

疯狂英语·新读写 2024年4期

山东 李全忠

主题语境:动物 篇幅:376词 建议用时:7分钟

1While many cats love to go outdoors,they usually do not venture far from home.But some cats are the exception.One cat has even made a busy railway station in the UK,her second home.

2While Nala,a four-year-old yellow cat,has a home in Hertfordshire and a loving owner,the cat has always loved to wander.Her owner,Natasha Ambler,fitted her with a GPS tracking device.But Nala's favorite place to visit is the Stevenage railway station where she delights commuters (上下班往返的人) every day.

3Nala,who loves to perch on ticket barriers,has been praised for helping to build a sense of community among the commuters.She comes morning and evening to greet hundreds of people who use the station.Ambler said that Nala comes when it is the busiest time because she loves the attention.

4The staff at the station,including Shaun Smith,Great Northern's station manager,have grown very fond of Nala.He said,“She's breaking down barriers by making people smile and starting cheerful conversations between staff and customers—helping our team and our commuters at the station feel part of the local community,which is rewarding for everyone.”

5Nala wears a collar with her name and the owner's details,but Ambler said that she was receiving around 20 calls a day from people telling her they found her cat.She had to make a second tag to tell people that Nala was not lost,and she was just on an adventure.Nala usually just visits the station and a local park but on some days she travels far and wide.“Once she spent most of the night in a cinema and a friend had to go and bring her home,” Ambler said.

6Nala is so popular that Ambler set up a page where people can post photos of their encounters with the cat.One woman posted,“She makes my morning when I get the train to work.” Another said,“Aww,Nala is simply beautiful.The only real celebrity of Stevenage.”

7When asked if she had any concerns about her cat's adventures,Ambler said,“Not at all,she's obviously well-loved and she's very happy doing what she does—I just hope one day she doesn't actually try to get on a train.”




1.Where does Nala like to visit frequently?

A.A local restaurant.

B.A busy railway station.

C.A nearby cinema.

D.A community park.


2.What did Nala's owner do to keep track of her wanderings?

A.The owner trained her to come home.

B.The owner hired someone to follow her.

C.The owner put up posters around the town.

D.The owner fitted her with a GPS tracking device.


3.What does Shaun Smith think Nala contributes to the station?

A.He is concerned she might be a safety risk.

B.He believes she causes unnecessary disruption.

C.He finds her presence affects the station environment.

D.He thinks she makes people smile and starts cheerful conversations.


4.What can we know about Nala according to the text?

A.Nala always loses herself.

B.Nala is popular in the UK.

C.Nala's owner thinks Nala likes to be noticed.

D.Nala's owner worries about Nala's adventures.



Ⅰ.Difficult sentence in the text

Nala is so popular that Ambler set up a page where people can post photos of their encounters with the cat.娜拉是如此受欢迎以至于安布勒创建了一个网页,人们可以在那里发布他们与这只猫相遇的照片。

【点石成金】本句中,so...that...引导的是结果状语从句;where引导定语从句,先行词是a page。

Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks.

Misty was a black cat that simply 1.________(charm) everyone who met her.She had a collar 2.________(fit) with a tiny bell.The neighborhood knew her as a friendly cat who visited every doorstep,3.________(obvious) enjoying the attention and treats she received.

One morning,Misty's usual routine took an 4.________(expect) turn.With her keen instincts,she found herself at the old Miller place,5.________ the edge of town.The house had a silence,6.________ for Misty,it was just another adventure.The Millers,7.________(include) their three children,were away on vacation.During their absence,Misty explored every corner,soon 8.________(discover) a spot atop an old cupboard,perfect for napping.

Days 9.________(pass) and the Millers returned.They found her curled up,on their living room couch.The family,already fond of the little visitor,decided it was only fitting for Misty to become 10.________ official member of their home.


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