

疯狂英语·新读写 2024年4期

河北 胡金莹

主题语境:急救 篇幅:347词 建议用时:7分钟

1We have no way of predicting when an everyday activity will turn into a life or death situation.That's why Nate Howard insists it's always better to be prepared.

2The tattoo artist from Maine firmly believes that everyone should get first-aid training,particularly when it comes to performing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) (心肺复苏).After all,that's what allowed him to save a stranger's life last June.

3Nate and his wife were picking up dinner from the store when they noticed a man lying on the street.“Another guy was next to him checking his pulse and said he couldn't find it,” Nate said.Springing into action,they worked together to move the stranger out of harm's way.Then they began chest compression,continuing for five long minutes until doctors arrived.They had to use a defibrillator (除颤器) on the unconscious man several times before he stabilized,after which they rushed him to the hospital.

4One of the doctors found Nate and told him the man had suffered a massive heart attack.Nate said,“He then shook my hand and congratulated us for saving this complete stranger,and said had we not been there and acted as fast as we had,that he would have absolutely not made it.”

5The next day,Nate visited Stephen,the stranger whose life he helped save,in the hospital after Stephen's family contacted him.When he arrived,he learned that Stephen is a super awesome and incredibly funny person who gives New Year gifts to a lot of kids in Poland each year.

6He also discovered that Stephen had a life-threatening condition called ventricular fibrillation (心室颤动).As a result,his heart stopped beating three times in the hospital.If it hadn't been for Nate's help,the doctors said Stephen probably would have died.

7Since then,Nate has shared his story online to inspire others to take a CPR class.“You never know what kind of situation might unfold at any moment,” he said.“Simply knowing what to do might be the difference between someone going home to their family or not.”



1.What profession is Nate Howard?

A.A teacher.

B.A police officer.

C.A tattoo artist.

D.A doctor.

2.What did Nate and his wife do to save a stranger's life?

A.Perform CPR.

B.Call the emergency services.

C.Provide shelter for the stranger.

D.Transport the stranger to the hospital.

3.Why does Nate advocate for people to learn CPR?

A.It is the duty of all citizens.

B.He intends to become a CPR instructor.

C.He wants recognition for his good deed.

D.It means the difference in unexpected situations.

4.How can we describe Nate according to the text?

A.Wise and warm-hearted.

B.Optimistic and brave.

C.Humorous and caring.

D.Capable and diligent.



Ⅰ.Difficult sentence in the text

That's why Nate Howard insists it's always better to be prepared.这就是为什么内特·霍华德坚持认为要未雨绸缪。

【点石成金】本句中,why 引导表语从句;insists 后面是一个省略了that 的宾语从句,it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式to be prepared。

Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks.

The day began with a common 1.________(active): a neighborhood basketball game.Energy was high,and laughter 2.________(fill) the air as we shot while playing basketball.No one 3.________(expect) the fun to turn into an emergency.

Midway through the game,John,our friend,collapsed.The happiness vanished 4.________(complete) as panic set in.But training kicked in;I'd recently taken a first-aid course.5.________(rush) to his side,I checked for responsiveness and then for breathing.Then,I started chest compression,counting out loud,trying to push away the fear.

After all,this was not drill.John's life depended on my actions right then.Others had called for an ambulance,and I kept 6.________(continue) CPR,sweat mixing with determination.It felt like hours,7.________ help arrived within minutes.Doctors took over,and I watched them shock John's heart.Once,twice,finally,a weak pulse returned.Relief was 8.________(notice) among the onlookers as the ambulance sped away.

Later,we'd learn that John 9.________(suffer) a heart attack,a rare event for someone so young.Thanks to prompt first aid,he made a full 10.________(recover).




casualty 伤员

victim 受害者

incident 事件

hazard 危险

response 响应;反应

triage 伤员鉴别分类

prioritize 优先处理

consciousness 意识

shock 休克

bleeding 出血

fracture 骨折

burn 烧伤

dressing 敷料


bandage 用绷带包扎

splint 用夹板固定

suture 缝合

decontamination 净化

amputation 截肢

dislocation 脱位

sterilization 灭菌

evacuation 疏散

sedation 药物镇静


abrasion 擦伤处

laceration 撕裂伤

contusion 挫伤

hemorrhage 出血

unconsciousness 无意识

asphyxiation 窒息

hypothermia 低体温症

frostbite 冻伤

hypoglycemia 低血糖症

hyperglycemia 高血糖症

epilepsy 癫痫

anaphylaxis 过敏反应


sanitizer 消毒杀菌剂

splints 夹板

scissors 剪刀

tweezers 镊子

gloves 手套


gauze pad 纱布垫

adhesive tape 胶带

emergency response 紧急响应

life support 维持生命

rescue breathing 人工呼吸

sudden collapse 突然倒下

recovery position 复苏体位

chest compression 胸部按压

thermal burn 热烧伤

chemical burn 化学烧伤

superficial burn 表皮烧伤

partial thickness burn 局部厚度烧伤

full thickness burn 全厚度烧伤

inhalation injury 吸入性创伤

topical treatment 局部治疗

respiratory rate 呼吸频率

allergic reaction 过敏反应

assess the injury or condition 评估伤势或状况

attend to the victim's needs 关注受害者的需求

avoid moving the injured unnecessarily 避免不必要地移动受伤者

bandage the wound 包扎伤口

call for help immediately 立即呼叫求助

check airway,breathing,and circulation 检查气道、呼吸和血液循环

clear the area around the injured 清理受伤者周围的区域

comfort the injured person 安慰受伤者

establish an open airway 建立一个开放的气道

evacuate injured persons if necessary 如有必要,疏散受伤者


1.If an accident occurs and someone injures his/her leg,you should encourage him/her to remain still,and use a cloth or towel to apply pressure to wounds to slow the bleeding while waiting for medical help.如果发生意外有人腿部受伤,你应该让他/她保持静止,并在等待医疗救助的同时,使用布或毛巾对伤口施压以减缓出血。

2.When you see someone with a burn,it's important to cool the burn under running water to relieve pain and prevent swelling,but make sure not to use ice as it can cause further tissue damage.当你看到有人烧伤时,重要的是要在流动的水下冷却烧伤部位以缓解痛苦并防止肿胀,但请确保不要使用冰,因为冰可能会造成更多的组织损伤。

3.In the event of a nosebleed,encourage the person to lean forward slightly,pinch nostrils shut for a few minutes,and breathe through mouth,which can help to stop the bleeding more quickly.如果发生鼻出血,鼓励患者稍微向前倾斜,捏住鼻孔几分钟并通过嘴呼吸,这有助于更快地止血。

4.When treating people who are in shock,it's essential to lay them down and elevate their legs,unless they have a head,neck,or back injury,and cover them with a blanket to keep them warm while calling for help.当治疗休克患者时,必须让他们躺下,腿部抬高,除非他们的头部、颈部或背部受伤,并在呼叫救援的同时用毯子盖住他们以保持温暖。

5.Upon discovering someone with a potential neck or spinal injury,it's critical that you don't attempt to move him/her unless there's an immediate risk to his/her life,and instead,keep the person's head,neck,and spine in alignment while waiting for trained personnel.发现某人可能有颈部或脊柱损伤时,关键是不要试图移动他/她,除非他/她的生命有直接的危险,而是要在等待训练有素的人员时,保持此人的头部、颈部和脊柱成一条直线。

6.When someone has been bitten by a potentially rabid animal,it's important that you wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water,and then take him/her to a healthcare facility for further treatment and possible rabies vaccination.当某人被可能携带狂犬病的动物咬伤时,重要的是要用肥皂和水彻底清洗伤口,然后带他/她到医疗机构进行进一步治疗和可能的狂犬病疫苗接种。

7.If someone is exhibiting signs of a stroke,such as difficulty speaking or paralysis on one side of the body,you should note the time the symptoms began and immediately call emergency services,as prompt treatment can greatly improve his/her chances of recovery.如果某人有中风的迹象,例如说话困难或身体一侧瘫痪,你应该注意症状开始的时间,并立即呼叫急救服务,因为及时治疗可以大大提高他/她的康复概率。

8.Should an individual be bitten by a snake,it's important to keep him/her still and calm,keeping the bitten limb at heart level,if possible,to slow the spread of venom,but you should not attempt to suck the venom out or apply ice,as these methods can do more harm than good.如果一个人被蛇咬伤,让他/她保持静止和平静是很重要的,如果可能的话,让被咬伤的肢体与心脏保持同一水平,以减缓毒液的传播,但你不应该试图吸出毒液或者敷冰,因为这些方法可能弊大于利。


英语俱乐部拟在暑假期间组织主题为“Stay out of danger and enjoy a safe holiday”的急救培训课程。请你以英语俱乐部负责人的名义,用英语写一则通知。内容包括:









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