

疯狂英语·新悦读 2024年5期


第一部分語言基础(共两节,满分30 分)


1. We all expressed our congratulations to him ________ his success.

2. They will include introductions to a wide range ________ writing styles, from poetry to play writing.

3. You should go back to your ________ (origin) plan.

4. She figured ________ both she and Mike had learned a lot from the lecture.

5. In the evenings, we ________ (gather) around the fireplace and talked.

6. I am extremely grateful ________ all the friends for their help.

7. Festive paper ________ (decoration) had been hung from the ceiling.

8. When my children were young, I ________ (occasion) took them to our local zoo.

9. With time going by, I attach more great ________ (significant) to doing what I am doing now.

10. Mothers ________ (typical) worry about their children.

11. I'm sitting in my bedroom,________ (reflect) on the journey.

12. He has been known ________ occasion to lose his temper.

13. I don't fancy ________ (walk) in the rain.

14. I have the greatest respect ________ my Chinese teacher.

15. You're ________ (absolute) wrong.


1. 穿着新外套,他看上去更帅气了。(dress)

________ ________ a new coat, he looks more handsome.

2. 毕竟,人们除了做自己又能怎样呢?(after)

________ ________, what more can anyone be than themselves?

3. 他不听我们的劝告,执意要去。(spite)

He would go ________ ________ ________ our warnings.

4. 把握住这周之内你可能会获得的机会。(advantage)

________ ________ ________ the opportunities coming your way in a week.

5. 如果你将不同的语言进行比较,你会发现它们有很多共同点。(common)

If you compare different languages, you will notice that they ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.

6. 从太空上看,地球是蓝色的。这是因为地球表面大约71% 都被水覆盖。(because)

From space, the earth looks blue. ________ ________ ________ about 71% of the Earth's surface is covered by water.

7. 打了一段时间的篮球后,他太累了,不想做任何事情。(so...that)

After playing basketball for some time, he was ________ ________ ________  he wouldnt do anything.

8. 坦诚相告,我认为你的儿子很有可能通过考试。(frank)

________ ________ ________ with you, I think your son has a great chance of passing the exam.

9. 除了几处拼写错误,他的日记写得很好。(except)

His diary is good ________ ________ a few spelling mistakes.

10. 看看天上的云!看起来要下雨。(as)

Look at the clouds in the sky! It looks ________ ________ it is going to rain.

11. 她这个人就是爱忘事。(typical)

________ ________ ________ of her to forget.

12. 住宿条件从旅游客房至豪华宾馆不等。(range)

Accommodation ________ ________ tourist class ________ luxury hotels.

13. 刚过十点,我们就动身上伦敦去了。(set)

We ________ ________ ________ London just after ten.

14. 这布料的颜色会一点一点褪掉。(fade)

The colour of the cloth will ________ ________ little by little.

15. 你不必特意盛装赴宴。(up)

You do not need to ________ ________ for dinner.

第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50 分)




Through the years, people have found many ways to celebrate important occasions intheir lives. If you're looking for an interesting and off?the?beaten?path travel place, here aresome most wonderful and unusual festivals from around the world.

Boryeong Annual Mud Festival, Boryeong, the Republic of Korea

This festival takes place on the beach, with many mud resources from the sea. At thisfestival, people take part in a number of activities involving mud, which not only bringsback happy childhood memories but is good for the skin.

World Bodypainting Festival, P?rtschach, Austria

This entire festival is not strange because of the activities that occur during it, but be?cause of the way people look when it's over. During this time, artists worldwide flood in andhold live bodypainting activities. They are painting creative designs on willing participants.

Underwater Music Festival, Florida, America

Rather than being held at a typical concert hall, the Underwater Music Festival takesplace on the seabed. This special custom is unlike any others because it features musiciansplaying music below water level. 100 feet deep in clear water, talented musicians weardiving equipment, performing free concerts for sea creatures and humans alike.

Battle of the Oranges, Ivrea, Italy

This Italian town hosts one of the most unusual festivals. Each year in February, abattle takes place among thousands of participants who have to throw oranges at each otherduring a 30?minute fight. The aim is to try and knock down other participants by attackingthem with oranges so that they cannot stand any longer.

1. What can tourists do at the Boryeong Annual Mud Festival?

A. Experience a mud bath.

B. Join in fights with oranges.

C. Have their faces painted.

D. Enjoy live music underwater.

2. During which festival can people display art with their bodies?

A. The Battle of the Oranges.

B. The Underwater Music Festival.

C. The World Bodypainting Festival.

D. The Boryeong Annual Mud Festival.

3. What animals may be the audience of the Underwater Music Festival?

A. Lions. B. Dolphins. C. Elephants. D. Pandas.


I've been to a few music festivals like Glastonbury, the UK's biggest and most famous music festival. But I'd never been to one in China.

At the end of August, I went to the Xiami Music and Arts Festival in Aranya,Qinhuangdao. Although the main draw of the festival for me was Suede, a classic UK band,I still had a lot of fun enjoying the festival's other aspects.

Apart from the festival's huge stages and screens, excellent sound systems and peopledancing and singing with their friends and family, there were other surprises too. This wasthe first festival I'd been to located on a sandy beach!

Watching live music by the ocean was incredibly relaxing. Everyone had blow?upchairs you could buy and sit on comfortably to enjoy the music. Some people even hadcouches! Often at music festivals, you're left standing the whole time, but Aranya was a bitmore peaceful. There were also more children and families in attendance than I've seen atUK festivals, and this was great to see.

As the day went on, my anticipation (期待) grew as I looked forward to seeing my fa?miliar band, Suede, who were the headliners: While Suede put on a good show, the most en?joyable surprise came from my unexpected discovery of and subsequent (随后的) fondnessfor the Chinese band The Life Journey. Unlike the seasoned Suede, these young performerswere clearly in their prime. They became famous after appearing on The Big Band. Playingafter the sun had gone down with bright lights coming from the stage, The Life Journeyreally captured my imagination with their variety of musical styles, beautiful vocals (歌唱)and positive lyrics and vibes (氛围). Even with my limited Chinese, I was still able tohappily sing along.

4. What can we know about the author?

A. He has been to the largest music festival in Europe.

B. He went to Aranya to see his favorite Chinese band.

C. He had never seen Suede in person before.

D. He went to a Chinese music festival for the first time.

5. What surprised the author about the festival?

A. Its designers. B. Its ticket price.

C. Its location. D. Its popularity.

6. How did the festival differ from those in the UK, according to the author?

A. There were more families in the audience.

B. Everyone had their own chair to sit on.

C. People felt more relaxed and comfortable.

D. It lasted longer with more bands performing.

7. Why did the author develop a liking for The Life Journey?

A. They interacted more with the audience.

B. Their music was emotional and unique.

C. He could understand their lyrics easily.

D. He was attracted by their performance.


Hugh Lyon and David Lawrence have been riding together for years. They have bothlived in Falkirk, Scotland their whole lives, but didn't meet until they got involved inCycling Without Age.“Despite the fact that we're 18 years apart in age, roughly, we bothwent to the same secondary school,”said Lyon, 74.

The 56?year?old Lawrence serves as a“pilot”, driving the trishaw—a bike with a pas?senger seat in the front that Cycling Without Age uses for their rides. They go for ridesabout once a week, often discussing the history of their town.“It gives me a connectionwith people from an older generation,”said Lawrence.“Unfortunately, I've lost both myparents; they're no longer with me. And for me, it gives that connection with older peopleand I enjoy spending time with them and hearing their stories.”

Ole Kassow, who founded Cycling Without Age, said that's the power of the program.“The truly powerful thing about these bike rides is that they tie people and stories togetherto create new relationships,”Kassow said.“In my experience, friendships and the ability toform new relationships at any age are what define a good life, and often also a long andhappy life.”

Kassow started Cycling Without Age in Copenhagen in 2012, but there are now 2700chapters in 52 countries. John Seigel Boettner started the Santa Barbara chapter. He hasone rule for passengers.“They ask,‘If I'm going to go for a ride, what's it going to cost?Isay,‘Here's what it costs: It costs, you have to wave. If you don't wave, I'm going to kickyou out,”he joked.

Boettner said,“When you take a 101?year?old woman for a bike ride and she holdsyour hand tightly and says thank you and gives you a kiss on the cheek, it doesn't get anybetter than that.”

8. What can we know about Lyon and Lawrence from paragraph 1?

A. They live 20 miles apart.

B. They were classmates.

C. They met due to cycling.

D. They graduated meantime.

9. What is a“pilot”responsible for on a trishaw?

A. Directing traffic.

B. Riding the bike.

C. Testing a new route.

D. Sitting on the passenger seat.

10. What may be Kassow's intention to create Cycling Without Age?

A. To earn seniors' money.

B. To be recognized by seniors.

C. To spread it around the world.

D. To bring new ties to people.

11. How does Boettner sound in paragraph 5?

A. Proud. B. Awkward.

C. Anxious. D. Curious.


Summer music festivals are in full swing, which means that thousands of enthusiasticfans are camping nearby, ready to party. Big problems appear, however, when it comes timefor them to leave. They just throw their things away and leave them for someone else toclean up—usually waste contractors (承包方) hired by the music festival. They collect allthings and throw them unsorted into a landfill.

Music festivals are environmental disasters when it comes to the amount of trash pro?duced, and this results mostly from festival?goers' strange disposable (用完即弃的) mental?ity. An estimated 80 percent of trash produced by music festivals comes from what's left be?hind by campers, such as sleeping bags, camp chairs, clothes, rubber boots and leftoverfood.

After the Isle of Wight Festival in the UK saw 10,000 abandoned (被丢弃的) tents in2011, some environmentally?minded people decided to take action. An international move?ment called“Love Your Tent”was started. The movement took over a single campgroundat the festival and ensured that every person who wanted to camp there signed a conductagreement that included promising to take their camping equipment home. Its first year in2012 was a success.

Unfortunately, it continues to be a battle. When“Love Your Tent”did a survey of stu?dents at Buckinghamshire New University last year, the result showed that 60 percent ofparticipants admitted to leaving tents behind in the past, even though 86 percent recog?nized that waste has an impact on the environment.

One major impediment to waste reduction is that camping equipment is cheap and ofpoor quality so that nobody sees the sense in packing up a dirty tent and taking it home toclean and reuse.

While there's no easy solution to this trash disaster, it's clear that music festival orga?nizers need to take responsibility for what their event creates, and demand that campersclean up their act. Organizers could also provide tent?recycling facilities for those peoplewho keep leaving tents behind. Camping, which is supposed to be a celebration of music,should never become a trash fest (集会).

12. What happens after summer music festivals according to the text?

A. Waste contractors deal with trash properly.

B. Campers produce a huge amount of trash.

C. Festival organizers improve their organizational skills.

D. Festival?goers join environmental protection events.

13. What can we learn about the movement“Love Your Tent”?

A. It still faces challenges.

B. It is run only for music festivals in the UK.

C. It focuses on collecting abandoned tents.

D. It was set up by some festival organizers.

14. Which of the following can best replace the underlined word“impediment”in para?graph 5?

A. Factor. B. Clue. C. Obstacle. D. Concession.

15. What can festival organizers do to reduce trash?

A. Offer tent?recycling facilities.

B. Help waste contractors collect trash.

C. Sign a conduct agreement with the campers.

D. Limit the number of people attending the festival.



Fitness Magazine recently ran an article titled Five Reasons to Thank Your WorkoutPartner. One reason was,“You'll actually show up if you know someone is waiting for youat the gym,”while another read,“ 16 ”With a workout partner, you will increase yourtraining effort as there is a subtle (微妙的) competition.

So, how do you find a workout partner?

First of all, decide what you want from that person. 17 Or do you just want to bephysically fit and able to move with strength and flexibility? Think about the exercises youwould like to do with your workout partner.

You might think about posting what you are looking for on social media, but it probably won't result in a useful response. 18 If you plan on working out in a gym, thatperson must belong to the same gym.

My partner posted her request on the notice board of a local park. Her notice includedwhat kind of training she wanted to do, how many days a week and how many hours shewanted to spend on each session, and her age. It also listed her favorite sports and activi?ties, and provided her phone number. 19

You and your partner will probably have different skills. 20 Over time, both ofyou will benefit—your partner will be able to lift more weights and you will become morephysically fit. The core (核心) of your relationship is that you will always be there to helpeach other.

A. Your first meeting may be a little awkward.

B. A workout partner usually needs to live close by.

C. You'll work harder if you train with someone else.

D. Do you want to be a better athlete in your favorite sport?

E. How can you write a good“seeking training partner”notice?

F. Just accept your differences and learn to work with each other.

G. Any notice for a training partner should include such information.

第三部分語言运用(共两节,满分30 分)



The most affectionate memory of my childhood is about a round table. When I was stilllittle, my entire family would 21 on almost every traditional festival to have dinner.While the 22 were discussing something beyond our comprehension, we kids wouldplay hide?and?seek.

The round table is a 23 of a reunion of our family and an 24 to our family.But as a matter of fact, in China, almost everything can be solved over a 25 table. Themarriage bells between a loving couple and the 26 between business partners can allhappen on the same round table. 27 , I start to wonder what this round table is to us,and its true significance starts to 28 in front of me.

The food on the table may 29 with time. The reasons why we come together maybe 30 , but the sensation behind it remains the same. And that is our tolerance of dif?ferent people or willingness to 31 different cultures.

In less than two months before the Spring Festival, a(n) 32 epic migration wouldtake place in China. The power that 33 us to do so has been sustaining Chinese civili?zation for thousands of years, and even the history of our nation has been the stories of34 or running to the round table to which we 35 . The round table is and will al?ways be a symbol of the Chinese sensation.

21. A. imagine B. reunite C. repeat D. flee

22. A. strangers B. teachers C. adults D. teenagers

23. A. symbol B. schedule C. decoration D. ceremony

24. A. argument B. occupation C. operation D. attachment

25. A. round B. new C. long D. square

26. A. dreams B. negotiations C. secrets D. experiments

27. A. Obviously B. Moreover C. Consequently D. Instead

28. A. explore B. expand C. fall D. unfold

29. A. keep B. change C. sell D. exist

30. A. various B. public C. typical D. temporary

31. A. switch B. predict C. forbid D. accept

32. A. annual B. innovative C. unnecessary D. modern

33. A. forces B. assists C. reminds D. drives

34. A. caring about B. looking for C. figuring out D. making up

35. A. adapt B. apply C. belong D. turn



By drawing patterns on the surface of a cup of tea, Zhang Zhifeng, a practitioner ofchabaixi, displayed a special Chinese tea trick in a recent TV drama, 36. ________(arouse)great interest among ordinary people due to its apparent 37.________ (similar) with mod?ern latte art (咖啡拉花艺术).

Chabaixi, with 38.________ name shuidanqing, can create endless patterns such as bamboos and mountains or even calligraphy. It is different from making latte becausepeople use clear water as the object 39.________ (put) into the cup instead of milk. Butwhen the water 40.________ (touch) the surface of whipped (搅打起泡沫的) tea, it turnsinto a white color and disappears in 20 minutes. The process before the drawing is knownas the tea?making technique, diancha, 41.________ quality is crucial to whether patternscan be successfully produced later.

Chabaixi 42.________ (list) as part of China's Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2017,after it was recovered by Zhang Zhifeng, who started researching the origins of chabaixi in43.________ 1980s and brought the technique back in 2009 after decades of trials andpractice.

“Chabaixi, as one of the 44.________ (vary) forms of tea?making techniques inChina, gives us a window into peoples lifestyle in the Song Dynasty, a period of time whenleisure activities in some ways resemble 45.________ we have now. It would be a shameto let it fade. This technique must be passed on to the next generations so they can under?stand its history,”Zhang said.


假定你是李华,端午节(the Dragon Boat Festival)将至,你的英国朋友Patty给你发来一封邮件,询问端午节相关情况。请你给她回一封邮件,内容包括:

1. 节日介绍;

2. 邀请她一同过节。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Patty,

I'm writing to introduce the Dragon Boat Festival which you're very interested in.









Li Hua



Teen becomes a local hero

When Sydney Raley headed into her weekend shift on Saturday, December 18, shelikely expected to do more of the same: Stand at the drive?through window, take orders overthe headset, and hand each customer their meal with a smile.

In fact, that's exactly how it started. Sydney Raley has been working at a restaurant forabout seven months and so far, it's been her typical after?school job. The day had beenmostly normal—making coffee, making drinks, and going into the lunch rush.

But a few hours into her shift, things took a dramatic turn. After handing a customersome of their food, Sydney let them know that more would be coming as soon as it wasready. But just seconds later, she noticed a terrible look of panic spread across thewoman's face. Then came the coughing. She was coughing like crazy and was speechless.Her daughter was in the passenger seat and looked extremely confused and frightened.

Sydney immediately knew she was choking. The first?aid training Sydney receivedmore than four years ago hit her. Most teens might panic at the sight of this, but notSydney. Instead, the teen remained calm and quickly shouted at both her manager and thewoman's daughter to dial 911. Then, she dove through the drive?through window and cameto the rescue.

The teen pushed the driver's side door forcefully open and got the choking woman toher feet. Then she dug down deep into her memory bank to recall everything she learnedfrom her Red Cross babysitter class, which she'd taken four years earlier. All that trainingin how to use the Heimlich maneuver (海姆立克急救法) immediately kicked in. Still, shehad never actually had to use the life?saving technique before, and after a few tries, itwasn't quite working. Luckily, another customer was just a few feet away in the parking lot.


Paragraph 1:

She shouted at that man for assistance._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

The story has made headlines throughout the country.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



1. The truly powerful thing about these bike rides is that they tie people and stories to?gether to create new relationships. 这些自行车骑行真正的强大之处在于,它们把人和故事联系在一起,创造出新的关系。


2. Music festivals are environmental disasters when it comes to the amount of trashproduced, and this results mostly from festival?goers' strange disposable mentality. 就垃圾产生的量而言,音乐节是一场环境灾难,而这主要是由于音乐节观众奇怪的一次性心态。

【点石成金】该句中,and连接两个并列句,when it comes to...意为“就……而言”。


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