
Distinction and Integration of “Consciousness”of Cultural Subjectivity: Historical Logic of Building Modern Chinese Civilization

Li Jiao 5-11

The Communist Party of China, at the key historical juncture of promoting Chinese-style modernization, calls for the joint efforts of the intellectual and theoretical communities to “build modern Chinese civilization”, which is a theoretical blueprint based on Chinas perspective, exploring the world and aiming to lead the future. Examining the proposition of “building modern Chinese civilization” currently discussed in academia from a long-term historical perspective helps to better understand its true essence.

From a macroscopic view of history, promoting the modernization transformation of civilization has been a common endeavor of the Chinese intellectual community in modern times, and one of the focal points of the debate is the “consciousness” of cultural subjectivity. “Consciousness” goes beyond inheriting tradition and refers to an integrated understanding of ones own “history-reality-future”. Its distinction arises to some extent from the uncertainty about the future. This proposition not only extends the question of “consciousness” raised by the May Fourth generation of intellectuals but also stimulates a self-reflection among Chinese intellectuals due to the constant changes in the world order. “Consciousness” becomes the starting point for reconstruction. The distinction of consciousness among the intellectual community at that time originated from the confusion of latecomer countries regarding their own modernization path, with multiple options of both advantages and disadvantages, and internal and external uncertainties. As a result, the “consciousness” of the intellectual community at that time was difficult to turn into reconstruction, and the path of “building modern Chinese civilization” was hard to discern. It also inherits the legacy of the Communist Party of China during the Counter-Japanese War period, namely the combination of the development of new democratic culture with Chinas actual situation, insisting on the power of Chinese culture as the backbone and reestablishing China as the starting point for integrating “consciousness”. The Kuomintangs adherence to the reinvigoration of Eight Virtues strategy produced limited results, while the Communist Party of China, at this important historical juncture, renewed its interpretation of “China” and successfully achieved integration of “consciousness” by focusing on both reality and future. Additionally, it responds to the various disorders in the ideological field at the turn of the 21st century. In the context of the dynamic development of global competition, the Communist Party of China revisits the notion of “building modern Chinese civilization”, grasping its own civilizational subjectivity from a cultural perspective and adopting new interpretations and definitions of “modernization”, “modern China”, and “modern civilization” based on concrete practices of Chinese-style modernization.

In the exploration of a century, the distinction and integration of intellectual “consciousness” have influenced the development of Chinas path and continuously reinterpreted and defined the term “China” in the panorama of global modernization. The so-called “China-centric” perspective encompasses not only China of the past, but also contemporary China and the future China. Conversely, in this new stage of exploring Chinese modernization, China is no longer passively reconstructing, but is transforming into an actively constructing actor, striving to lead the way for the world. This broader integration of “consciousness” connecting peoples and regions in the world also provides lasting momentum and resilience for China, allowing it to move beyond engaging with Western modernization to surpassing it.

Therefore, “building modern Chinese civilization” is actually a competitive concept proposed by China as it transitions from passive modernization to active modernization. It aims to more extensively integrate the “consciousness” of the Chinese intellectual community in the era of global transformation, adjustment, and development, and strives to make it another “new form of human civilization” compared with the Western discourse system. At the same time, it injects sustainable and resilient modernization momentum into the next century, thus quite significant for the world.

Xi Jinpings Cultural Thought on the Core Meaning, Emphasis, and Theoretical Innovation

Zhang Wei 12-22

Xi Jinpings cultural thought follows the triple logic of Marxist cultural theory, a century of cultural construction practice, and the cultural development needs of the new era. It focuses on strengthening the Partys leadership, building socialist ideology, enhancing the ability of news and public opinion dissemination, practicing socialist core values, developing cultural undertakings and industries, promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture, and advancing exchanges and mutual learning of world civilizations. It actively develops socialist advanced culture, promotes revolutionary culture, inherits Chinese excellent traditional culture, not only innovates Marxist cultural theory, but also provides a basic follow-up for cultural construction in the new era.

Xi Jinpings Cultural Thought and the Construction and Application of Discourse System on National Rejuvenation

Sun Wei, Bai Lipeng 23-32

Xi Jinpings cultural thought encompasses significant content regarding the construction and application of the discourse system on national rejuvenation. The study on these contents plays an essential role in constructing an academic system and discourse system with Chinese characteristics in the new era and promoting the construction of a culturally strong nation. As a discourse system of the Communist Party of China that manifests modern Chinese civilization and important content on national rejuvenation, it not only inherits beneficial elements from traditional discourse resources but also draws upon diverse discourse resources and promotes their integration, forming a new discourse system. the Communist Party of China, guided by Marxism and the strategy of integrating various resources organically through the combination of the basic principles of Marxism with the specific realities of China, and with the excellent traditional Chinese culture, leverages the discourse of national rejuvenation to tell the Chinese story, thus maximizing the role of multiple resources and constructing a discourse system of national rejuvenation that is characterized by the times, possesses extensive appeal, and exerts influence.

Spatiality, Non-locality Causality and the Foundations of Science: Inspirations from Kantian Thoughts of Spatiality

Yuan Jianxin 33-39

Space, time and extension is the central problem of  modern science. The distinction between primary and secondary qualities constitutes the fundamental metaphysical belief of modern scientific founders such as Galileo and Descartes. By solving the problem of Geometrization, Galileo and Descartes intended to answer the question how mathematics, in particular geometry, can apply to a mathematized natural world. The solution explains the truthfulness of our knowledge of natural world by attributing such primary quality as spatial extension to natural body, and interprets the similarity of the structure between our representation and natural things based on the representational realism, so as to explain the truthfulness of human external knowledge in terms of correspondence theory.

According to Kant, Galileo and Descartes solving the problem of Geometrization to lay the foundation of science is unsuccessful. Kant puts forth the thesis of the non-spatiality of thing-in-itself (called Ts), i.e., space doesnt represent any determinations of thing-in-itself. Space is only the intuitive form of our outer sense, and thing-in-itself are non-spatiality. Kant needs to rebuild the foundation of modern science. Because according to Ts, extension is not the property of natural body, but the property of mind, though Kant remains regarding extension as primary qualities, and mathematics as the science of studying extension. However, according to Ts, the conclusions studying extension from mathematics only applicable to bodies in our mind, not to natural bodies in the world. Hence, explain the nature of extension is the key task for Kant to build the foundations of modern science. Only in this way can Critique of Pure Reason succeed in its efforts to establish a foundation for science by addressing the question of how synthetic a priori propositions are possible. Kants accounts of spatiality bases on his doctrine of substance and attribute, and correlate to his doctrine of light (or ether). Kant regards spatiality as the predicable attribute of substance, which is produced by interacting non-locality between substances. According to Kant, extension in not a property abstract from experience, while its occurrence on our outer sense receiving the effect from ether (ether is the medium to propagate the information from thing-in-itself to our outer sense organs) to attain the matter of spatial representation. The ether proofs in Opus postumum indicate that Kant uses local causality to explain how ether propagate the information from thing-in-itself. Kants explanation on spatiality is the strange mixture of local causality and non-local causality. This leads to Kants failure in trying to rebuild foundations for modern science because he can neither solve the problem of Geometrization, nor answer how scientific theory can describe the world. He also falls into dualism and agnosticism. Kantian doctrine of space implies that mechanism basing on local causality must be given up and the foundations of science should be rebuilt based on topology and basing on non-local causality.

Brandons Interpretation of Hegels Concepts and Normativity

Wang Peng 40-51

With the publication of A Spirit of Trust, Brandon established the Hegelian stage of analytic philosophy. He interpreted Hegels phenomenology of spirit (Die Phanomenologie des Geistes) as semantics and believed that Hegel completed the normativity turn that originated from Kant and went through Sellars. However, Brandons interpretation has sparked considerable controversy, with many Hegel experts offering sharp criticisms, generally arguing that he misunderstood Hegels original intention. As to the central content of the book, namely the essence of concepts and their normativity, Brandon and Hegel have significant differences: Brandons understanding of concepts includes both a dimension of content and a dimension of representation, as well as an ability one grasp in ones practice of reasoning; while Hegels understanding of concepts contains rich meanings such as the basic unit of rational cognition, the self-movement of things and thoughts, and their unfolding states. Although Brandons interpretation of Hegel is not entirely faithful to the true essence of Hegels philosophy, his creative interpretation has brought new possibilities to analytic philosophy. It may lead to a more comprehensive and dialectical philosophy of language if further criticisms were embraced.

Role Analysis and Operating Mechanism of Emotions in Decision-Making Paradigms

Wu Yaoyao 52-58

Research in decision theory typically employs the assumption of the rational actor as a premise, with rationalism as its theoretical foundation. This emphasis on rational decision-making, while neglecting the role of emotions, fails to adequately explain and guide actual decision-making processes. Among the three research paradigms in behavioral decision-making, the normative decision-making paradigm negates the influence of emotions on decisions, asserting that measurable preferences can help individuals make choices that maximize utility; the descriptive decision-making paradigm begins to focus on the role of emotions in decision-making, with theories such as regret theory, disappointment theory, and subjective expected utility theory elaborating on the role of cognition, thinking, and psychological processes in the decision-making process; the evolutionary decision-making paradigm, starting from ecological rationality, argues that emotions, experiences, and implicit cognition play a crucial role in human decision-making behavior. There are two mainstream views on the operating mechanism of emotions in the decision-making process: one views emotions as a driving mechanism of the decision-making process, while the other sees emotions as an adaptive mechanism in the evolutionary process that influences the decision-making process. Both of these mechanisms are important for the decision-making process, but they are not sufficient to fully explain the complexity and interactivity of emotions in decision-making. Emotions, as a functional state, help to integrate cognitive, rational thinking, and emotional abilities through generative mechanisms in decision-making processes, within the collective influence of the brain, body, and environment.

Data Sharing and Data Propertization

Mei Ao, Ke Chenliang 59-67

In the era of big data, data is regarded as a valuable property due to its objective value. Because different data subjects have objective needs for balancing the interests of data propertization, the establishment of a system for data propertization is both rational and necessary. China has already had legislative, judicial, and policy foundations for data propertization. Data sharing is both the cause and the result of data propertization. The propertization of data in China should adopt a basic legislative model that protects both the right to personal data and property rights. However, a control theory model should be applied to regulate government data and sensitive corporate data. In addition, regarding data sharing between individual users and enterprises, this paper suggests a transaction model based on data property rights should be adopted before the sharing. For data sharing among enterprises, this paper recommends that based on practical cases, data categorization and scenario-based laws should be established from the bottom up to clarify and distribute the specific content of corporate data property rights.

Legal Reasoning Logic in Intelligent Judicial Systems

Chen Zijun 68-76

Currently, intelligent judicial systems follow the logical path of formal reasoning, relying on the quality management of judicial big data, the codification of legal rules, and the logical expression of legal knowledge. This approach aims to promote judicial efficiency and achieve justice, addressing the mismatch between the technical logic and judicial logic in intelligent judicial systems. However, the judicial experiential model in Chinas intelligent judicial systems, characterized by case typology and elements, promotes judicial efficiency but fails to meet practical needs. Its inherent logic reduces judicial formal reasoning to a comparison of factual elements, and the absence of value judgments hinders the attainment of individual case fairness and adversely affects judicial subjectivity. In the future, the improvement of the inherent legal logic in intelligent judicial systems should gradually explore the construction of a universal legal knowledge graph. It should also employ a theoretical tool based on litigation requirements and adopt a legal knowledge-based modeling approach to enhance the logical and legal validity of intelligent judicial systems through judicial reasoning.

Higher Education Serving Rural Revitalization Strategy: Internal Logic, Current Situation and Expansion Path

Sun Tao 77-82

The highly matching between the talent and technical bottlenecks that need to be overcome in the cause of rural revitalization and the advantages, motivations, and responsibilities of universities serving society has become the intrinsic logic of higher education serving rural revitalization. At present, Chinas higher education serving rural revitalization presents typical features of policy-driven and university participation: through special post teacher programs and free normal education policy, it serves the development of rural basic education, continuously increasing the rural human capital reserve through self-study examinations for rural areas, the “one village, one college student” plan, and measures to guide graduates to work at rural communities. There are special enrollment plans for students from rural and poor regions and financial aid policies. Universities directly under the Ministry of Education have direct service to rural economic and social development for poverty alleviation. Based on this, the expansion path for higher education serving rural revitalization should involve introducing and nurturing talent to provide support for rural revitalization, implementing technology innovation leadership to promote the transformation and dissemination of agricultural technology achievements, improving talent cultivation models to train new agricultural technology talents, enriching university poverty alleviation methods to narrow the income gap between urban and rural residents, coordinating various policies and attracting social forces to actively participate in various services for rural revitalization.

Analysis and Reconstruction of Symbiotic Relationships of Rural Tourism Communities in the Context of Rural Revitalization: A Case Study Based on Tianlongtunpu Tourism Community in Guizhou Province

Zuo Wenchao,Hu Beiming 83-92

The development of rural tourism is not only an important means of implementing the strategy of rural revitalization and promoting the construction of a harmonious and beautiful countryside but also an important means of improving rural governance and fostering new dynamics of rural development. In the process of rural tourism development, the cultivation and development of competing relationships among rural tourism communities in China are still facing various practical difficulties, which threaten the establishment of a rural grassroots governance order and the realization of agricultural and rural modernization. Based on the symbiosis theory, this paper explores the cooperation dilemma among the multiple interest subjects in the Tianlongtunpu tourism community with both quantitative and qualitative analysis. With the analysis of conflicts of interests among various symbiotic units and their reasons in the process of Chinas rural community tourism development, this paper tries to construct a model of the sustainable symbiotic competing relationship of the multiple subjects in the rural tourism community with an aim at enhancing the efficacy of rural governance. Research findings indicate that the symbiotic relationships within the Tianlongtunpu community are currently loose and lack sufficient systemic stability, characterized by an episodic symbiotic organizational pattern. The stiffening of the symbiotic interface further results in uneven energy transmission and allocation among symbiotic entities, displaying a typical pattern of asymmetric mutualistic symbiosis. Therefore, evolving from asymmetric symbiosis towards symmetric symbiosis and establishing an integrated mutualistic symbiotic development platform (network) for symbiotic units is considered the optimal direction for the future development of the Tianlongtunpu tourism community. Moreover, the essence of symbiotic relationships in rural tourism communities lies in the mutualistic relationships among symbiotic units. The ability to possess a stable, diverse, interdependent, and co-evolving symbiotic interface is a critical foundation for the evolution of symbiotic relationships among stakeholders towards an integrated model. Addressing the disorder in rural public spaces requires the establishment of a “one core, two layers, three stages” dual-cycle network governance model. “One core” refers to the three core productive organizations, namely local government, community residents, and tourism enterprises. “Two layers” pertain to the two levels of symbiotic units in the rural tourism community: core productive organizations and non-core productive organizations. “Three stages” denote the three major stages of the evolution of the systemic symbiotic units from asymmetric mutualistic relationships towards a symmetrical integrated mutualistic symbiotic model.

This paper identifies and analyzes the symbiotic relationship between the symbiotic units of interest in the rural tourism community, which can provide a basic idea for solving the contradiction between the competing interests of the rural tourism community in China. The attempted construction of the “one core, two layers, three stages” dual circulation net-like co-governance pattern provides important theoretical references for enhancing the viability, competitiveness, development, and sustainability of rural tourism communities and reconfiguring the order of the countryside and the space of double-cycle pluralistic subject good governance.

Experience Co-creation in Intangible Cultural Heritage Tourism:Dimension, Measurement and Empirical Research

Song Xiao, Wang Shuhua 93-101

As intangible cultural heritage (ICH) becomes integrated into mainstream society, tourism utilization has emerged as a significant form of ICH preservation, where experience co-creation plays a crucial role in enhancing visitor value and promoting the dissemination of intangible heritage. Building upon existing literature and on-site interviews, this paper proposes a definition of experience co-creation in intangible cultural heritage tourism from a dual perspective of behavior and psychology. It is visitors utilizing their own resources to engage in ICH activities, integrating their resources with those of other actors, and assessing their own contributions through collaborative efforts with other actors. This definition retains the traditional emphasis on visitor participation and interactions among actors while incorporating visitors psychological experiences during resource input, aiding in understanding the complexity and comprehensiveness of co-creating tourism experiences with intangible heritage.

Based on interview data, utilizing the three-level coding process of Grounded Theory, the structural dimensions of co-creating intangible heritage tourism experiences were identified to include interpersonal interactions, perception of contribution, co-production, and process control, forming a multi-dimensional concept with rich connotations. Among these dimensions, interpersonal interactions and co-production represent the behavioral manifestations of co-creating intangible heritage tourism experiences, while perception of contribution and process control signify the psychological sentiments of visitors engaging in co-creating these experiences. Following rigorous scale development procedures, a scale consisting of 4 factors and 17 items was developed, and data analysis indicated the scales sound reliability and validity. Furthermore, by selecting visitor experience value as the outcome variable, this paper reveals a significant positive impact of co-creating intangible heritage tourism experiences on visitor experience value, suggesting that visitors with more positive attitudes and evaluations towards co-creation activities are more inclined to connect the spirit and cultural symbols of intangible heritage with their self-awareness, thereby attaining higher tourism experience value.

In comparison to existing scales for tourism experience co-creation, the scale developed in this paper encompasses both behavioral and psychological aspects of co-creation, presenting a more structured framework. The items related to interpersonal interactions not only cover information seeking and sharing but also incorporate responses to visitor needs from destination governments, scenic area managers, and ICH inheritors. Additionally, the measurement of the co-production dimension in co-creating intangible heritage tourism experiences emphasizes the utilization of visitors existing knowledge, skills, and experiences. The scale development enriches research on the structure and content of co-creating experiences, directly applicable to empirical studies on co-creating intangible heritage tourism experiences and offering insights for the development of co-creation scales in other tourism forms. The research findings provide theoretical guidance for the further integration and development of intangible heritage and tourism, holding practical significance in enhancing visitor experiences related to intangible heritage.

Ski Coolness and Its Influence on Ski Loyalty

Liu Tao, Liu Yue 102-110

The successful hosting of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games has greatly increased the popularity of skiing in China. Skiing, as a distinctive type in sports tourism, has multiple functions such as tourism, exploration, and entertainment, meeting the current demand of consumers for innovation and variety. However, Chinese consumers have a low revisit rate towards skiing, and it is of great significance to attract consumers to participate by shaping the “coolness” of skiing. This paper investigates the role of perceived coolness in terms of skiing experience and its antecedents as well as its consequences by using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLSSEM). Results show that: coolness perception is an important aspect of consumers perception of skiing experience; the attractiveness, uniqueness and identification of skiing are positively related to consumers perceived coolness of skiing experience, of which its attractiveness is related most positively; consumers perceived coolness of skiing experience can directly and significantly improve their skiing loyalty, and it is also positively related to consumers skiing loyalty through the mediating role of the delightfulness and memorability of the experience. Skiing destinations and ski resorts should pay attention to creating perceived coolness of skiing experience for consumers, so as to improve their skiing loyalty, and promote the popularization of skiing in China.

Who Has the Final Say When Three Generations Travel Together?: In-depth Interviews with Three-Generations-Lineal Families Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior

Ding Juan, Yang Hui, Fang Rong 111-120

Family travel decision-making is the focus of consumer behavior research. This paper conducts in-depth interviews with 20 three-generation-lineal families in China, and constructs a theoretical framework of travel decision-making behavior of three-generation-lineal families based on the theory of planned behavior. Results show that: the travel decision-making model of the three-generation-lineal families in China is parent-dominated and most of the couples dominate together. The parent plays the role of initiator, decision maker and purchaser in tourism decision-making. In “old-middle-young” families, grandchildren are the influencers and the grandparents are the users. In the “middle-young-infantile” family, the grandparents are the influencers and the grandchildren are the users. The behavioral attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control of the three-generation-lineal families jointly influence the familys behavioral intention to make travel decisions, which in turn affects the familys travel decision-making behavior.

Discourse Practices of Double Reduction in Short Video

Ge Nan, Shi Junqi 121-129

The cyberspace has become the main arena for billions of people to access and discuss educational policies. Since the implementation of the “double reduction” policy, the popular discourse in the online space is not predetermined or fixed, but is influenced by the interests and demands of different interest bodies, resulting in complex interpretations and re-interpretations of its meaning. An analysis of the changes in the discourse surrounding “double reduction” short videos reveals that mainstream media, scholars, and the general public collectively constitute the main actors in the production, distribution, and construction of the discourses meaning. They initially interpret the meaning from their own perspectives and then disseminate and resonate with each other, ultimately presenting a ripple-like pattern represented by different contradictions. The innermost layer represents the contradiction in policy implementation, the middle layer represents the contradiction between reducing students workload and the pressure of entrance exams, and the outermost layer points directly to the contradiction in social structure, with a tendency to further escalate. The driving force behind this ripple of contradiction is the self-interested general public, who accelerate the alienation of family education through concepts such as “accelerated competition”, “ideal education”, and “self-exploitation”, while mainstream media and scholars are absent from the online dialogue, accelerating the spread of the ripple of contradiction and resulting in an unstable, incoherent, and inconsistent understanding of the “double reduction” policy among the public, leading to anxiety or indifference. Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize the governance of education in the online space, enhance the mission responsibility and policy dialogue among various stakeholders, pay attention to public opinion, respond to public voices, and guide the healthy development of online policy discourse.

Mechanism and Practical Path of Continuing Education Empowering the Construction of a Skill-Oriented Society

Feng Lin 130-135

The comprehensive promotion of the construction of a skill-oriented society relies on the support of education. Continuing education, as a form of education, is intricately linked with the construction of a skill-oriented society. On one hand, the construction of a skill-oriented society requires support from continuing education. At the macro level, the industrial upgrading and transformation necessitate continuing education to provide human capital support; at the micro level, the formation of individual skills relies on continuing education to offer learning opportunities. On the other hand, empowering the construction of a skill-oriented society is an inevitable choice for the development of continuing education in the new era. This approach not only underscores the value of continuing education in this era but also constitutes a necessary step towards promoting high-quality development in continuing education. From a theoretical perspective, the empowerment of continuing education for the construction of a skill-oriented society is oriented towards promoting comprehensive individual development. From a historical perspective, it aims at driving economic and social development as a vital target orientation. Empowering the construction of a skill-oriented society through continuing education requires strengthening its mission and clarifying its functions and values, emphasizing fairness, enhancing a proactive service mindset, improving systems, standardizing the way learning outcomes are certified, fostering cooperation and sharing, as well as promoting the coupling of forces from various parties.

Integration of Community Elderly Education and Care: Implications, Issues, and Strategies

Li Shengcong 136-144

Population aging has become a global issue we all face. Community is not only a physical space for people to live in, but also a cultural and spiritual space for people to live and interact with each other, where peoples body, life and emotions reside and rest. The local, convenient and neighborly nature of community education and care for the elderly is the best field for active aging. The integration of community elderly education and care refers to various elderly care and education entities in the community utilizing resources collaboratively, promoting the comprehensive development of the elderlys physical and mental well-being, continuously enhancing their quality of life, and thereby contributing to the construction of a harmonious society. This process constitutes a framework of community integration for elderly education and care that emphasizes subject coordination as the core, institutional coordination as the foundation, integrated coordination of resources and assessment, aiming to enhance the elderlys access to various forms of capital such as health, participation, and security, while embodying the values of showcasing excellent traditional Chinese culture, pursuing holistic human development, and meeting the real needs of the elderly. Currently, the integration of community elderly education and care are facing such challenges as subject fragmentation, content segregation, and a shortage of professional staff. It is imperative to develop strategies to address these issues through the fusion of legal and self-governing mechanisms at the top level, the integration of interests and responsibilities in the mechanism, the integration of physical and life aspects in the content, and the integration of diversification and digitalization in the methods.

Construction of the Classification System for International Chinese Education

Liu Shuaiqi, Wu Yinghui 145-153

The classification system for international Chinese education refers to a relatively stable form of Chinese education from a global perspective. Its construction involves the summarization, positioning, and systematization of the characteristics of various types of Chinese educational forms around the world. In the Classification of Instructional Programs for Graduate Education (2022) by the Ministry of Education, “International Chinese Education” is independently categorized as a professional degree under the field of education, proposing new research topics for this discipline. The classification system not only serves as the foundation of the disciplines theoretical system, but also provides a theoretical basis for the top-level design of global Chinese education development. Based on a comprehensive investigation of Chinese educational forms worldwide, this paper intends to construct the classification system from the perspectives of spatial distribution, educational settings, educational objectives, educational nature, acquisition sequence, language status, technological applications, and teaching methods. It vertically refines the classification system layer by layer and horizontally clarifies the relationships between parallel and cross-fusion. Due to the continuous development and changes in international Chinese education, the classification system possesses openness and dynamic characteristics. This paper constructs a “3+N” classification system for international Chinese education, which consists of 3 main levels, 14 main types, and several basic types, providing a framework. This paper also elaborates on the connotations, construction ideas, and perspectives of the classification system and proposes that the classification of international Chinese education should not solely rely on foreign theories of second language education or purely on rational speculation. Instead, it should be based on the facts of Chinese education in each country and supported by practical cases for classification purposes.

Optimization of the Selection Mechanism for First-Class Undergraduate Major Construction Sites and Evaluation of Construction Results: A Case Study of Chinese International Education Major

Gong Man 154-160

The optimization of the selection mechanism for first-class undergraduate major construction sites and the evaluation of construction results are critical factors influencing whether the “Double First-Class Initiative” can achieve the expected goals of enhancing the talent cultivation capacity and quality of undergraduate education in universities. Taking the Chinese International Education major as an example, a study on the selection mechanism for first-class undergraduate major construction sites reveals several key findings: the selection criteria are too general, making it difficult to implement in practice; there is a contradiction between the principles of “track-based” construction and exemplary leadership; and deficiencies exist in the evaluation mechanism. Three possible pathways for optimizing the selection mechanism are proposed: firstly, clarifying key indicators and establishing selection criteria for each major construction site; secondly, transitioning from selecting based on different “tracks” to a unified standard selection process; and thirdly, replacing the traditional review process from one-time peer evaluation to anonymous communication review together with peer evaluation. To enhance the scientific assessment of construction effectiveness, it is recommended to extend the construction period of first-class undergraduate majors and establish a dual-core evaluation system focusing on talent cultivation quality and characteristics.

From “Unknown” to “Renowned”: Paradigm Shift in Art History Research in the First Half of the Twentieth Century

Liu Ting 161-168

In comparison to traditional painting studies, the study on art history in the first half of the twentieth century exhibits significant modernity in terms of vision, objectivity, theory, and methodology. Previously overlooked or “unknown” artworks have now entered the realm of “renowned” art research and gained attention from academic circles both home and abroad. The establishment of a modern disciplinary system and the application of interdisciplinary methods have endowed “unknown art history” in the Republic of China with a humanistic connotation that was previously absent. Its focus is no longer solely on revealing the personality traits of creative subjects. Its academic orientation lies in comprehending overall artistic trends from a perspective rooted in creative generality. Based on this premise, the research and writing paradigm for “unknown art history” has partially replaced traditional paradigms and serves as a bridge for academic dialogue between China and Western countries within the field of art history during this period. This highlights its dual characteristics encompassing nationality as well as temporal context.

Nie Chongqis Study on the Song History

Deng Zhizhong 169-178

Nie Chongqi is an important historian in modern Chinese history. His exploration of the Song Dynastys politics, economy, diplomacy and other issues promoted the study on modern Song history. In the research of the Song characters, Nie Chongqi sorted out the life stories of the generals of the Yang family, Yin Zhu and Zhao Ding, showing a strong national consciousness and patriotic will. After the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, Nie Chongqi was entrusted with the task of collating the History of the Song Dynasty (hereinafter referred to as the Song Shi). Not only did he complete the initial punctuation of the entire Song Shi, but he also wrote the Annotations on the Collation of the Biography Section of the Song Shi during the punctuation process. This work not only represents the culmination of his research on the Song history but also constitutes an important academic achievement in the collation of Song Shi, providing valuable references for future collators. Nie Chongqis unique contributions to the study of the Song history have earned him the well-deserved reputation of a walking encyclopedia of the Song history in this field, and his research path has provided invaluable insights for future scholars. Exploring Nie Chongqis achievements and thoughts in the study of the Song history not only provides perspectives, approaches, and methodologies but also ensures the continuity of academic spirit, thus playing a positive role in the establishment of new Song studies in the future.

Current Situation of Collection of Papers of Humanities: Taking Universities in Sichuan as An Example

Wu Lixia 179-189

With the prosperity and progress of Chinese academics, a large number of collection of papers of humanities have emerged. Because they meet the requirements of the subdivision of academic fields, they have become an important platform for academic publication and a beneficial supplement to academic journals. By investigating current situation of collection of papers by universities in Sichuan and comparing with other universities in China, this paper finds that the collections by Sichuan University are among the best in both quantity and quality. Its success is not only due to the strong academic strength of the host university and the academic status of the chief editors, but also due to the support of the host university and academic institutions. At present, when all schools are vigorously promoting discipline construction, all colleges and universities should take advantage of relevant national policies to integrate superior discipline resources and start academic collections based on their own characteristics. This will not only help to enhance their academic influence and build academic communities, but also be of great significance to the prosperity of academic research and the spread of Chinese culture.