One Day in Sydney悉尼一日游
【导读】 艾玛·斯洛利做了六年《时尚芭莎》澳洲版(Harper’s Bazaar Australia)的专栏编辑。2004年,她和丈夫移居纽约,作为自由撰稿人兼旅行作家在美国及国际杂志上发表作品,文章见诸《旅行与休闲》(Travel + Leisure)、《悦游》(Condé Nast Traveler)、《纽约》(New York)等杂志。她还在一些文学刊物上发表小说、原创非虚构作品等,见诸《石弩》(Catapult)、《大师评论选集》(The Masters Review Anthology)和《耶马西杂志》(Yemassee Journal)。其作品曾两次获得美国“手推车文学奖”(Pushcart Prize)提名。斯洛利曾获麦克道威尔奖金资助,藉此写就了处女作小说《灾难之子》( Disaster’s Children)。
When I first moved to Sydney over a decade ago, I was blown away by its eye-popping beauty. The city is the best of Australia distilled into one long stretch that’s blessed with wildly gorgeous scenery, fringed by sandy beaches, and full of cultural and culinary gems. It’s also got a laid-back vibe, which means locals don’t take themselves too seriously. People commute in flip-flops, breakfast stretches into the afternoon, homegrown celebrities take the bus (like Cate Blanchett famously did to an awards ceremony a few years back), and the oceanside swimming pools are open to all. There’s so much to explore here. It’s impossible to fit it all into a day, but you’ll have a blast trying.
The morning
Trust me, every morning should start with breakfast at Humble Bakery in Surry Hills, an inner-city neighborhood with working class roots and lots of swagger. The bakery is owned by Ben Milgate and Elvis Abrahanowicz, two rockabilly, inked-up chefs. Pull up a stool at the communal table and order a flat white1 with a side of nostalgic Australiana in the form of a lamington2 (a square sponge cake dipped in chocolate and coconut flakes) or a finger bun3 topped with hot-pink icing.
From there, it’s a 10 minute stroll to my favorite art venue, the Brett Whiteley4 Studio. One of Australia’s most famous artists, Whiteley was a prolific painter and his former workplace and home feels just as he left it, with unfinished paintings, postcards, sketchbooks, and all.
To experience more Aussie creativity, head to nearby Paddington, where you’ll find some standout clothing boutiques. Start with Parlour X5, a one-stop-shop for haute brands like Isabel Marant6 and Balenciaga along with homegrown labels like Bassike7 (stock up on their soft cotton t-shirts). Then make your way to the Paddington Markets for Australian-made artisan goods, clothing, and accessories—some of the country’s biggest designers got their start here.
You’ll hopefully be hungry by now and lunch is in Bondi, the beachside suburb with the famous public swimming club Icebergs. The lap pool overlooking Bondi Beach is unreal, with layers of blue (sky, pool, ocean) and waves crashing against the side. You cannot leave Sydney without going for a dip. If you’re feeling like a meal splurge, join the high rollers at Icebergs Dining Room and Bar8, with its dramatic water views. But for a more budget-friendly hang, nearby Porch and Parlour9 keeps it casual with grilled cheeses and kimchi open sandwiches10. My go-to is the “one hander,” a milk bun with fried egg, bacon, coleslaw, and relish.
All fueled up, put on your kicks and take the Bondi to Coogee Coastal Walk. It perfectly captures what makes Sydney so uniquely alluring: the clifftop trail is both urbane and wild, with knockout vistas of iconic beaches, café pit stops, Aboriginal rock carvings, and public artworks during the Sculptures by the Sea11 exhibition every spring.
The afternoon
The Circular Quay port is the jumping-off point for exploring Sydney Harbour, home to the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the Opera House, and the Museum of Contemporary Art (don’t miss its incredible indigenous art collection). While you could spend all day hopping on and off ferries, my destination of choice for a relaxed afternoon is Manly. The charming northern suburb has the good looks and lowkey vibe of a resort town, with an open-air pedestrian mall lined with surf shops, pubs, and ice cream stores. Once you’ve checked that out, skip the crowds on Manly Beach and take the trail to the quieter Shelly Beach, a sheltered rocky cove where the swimming and snorkeling are first-rate. And if you’re feeling hungry, I love nearby Sunset Sabi for handmade gyozas12 and sashimi plates.
The night
Sydney is a food-and-wine-obsessed city, and the sheer diversity and number of restaurants can be daunting. You’ll find the haute tables, of course, but also hole-in-the-wall13 Thai and lunch-only ramen, too. I recommend you skip the flashy, big-night-out spots for a cozy neighborhood joint14 like Red Lantern. Set in a chic terrace house in Darlinghurst, the kitchen whips up Vietnamese-inspired street food and wok-tossed dishes to share. I love the turmeric and corn cake with blue swimmer crab and the lemon cured kingfish with rice paddy herbs.
You can always call it a night post-dinner, but why not catch a performance at the Belvoir Street Theatre? The legendary space in the back streets of Surry Hills always has something interesting going on, from musicals to comedy shows. Then go for a late-night drink and cheese plate at Dear Sainte Eloise. It’s a stylish wine bar with excellent pours from Australia and Europe and always a good scene.
1澳白,又译馥芮白、平白、馥列白、醇艺白,一种以意式浓缩为基底搭配微发奶泡的咖啡饮品,其浓缩咖啡成分高于拿铁,奶泡则较卡布奇诺更薄,口感近乎二者但又别有特色,主要流行于澳大利亚及新西兰。 2莱明顿蛋糕,又译“雷明顿蛋糕”,澳洲的一种传统蛋糕,也是澳洲人民智慧的结晶。20世纪初,冰箱尚未普及,蛋糕无法久放,很快就会变硬;蛋糕师发现在蛋糕外裹上巧克力液(酱)然后再洒上椰蓉,不仅味道更丰富,颜值更高,也能延缓蛋糕变硬。 3手指面包,一种水果面包,在英国、澳大利亚特别是南澳大利亚、维多利亚和新西兰流行,但现在受欢迎程度有所下降。 4(1939—1992),澳大利亚知名当代艺术家,澳洲所有的大画廊均藏有他的作品。怀特利曾多次斩获澳洲最负盛名的艺术奖项,包括“阿契伯尔奖”“温尼奖”和“苏曼奖”。
5世界20佳顶级买手店之一,被誉为悉尼买手店的No. 1,设于悉尼圣约翰大教堂(始建于1845年)内,店内聚集了20多个国际一线品牌。创始人用极强的工业感打造了历史古迹与时尚先锋碰撞的极致效果。 6 法国女装品牌。2024年3月12日,某购物网站显示,一顶均码伊莎贝尔·玛兰的米色棉质棒球帽,售价人民币1190元。 7澳洲本土服装品牌,以极简风格著称,剪裁简约、宽松。
8冰山餐吧集俱乐部、酒吧和餐饮于一身,坐落于邦迪海滩的网红泳池边,是悉尼的人气海景餐厅。餐厅采用简约北欧风,有落地窗和玻璃露台,观光一级棒,可以一边享受美食一边欣赏美景。 9 “门廊和客厅”餐厅,内设陶瓷店的时尚咖啡馆,供应创意早餐、简便午餐和主食。 10单面三明治,又称外馅三明治或开放式三明治,指在单片吐司片或烤吐司片上放置各种通常夹在三明治中间的配料(酱料)。 11悉尼海滩雕塑节创办于1997年,每年10月至11月间在邦迪海滩举行,展品全部摆放在2公里长的沿海公路两旁。
12日本的“饺子”,类似中国的锅贴或煎饺。 13 hole-in-the-wall 小商店;小餐馆;小房子。 14 joint(卖廉价饮食的)酒吧或餐馆。