王文明 贾兵 朱立武 刘文琴 张均明 童秋云 吴宗政 鲍利平
摘 要:金花早属砂梨(Pyrus pyrifolia)品种,为安徽歙县上丰乡徽州雪梨地方梨优良品系。果实呈扁圆形,硬度中等,果肩部有褐色锈斑,果肉乳白色,果心中等大,为5心室,肉质紧密;果皮绿色,平均单果质量350.6 g,可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)为10.8%,有机酸含量为0.05%。与主栽梨品种秋黄、丰水相比,其果实贮藏性良好,常温下贮藏30 d左右,适应性强,抗早期落叶病。在歙县地区3月10日萌芽,3月20日初花,3月24日盛花,3月30日末花,落叶期为11月2日,成熟期为8月下旬。嫁接苗第5年平均每株产量可达25.3 kg,每666.7 m2产量高达2 125.2 kg,产量高而稳定。鲜食与加工兼用。适合长江流域和皖南山区栽培。
中图分类号:S661.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-9980(2024)03-0547-05
Breeding of a new sand pear cultivar Jinhuazao
WANG Wenming1, JIA Bing2*, ZHU Liwu2, LIU Wenqin3, ZHANG Junming4, TONG Qiuyun5, WU Zongzheng6, BAO Liping6
(1Science and Technology Experimental Station of She County, Huangshan 245200, Anhui, China; 2College of Horticulture, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036, Anhui, China; 3Service Center of Zhengcun Town, She County, Huangshan 245200, Anhui, China; 4Agro-Tech Extension and Service Center of She County, Huangshan 245200, Anhui, China; 5Huangshan Comprehensive Experimental Station, Huangshan 245200, Anhui, China; 6Honglinhua Family Farm in She County, Huangshan 245200, Anhui, China)
Abstract: Jinhuazao is an excellent strain of local sand pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) cultivars in Shangfeng town, She county, Anhui province. In 2008, we surveyed the sand pear germplasm resources in Anhui province and discovered five distinct self-rooted mother trees with moderate fruit size, round fruit shape and outstanding fruit quality, as well as tolerance to early defoliation disease and long storage period. During the preliminary selection, it was temporarily named as Jinhuazao pear. To confirm the hypothesis that these five plants were unprecedented local pear cultivars, we re-investigated the local sand pear germplasm resources during 2009—2010 and successfully constructed a SRAP genetic map for them. According to the phylogenetic tree analysis and DNA electrophoresis results, we revealed that these five plants were distinctive from other surveyed pear strains. Therefore, we subsequently consulted the relevant information and conducted fruit quality evaluation and genetic molecular identification on them, and two of them were selected for further study. After that, we monitored and comparatively analyzed the biological and physiological characteristics and resistance to abiotic stresses between the two selected strains and other pear strains. Fortunately, we obtained a new excellent local sand pear cultivar, which was early maturing, highly yielding, strongly adaptable and more tolerant to early defoliation disease. These support our assumption that Jinhuazao was a characteristic local pear variety that was unrecorded before in Anhui province. A regional evaluation was performed from 2015 to 2020 in Anhui province, and the biological characteristics, phenological period and main economic traits of Jinhuazao were systematically investigated. The results showed that Jinhuazao was a kind of strong and upright pear tree, which was recognized by its strong branching potential but weak branching power in the field. Jiangzaohua sprouted on March 10, and the flowers began to open on March 20, full bloom occurred on March 24, and flowering ended on March 30. Their flowers consisted of 5?6 white petals, where the internal stamens were date-red or red, with 20?22 individual whorled filaments. In addition, corymb-shaped clusters were observed in full bloom, which was composed of 5?7 flowers. At the same time, we found that the 1-year-old branches of Jinhuazao were brown, and were spirally attached by green and oblong oval-shaped leaves, which were distinguishable by their long and acute leaf tips, rounded leaf bases, and bluntly serrated leaf margins. Moreover, we noticed that the leaf surface was smooth and glossy, slightly curved inward on both sides, and the pedicels were thin. The transverse and the vertical diameters of the leaves were approximately 12.59 cm and 7.52 cm, respectively, while the petiole length of them was roughly 4.22 cm. Beyond those, we discovered that Jinhuazao was highly fruit-setting, whose fruits matured earlier than other local pear varieties in Anhui province, and in the Huangshan region of Anhui province, the fruit maturity occurred in late August. The fruit of Jinhuazao was round, and the flesh was creamy white and compact with a 5-ventricle-denoted medium fruit core. It displayed medium hardness and exhibited a green pericarp accompanied by brown rust spots on the shoulder. According to our analysis, the average fruit weight was 350.6 g, the soluble solid content of the fruit was 10.8%, and the organic acid content was 0.05%. Importantly, compared to the local pear cultivars Chuwhangbae and Housui, Jiangzaohua seemed to be more tolerant to the early defoliation disease that arose on November 2 in the field, and the fruit was equipped with a better storage property, with a storage period of approximately 30 days at room temperature. Jinhuazao could be grafted on the Duli rootstock to achieve greater economic value. The planting density in the orchard should be set as 2 m between trees and 4 m between rows. The trees should be trained into sparsely-layered or open-central system. To guarantee the yields of the coming year, the structure of the canopy and the composition of the branches should be strictly controlled through winter pruning, which ought to be performed between 20?25 days after leaf drop. If available, bees can be released at full bloom period to promote pollen dispersal, hence improving the fruit set. As for fertilizer management, sufficient fertilizer must be applied to the trees in the juvenile period, with a single-use of fast-acting fertilizer before the emergence of new shoots. During this period, foliar fertilizer can be sprayed to promote the growth of branch tips. Upon entering adulthood, special attention should be paid to the application of basal, pre-flowering and fruit-harvesting fertilizers, where organic manure should be the main fertilizer, and its reasonable combination with medium-, and trace-elements is needed. Noteworthily, the amount of organic manure application should account for more than 70% of the annual amount of fertilizer. However, despite the strong resistance of Jinhuazao to multiple diseases, more attention should still be paid to prevent it from disease in the field in the southern rainy season, with an emphasis on the governance towards the black spot, anthracnose and Gymnosporangium asiaticum of pear. To reduce the rate of pests and diseases, prediction and forecasting should be strengthened, and agricultural, biological, physical and chemical control should be integrated and adopted under the principle of “prevention first, green governance”. The grafted trees of Jinhuazao could bear abundant fruit in the fourth year and harvested in the fifth year after grafting, the yield of grafted trees was consistent and highly productive, and it reached more than 2 125.2 kg per 666.7 m2, which is higher than that of Chuwhangbae and Housui. It is appropriate for cultivation in the Yangtze River basin and mountainous area of southern Anhui, and it can grow well in any area where it is warm and humid with cool summers. In 2021, it was approved by the Anhui Forest Variety Approval Committee (Accession No.: Wan S-SV-PP-004-2021).
Key words: Pear; New cultivar; Jinhuazao
1 选育过程
2 主要性状
2.1 植物学特征
金花早树势强旺,萌芽力强,成枝力弱。1年生枝棕褐色;叶片呈长椭圆形,叶尖长,急尖,叶基圆形,叶全缘、叶缘有钝锯齿,叶梗细。叶长12.59 cm,叶宽7.52 cm,叶柄长4.22 cm。花瓣为白色、5~6枚,雄蕊20~22枚,分离轮生,枣红色或红色;伞房花序,每花序一般为5~7朵花;花序坐果率高。
2.2 果实经济性状
金花早果实扁圆形,平均单果质量350.6 g,纵径8.5 cm,横径10.0 cm,果皮绿色、套袋黄白色,果肩部有褐色锈斑;果心中等,5心室;果肉乳白色,肉质致密、较硬,汁液中等,味甜,无香气;可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)10.8%,可滴定酸含量0.05%,8月下旬成熟。
2.3 物候期
在安徽歙县地区,金花早萌芽期3月10日,初花期3月20日,盛花期3月24日,终花期3月30日,果实成熟期8月30日,落叶期11月2日。金花早嫁接苗第4年可大量結果,5年生嫁接苗平均株产可达25.3 kg,每666.7 m2产量可达2 125.2 kg。
2.4 适应性及抗逆性
区域试验结果表明,金花早适宜长江流域、皖南山区栽培。常温下可贮藏30 d左右。与引种的其他日韩梨品种相比,明显抗早期落叶病。生产上最好选用杜梨作为砧木,适宜有机质含量高、微酸性土壤,土层深厚、排水良好的地块建园。
3 栽培技术要点
3.1 整形修剪
该品种生长势旺、成枝力较强,栽植密度以2 m×4 m为宜,可采用“开心形”“Y形”树形。定干高度50~60 cm,“Y形”在基部选出2个主枝,方向与行向垂直,“开心形”3个主枝,向3个不同方向生长,主枝间水平夹角以120°为宜,树高一般控制在3.0 m以内。幼树要轻剪,多采用摘心、扭梢、拿枝、拉枝、以果压枝的方法培养树形,控制树体旺长,调节叶果比,促进果实膨大和花芽分化。除延长枝外,以疏枝、长放为主,促使形成花芽,提早结果,尽量少短截。落叶后至萌芽前可进行冬季修剪,以培养结果枝组,调整花芽量,促进通风透光。
3.2 肥水管理
幼树施肥需薄肥勤施,适当增施氮肥,增加根外追肥。生长季节每隔20 d追施尿素或复合肥20~50 g·株-1,也可叶面喷施0.3%尿素和0.1%磷酸二氢钾。成年树施肥以有机肥(主要为农家肥)为主,注重有机肥与中微量元素合理搭配,有机肥的施入量占全年的70%以上。秋季,可在株间或行间围开挖平行沟或环状沟,向外深翻扩穴50~60 cm,深度以60 cm为宜。土壤回填时混以有机肥,表土放在底层,底土放在上层。可在行间套种三叶草、紫云英和毛叶苕子等绿肥作物。通过定期翻压、覆盖等方法将其转变为梨园有机肥培肥土壤,或采用自然生草定期割草覆盖树盘。
3.3 花果管理
一般在落花后20 d进行疏果,25 d内完成疏果工作。留果的标准为每隔20~30 cm留1果,其余全部疏除。可选用外黄内黑双层专用袋或本地自制的柿漆袋进行套袋,一般在落花后25~30 d内完成,套袋前1~3 d,全园要细致喷洒1遍杀虫剂和杀菌剂,药剂一般选择70%甲基托布津1000倍液加10%吡虫啉2500倍液,雨后要及时补喷。
3.4 病虫害防治
化学防治重点做好冬季清园工作,萌芽前用5 °Bé石硫合剂全园消毒,生长季节可用80%全络合态代森锰锌800倍液,配合70%甲基托布津800~1000倍液、50%多菌灵600倍液、40%福星乳油8000~10 000倍液等药剂分别防治轮纹病、炭疽病、黑斑病等主要病害;用2.5%功夫3000倍液、0.3%苦参碱800~1000倍液、1.8%阿维菌素2500倍液、10%吡虫啉5000倍液等药剂防治梨大食心虫、梨小食心虫、梨木虱、蚜虫和叶螨等主要虫害。
4 综合评价
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