险,但永远是需要的。我们需要做的是找到办法来降低其对环境的影响,而不是完全放弃经济发展。 Economic growth is forever needed in spite of its potential risks to the environment. What we ought to do is try to find ways of reducing its effect on the environment, rather than give up economic development altogether.
4. 环境和经济是一枚硬币的两面。如果我们不能维持环境,也就不能维持自己。 The environment and the economy are really two sides of the same coin. If we cannot sustain the environment, we cannot sustain ourselves.
5. 为了解决能源问题,人们应该首先学会尽可能节约能源,其次应该发展可替代能源,比如太阳能和水能。 To solve the energy problem, people should first of all learn to save energy whenever possible, and then develop alternative energy sources such as solar energy and water energy.
1. 互联网的一个大问题是怎样过滤信息,怎样丢弃那些无关的、愚蠢的信息而只保留重要信息。 A great challenge of the Internet is how to filter information, how to discard what is not relevant and what is silly and keep only the important information.
2. 现在我们都被互联网连接起来,就像一个巨型大脑中的神经元一样。 We are all now connected by the Internet, like neurons in a giant brain.
3. 很多人就是喜欢阅读真正的书籍来学知识,而不是网络资源,因为他们相信书籍更可靠,而且他们发现在书里,他们在情感上和智力上都与知识更紧密。 Many people simply prefer reading real books for knowledge to online sources, because they believe books are more reliable and they find themselves emotionally and intellectually more attached to knowledge in books.
4. 数字世界给了我们很多优势,但如果我们把自己全部交给数字世界,我们将失去自己的隐私。需要时间和精力的活动(比如认真阅读)会受到冲击; 因为互联网日益占据了我们的生活,我们读得越来越少,浏览得越来越多。 The digital world offers us many advantages, but if we yield to that world too completely we may lose our privacy. Activities that require time and careful attention, like serious reading, are at risk; we read less and skim more as the Internet occupies more of our lives.
* 博士生导师,江西师范大学首席教授,英美文学学者。