

毛泽东邓小平理论研究 2024年2期

The Essence of Developing New Quality Productive Forces Is to Create a New Form of Material Civilization:From the perspective of promoting the construction of a new form of human civilization, “new quality productive forces” does not simply refer to the development of hightech science and technology, but should become a comprehensive strategy of multi-factor innovative development and capacity enhancement in line with the tide of scientific and technological innovation and the industrial revolution, and adapted to modern large-scale production. To understand “new quality productive forces”, we should not only focus on productive forces, but also on production relations and institutional mechanisms; we should not only focus on science and technology, but also on all factors in an all-round way; we should not only focus on material culture, but also on cultural-ethical advancement. Socialism with Chinese characteristics and Chinese-style modernization in the new era will create a new form of civilization, and the development of new quality productive forces inherently entail a new form of socialist material civilization.The “new quality productive forces” in China today include both“material culture” and “spiritual culture”. They will jointly promote the construction of a new form of civilization and the steady and long-term development of Chinese modernization. (Cao Yong-xin)

Xi Jin-ping’s View of Bolstering Confidence in the Rule of Law in China: Its Rationale and Methodology:The cause of bolstering confidence in the rule of law in China is that the strategic game between China and the United States has entered a stalemate phase. It is necessary to maintain composure and have firm confidence in the socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics, crush the anti-China forces’ attempts to deflect the rule of law in China, and prevent the spread of the overall westernization in the country. The rationale for bolstering confidence in the rule of law in China is as follows: firstly, as the rule-of-law models all over the world are the unity of diversity, China has the right to choose its own rule of law model in accordance with its national conditions, which is the theoretical basis for bolstering confidence in the rule of law in China;secondly, the lessons of the failure to copy foreign models of rule of law in modern China suggest China can only choose the rule of law model in accordance with its own conditions, which is the historical reason for bolstering confidence in the rule of law in China; thirdly, China’s modernization has five different characteristics from that of other countries, which is the practical reason for bolstering confidence in the rule of law in China. The way to bolster confidence in the rule of law in China is to apply Xi Jin-ping’s policy of “remain calm, stay focused, seek progress in a stable manner, take active actions, unite as one, and dare to fight” to all areas of the comprehensive rule of law. (Zhang Hao-nan, Hao Tie-chuan)

The Value Orientation of Red Classics Adaptation in the New Era:The adaptation of red classics is an important part of Chinese revolutionary culture, which contains distinctive values such as artistic reconstruction, revolutionary justice, ethical education and historical transcendence. As socialism with Chinese characteristics enters a new era, the adaptation of red classics has achieved certain results by adhering to the seriousness of adaptation principles to emphasize the ideological nature of the content, upholding the innovation of adaptation methods to foreground the diversity of the form, and maintaining the sublimity of adaptation purposes to highlight the epochal nature of educating people. At the same time, the adaptation of red classics has also encountered multiple difficulties such as the prominence of capital logic, the infiltration of erroneous thinking,the confusion of cultural markets, and the diversification of creative subjects. Therefore, the adaptation of red classics in the new era should enhance the persuasive, communicative, infectious and affinity power of red culture with the authenticity of red resources, the epochal nature of central ideas, the vividness of plot interpretation, and the popularity of the discourse system, in order to constantly promote the construction of a socialist cultural power. (Wang Zi-xia)

The Historical Nihilistic Dissolution of the Memory of the Founding of the CPC and Corresponding Countermeasures:The memory of the founding of the CPC is the process and result of the Chinese nation’s sharing the historical facts of the founding of the Party. As the psychological foundation and spiritual bond that consolidates the political identity of the CPC, the memory of the founding of the Party has the special significance of reflecting the history of the CPC’s establishment in a coherent manner, analyzing and identifying different cultures, and integrating and condensing the value consensus. However, through blurring the factual memory of the founding of the CPC, voiding its symbolic memory, and eroding its digital memory, historical nihilism has ruptured individual memories, compelled individuals to reset their memories, and induced bias in individual memories at a deeper level. In response to the dissolution of the memory of the CPC’s founding by historical nihilism, we must forge the Party’s memory code with diversified concrete symbols, inscribe the historical light and shadow of the founding of the Party with the contextualized “memory field”, and continue the great spirit of founding the CPC through strengthening the memory. (Wu Bao, Wu Xue-qin)

Lenin’s Strategic Conception of the Cooperative System in His Late Years and Its Contemporary Enlightenment:Lenin’s exploring the road of socialist construction in his later years underwent a fourfold transformation of theoretical logic. He put forward a strategic conception of the cooperative system on the basis of constantly deepening his thinking about the new economic policy. Its main contents include: ensuring the alliance between workers and peasants as the logical origin, taking Soviet power and the new economic policy as the dual premise, considering the peasants’cooperativization as the main task, defining the cultural revolution and the reform of the state organs as the focus of the work, and applying the style of “prudence and circumvention” as the strategy of struggle. As socialism with Chinese characteristics enters a new era, it is necessary to learn from Lenin’s useful experience in exploring the strategic conception of the cooperative system in his later years, deepen the understanding of the regularity of socialist construction under the conditions of reform and opening up and the socialist market economy, further promote Chinese-style modernization, and uphold and develop the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. (Dai Yuan-yuan, Cheng En-fu)

The Hundred-Year Logic of Objectification Criticism and De-Objectification Deduction:The critical reflection on objectification is themain thread of the century-long course of Western Marxism. In the process of the comprehensive development and evolution of the critique of objectification, Western Marxism constructed the logical coordinates of deduction according to the changes of the times, examined the new form of alienation of human existence, and put forward new paradigms of theoretical thinking, in an attempt to demonstrate the powerful vitality of Marxist critical theory. However, Western Marxist interpretations of objectification criticism and de-objectification deduction generally have three defects: weakening or neglecting the cornerstone superiority of political-economic critique, increasingly detaching “theoretical weapons”from political practice, and gradually contracting practical programs in an inward manner. With the outbreak of a new round of digital and intellectual revolution, objectification criticism can not effectively explore the true path of the organic unity of scientific and technological rationality with humanistic rationality and that of materiality with humanity unless we broaden the vision, update the paradigm, and face up to the materialistic attributes of the objects themselves and the de-objectification of the physical form. (Han Qiu-hong)

Historical Achievements of New China’s Borderland Construction:The Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC), established in Xinjiang to undertake the mission of reclaiming wasteland in the border areas, is the strategic layout of the CPC Central Committee in governing the country and an important strategy of strengthening border governance. To be specific, the XPCC, since its establishment, has constantly shouldered the major mission of cultivating and defending the border, and made great historical contributions in such areas as “safeguarding border security and consolidating frontier defense in Northwest China”, “enhancing ethnic unity and maintaining social stability”, “promoting cultural exchanges and integration among ethnic groups and facilitating cultural advancement”, and “building an advanced industrial system and promoting economic development in Xinjiang”. As China Enters the new era, the establishment of the CPC Central Committee’s Xinjiang governance strategy provides a basic strategy for the XPCC to better fulfill its new-era duty and mission of “maintaining stability and garrisoning the borders”. Xi Jin-ping’s defining the Corps’ role and function in the new era has set a new direction for the XPCC to continue its innovative path and create new brilliance.(Deng Chang-yu, Bu Xiang-ji, Hu Ming-qin)

The CPC’s Enhancing Ideological Leadership During the Democratic Revolutionary Period: Exploration and Practice:The ideological leadership of the CPC is the leadership of its guiding ideology, namely Marxism and its localization in China. Enhancing the ideological leadership of the CPC during the democratic revolution equals the dialectical development from small to big, and from weak to strong in the complex social environment as well as the process of localizing Marxism. The marxist theory gradually won the support of the masses and became the dominant ideology throught competing for discourse dominance with other ideological trends, and giving full play to the role of newspapers in publicizing public opinions as well as the role of schools in educating, guiding, and benefiting the masses. The valuable experience accumulated by the CPC in its strengthening ideological leadership during the democratic revolution mainly includes: building“great projects” of party construction to maintain the Party’s advanced nature; promoting the localization of Marxism and realizing theoretical innovations; criticizing all kinds of non-/anti-Marxist trends; publicizing with newspapers and defending public opinion; attaching importance to school education and guarding educational positions; adhering to the primacy of the people and serving the people wholeheartedly. These experience provides historical inspiration for the CPC to enhance its ideological leadership in the new era and new journey. (Jiang Yu-qi)

Mao Ze-dong’s Thought on Governing Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Its Practical Significance:Mao Ze-dong’s ideas on governing Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region are an important part of Mao Ze-dong thought. From the period of the democratic revolution, the war of resistance against Japanese imperialism, the war of liberation to the period of socialist revolution and construction, Mao Ze-dong developed Marxist theory to creatively put forward many guidelines and policies for solving the problems of Xinjiang, and formed a systematic ideology of Xinjiang governance. The thought mainly includes: ethnic equality and ethnic unity; implementing regional ethnic autonomy;undertaking social reforms; stationing troops to reclaim wasteland; and relying on the people of all ethnic groups to do a good job in all aspects of the work of Xinjiang. Mao Ze-dong’s thought on governing Xinjiang adheres to Marxist ethnic theory as its basis, upholds fundamental principles, blazes new trails, and demonstrates a high degree of dialectical thinking and the wisdom of the excellent traditional Chinese culture.Under the new historical conditions, to carry forward Mao Ze-dong’s thought on governing Xinjiang, we must adhere to the principle of ethnic equality, take the security and stability of Xinjiang as the primary goal of our work, forge a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation as the center of all the work, further strengthen the work of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and vigorously help Xinjiang promote its economic and cultural construction. (Li Qing-xi)

On Mao Ze-dong’s Method of Political Education Through Models and Its Practice:Political education through models is a working method that Mao Ze-dong attached great importance to and was good at applying. The key to carrying out proletarian revolution in a poor and backward agricultural country lies in organizing and mobilizing the masses. The Chinese Communists, represented by Comrade Mao Ze-dong, adopted the method of political education through models to awaken and motivate the people. In practice, Mao Ze-dong systematically answered the questions of how to raise the consciousness of the masses, how to help the conscious masses turn theory into practice, how to adhere to the revolutionary principles “without going out of line” in practice, and how to avoid dogmatism in the practice of “without going out of line”. Deeply studying and researching Mao Ze-dong’s method of political education through models is of great theoretical value and practical significance for advancing the construction of a modern socialist country with Chinese characteristics and realizing the strategic goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation under the current complex conditions of the “two major situations”. (Zhang Ye-ting, Wei Tong-yi)

