

走向世界 2024年21期


一群朝气蓬勃的单身男女青年相聚千佛山,彼此相识、相互了解,从陌生到熟悉……这是3月22日—25日“情定泉城 ‘缘来是你——海右青年人才交友会”活动中的热闹景象,2000余名青年人才齐聚千佛山,在春暖花开的浪漫气息中拉近彼此的距离。


2023年5月20日—21日,济南组织了第一场“海右青年人才交友会”,1500余名青年人才相聚千佛山,赶赴缘分之约。2023年8月19日,举办了“会聚良缘 泉城有约”七夕相亲大会暨海右青年人才交流活动,4100余名单身青年报名参加活动,139对青年牵手成功;2023年10月10日,“情定泉城 ‘缘来是你”济南市青年人才集体婚礼在大明湖畔浪漫上演,24对新人牵手誓约,永结百年之好;2023年11月11日—12日,同样在千佛山举办了备受人才关注的“情定泉城 ‘缘来是你”海右青年人才交友会。

“婚恋相亲”是济南为人才送上的最贴心的礼物之一。无论是每个季度组织一次的“情定泉城 ‘缘来是你”青年人才交友会,定期举办的青年人才集体婚礼,还是涵盖交通、住宿、旅游、餐饮、住宿等多方面的服务保障,都满载着济南对青年人才满满的“爱”,让来济青年人才内心无忧。


济南对人才的爱贯穿着青年人才在济南“人生大事”的每一个环节。与寻常的结婚登记不同,在济青年人才登记结婚时,还可以收到济南市委人才办赠送的青年人才专属“泉城有喜 和合双泉”新婚贺卡及囍字挂画。“谨贺新喜,愿君(卿)如金风玉露,胜却人间无数。愿两情爱在朝暮,和合双全。”贺卡上的深情祝福让更多青年人才深切感受到,在济南既能“安居乐业”,也能“成家立业”。

这份“爱”涵盖青年人才在济南生活、工作、休闲的每一处场景。在济南,大学生可以免费游园、免费观演,学习工作之余,来一场说走就走的“city walk”,可以观趵突腾空,赏精品剧目,生活好不惬意。





“书启心智,通达人生;氤氲书香,包蕴万千”。打开由济南市委人才办主办的“海右人才”微信公众号,“书香人才 院士荐书”栏目带你走进院士们的精神世界。自2023年8月以来,济南市委人才办定期邀请院士专家聚焦“人才”“科技”“教育”“产业”“创新创业”等主题,推荐分享优秀书籍,在广大人才中充分营造爱读书、读好书、善读书的浓厚氛围,用知识的力量助力人才发展,让青年人才在济南找到精神栖息地。




A group of young people, full of energy and enthusiasm, gathered in the Thousand Buddha Mountain to get to know each other. They started as strangers but soon became acquaintances. This lively scene took place from March 22 to 25 as the “Love in the City of Springs, Fated to Be You - Haiyou Dating for Young Talents” event, which saw more than 2000 young people come together to enjoy a romantic atmosphere among the spring blossoms.

One of the most beneficial initiatives for young talents in Jinan is the Matchmaking programme. This encompasses a number of events, including the quarterly “Love in the City of Springs, Fated to Be You - Haiyou Dating for Young Talents”, the regular Young Talent Collective Wedding, and services covering transport, accommodation, tourism, catering, lodging, and so forth. These initiatives demonstrate a profound commitment to the wellbeing of young people in Jinan, which contributes to their sense of contentment and satisfaction with life in the city.

Promoting significant events, safeguarding daily life details

The events significant to the young people are also important to Jinan. Unlike ordinary marriage registrations, young talents in Jinan will receive exclusive wedding cards and wedding pictures that convey the utmost wishes from Talent Office of Jinan Municipal Committee when they register marriage.

Jinan is a shining example of a commitment to the wellbeing of its younger residents. College students have the opportunity to visit local parks and attend performances at no cost, encouraging them to engage in leisure activities during their free time.

Jinan is pleased to offer preferential initiatives for university students, including free travel, free tours, low-cost accommodation, exclusive food and beverage discournt, free performances, preferential films, and our cloud-based job fair. It also facilitates activities such as cloud-based job fairs and open day of well-known companies in Jinan, which act as a bridge between companies and talents, helping young talents to realize personal growth and career success in Jinan.

Creating a spiritual environment conducive to nurturing young talents

Reading enables us to gain a deeper understanding and consideration of life. Reading also allows us to appreciate the vastness of the universe. The Haiyou Talent WeChat account of Talent Office of Jinan Municipal Committee has launched a new column, Reading with Academicians, which introduces the rich spiritual world of the academicians. Since August 2023, the Jinan Talent Office has invited academicians and experts to share their insights on a regular basis, with the aim of nurturing young talents through the power of knowledge and creating a favourable spiritual environment.

On April 1, the much-anticipated Jinan "YEAH" Citizens Night School 2024 Spring Class commenced registration. On the first day, there were more than 140,000 people seeking 2,100 night school slots online, with the most popular courses being snapped up in 30 seconds. The “Youth Night School” has the potential to offer a unique social experience and a space for personal growth and relaxation, particularly for young people. It could become a valuable supplement to the citys cultural landscape, providing a supportive environment for the development of new talents.

The locale that affords me the greatest sense of comfort is my hometown. Jinan is implementing measures to cultivate an environment conducive to the prosperity of young talents, with the aim of enabling them to fully appreciate the "Courtesy of the City of Springs" and experience the warmth of Jinan, so that they may find a spiritual home in Jinan.


지난(济南)시 관광 텍스트 한국어 번역에 대한 소고*——―‘쳰포산(千佛山)’의 관광 텍스트를 중심으로