Exploring the Mysteries of the Universe, and Innovation Leading the Future
——Astronomical Techniques and Instruments
Dear Readers:
Astronomical Techniques and Instrumentsis a professional English journal of open access devoted to recent developments, discoveries, and theories in astronomical techniques, methods, and instruments.It will serve as a platform for discourse, learning, and information sharing for astronomic and astrophysics professionals worldwide.
The science of astronomy came about from us human’s unending wonder, exploration, and observation of the vast universe.Throughout history, technological innovations and the development of observational instruments have promoted progress in astronomy and the understanding of the universe, often by leaps and bounds.Modern astronomical instruments,techniques, and methods have been developed onto the era of full electromagnetic wave observation from the ground to the space.Additionally, the detection of gravitational waves has opened a new window of study.Exploring the mysteries of the origin and the evolution of the universe, looking into the properties of dark energy, dark matter, and black holes, as well as discovering and studying exoplanets have been hot topics of modern astronomy.Therefore, we urgently need new technologies, new methods and new instruments, especially in the information age.
Astronomical Techniques and Instrumentsis dedicated to publishing the latest results in exploring the frontiers of astronomical science and introducing advanced astronomical instruments and methods.We aim to construct a high-quality and academically authoritative journal of astronomical techniques and instruments.We intend to invite recognized and prominent professionals worldwide to serve as editorial board members and referees to ensure that the contents of each issue are academically rigorous, accurate, and fair.
Let us work together to promote the development of astronomical science and contribute to human progress!
Astronomical Techniques and Instrumentslooks forward to your participation and support!
- Development and application of high-precision multifunction astronomical plate digitizers in China
- A predictive model for regional zenith tropospheric delay correction
- Application and prospect of the fluid cooling system of solar arrays for probing the Sun
- Design and analysis of an advanced thermal management system for the solar close observations and proximity experiments spacecraft
- Characteristics and close-range exploration methods of near-Earth asteroid 2016HO3
- End-to-end computational design for an EUV solar corona multispectral imager with stray light suppression