

疯狂英语·新策略 2024年2期

安徽 张 岚


grasp v.抓住;握住

clench v.紧握;咬紧牙关

squeeze v.挤压;捏

release v.释放;松开

point v.指向;指出

wave v.挥动;招手

tap v.轻拍;轻敲

flick v.快速轻弹;轻甩

rotate v.旋转;转动

flex v.弯曲;屈伸

extend v.伸展;延伸

sway v.摇摆;晃动

grip v.握紧;紧抓

shake v.摇动;晃动

pinch v.捏;掐

pat v.轻拍;拍打

clap v.拍手;鼓掌

scrub v.擦洗;刷洗

massage v.按摩;揉捏

brush v.刷;擦掉

shake hands 握手

wash hands 洗手

clap hands 拍手

rub hands 搓手

hold hands 牵手

fold hands 双手合十

cross fingers 交叉手指

snap fingers 弹响指

scratch an itch 挠痒痒

wring hands 扭绞双手

throw a punch 出拳

shake off 甩掉

clench fists 握拳

stretch fingers 伸展手指

thumbs up 竖起大拇指

make a fist 握拳

wipe tears 擦拭眼泪


She walked up to the podium and confidently shook hands with each member of the audience.她走到讲台前,自信地与每个观众握手。

The toddler clapped her hands excitedly when she saw her favorite toy.看到最喜欢的玩具时,这个蹒跚学步的孩子兴奋地拍起了手。

Feeling the cold weather, he rubbed his hands together to warm them up.感受到寒冷的天气,他搓热双手来取暖。

The couple held hands tightly as they walked along the beach at sunset.日落时分,这对夫妻紧牵着彼此的手,漫步在海滩上。

She crossed her fingers and made a wish, hoping for good luck in the upcoming job interview.她交叉手指并许下愿望,希望在即将到来的求职面试中运气好。

He snapped his fingers to get the waiter's attention at the busy restaurant.在繁忙的餐厅里,他打了个响指以引起服务员的注意。

Trying to resist the urge to scratch an itch, she clenched her fists tightly.为了克制住挠痒的冲动,她紧握双拳。

Overwhelmed by worry, she couldn't help but wring her hands anxiously.她忧心忡忡,忍不住焦虑地扭绞双手。

Seeing the injustice, she clenched her fists and vowed to fight for what is right.看到不公正的事情,她握紧双拳并发誓为正义而战。

The pianist stretched her fingers before playing the challenging piece, ensuring flexibility and control.钢琴家在演奏具有挑战性的曲子之前活动了一下手指,确保手指的灵活性和掌控性。

Impressed by his performance, the audience gave a thumbs up as a sign of approval.观众被他的表演深深打动,竖起大拇指表示赞许。

In a gesture of solidarity, they clasped hands to show their support for one another.为了表达团结,他们紧握双手以示相互支持。


She stood on the stage, feeling the anticipation and nervousness of the audience.She clapped her hands lightly, releasing the pressure and adjusting her mindset.Then, she rubbed her hands to bring warmth and courage to herself.She folded her hands together, silently praying for everything to go smoothly.When the music started, she let go of her hands, showcasing her talent and passion.During the dance, she couldn't help but feel a little itchy, but she resisted the urge to scratch.Finally, at the climax, she threw a magnificent move, just like a powerful punch.After it was over, she shook off the fatigue and nervousness, cheering with a bright smile.She clenched her fists, celebrating her success, and embracing the enthusiastic applause from the audience.她站在舞台上,感受着观众的期待和紧张。她轻轻拍打手掌,释放压力,调整心态。然后,她摩擦双手,为自己带来温暖和勇气。她合起双手,默默祈祷,希望一切顺利。当音乐响起时,她放开了双手,展现出她的才华和激情。舞蹈过程中,她不禁感到有些痒,但她克制住了挠痒的冲动。最后,在高潮处,她抛出了一个华丽的动作,就像是一记有力的拳击。结束后,她摇摇身体,甩开疲惫和紧张,笑容灿烂地欢呼。她紧握双拳,庆祝着自己的成功,迎接着观众的热情掌声。




She ____________________ to show appreciation for the excellent performance.


He ____________________ to keep warm as the weather was very cold.


The children ____________________ and sat quietly in their chairs.


The teacher ____________________ the correct answer on the blackboard.


He ____________________ to clean off the dirt.


To avoid making any noise, he ____________________.


He ____________________ , expressing his anger and determination.


He ____________________ , hoping that his wife could return safely.


She ____________________ on the bandage to stop bleeding.


She sat at the table, ____________________, lost in deep thought.


The tension in the room was palpable as I stood on the stage.A hush fell over the audience, and then the applause erupted like thunder.1.________(双手齐刷刷地鼓掌) in a symphony of support and encouragement.Overwhelmed by the moment, I 2.________(搓着双手), channeling the energy and embracing the excitement.

Taking a deep breath, I 3.________(双手合拢), finding solace in the familiar gesture.With determination, I 4.________(用手指指向) the spotlight, ready to give my all.As the music began, my heart raced, and I 5.________(擦拭了一下双手) on my pants,banishing any lingering doubts.

The performance unfolded, and the intensity grew.The challenges mounted, but I refused to back down.I 6.________(用手捂住嘴), battling the nerves that threatened to consume me.With each triumphant moment, I 7.________(握紧拳头), feeling the surge of accomplishment.

A sense of gratitude washed over me, and I 8.________(合掌祈祷), thanking the universe for this opportunity.In the final moments, I 9.________(握紧拳头), pouring every ounce of passion into my movements.As the curtain fell, the resounding applause embraced me, validating all the hard work and dedication.


经常握拳 延年益寿
经常握拳 可以提神