王竞 唐雪东 程存刚 周江涛 陈艳辉 李鑫 张艳珍 刘炳含
摘 要:【目的】探究不同光質补光对富士苹果果实品质的影响,为提高苹果果实品质提供参考依据。【方法】以7年生烟富3/M9-T337为材料,以自然光为对照,设置7个补光处理,分别为白光(W)、蓝光(B)、红光(R)、紫外光(UVA)、红蓝光组合9∶1、6∶1、3∶1(BR1、BR2、BR3),测定果实品质以及色泽形成相关关键基因表达差异。【结果】不同光质补光条件下可溶性糖含量BR3>R>B>W>RB2>CK。蓝光显著降低可滴定酸含量。BR3处理显著增加果实中可溶性固形物含量,达到了对照组的1.18倍。红光、紫外光、BR3处理维生素C含量分别比对照增加28.35%、18.53%、10.49%。BR3中花青苷含量最高,是对照组的1.6倍。BR3处理色泽形成相关关键基因MdDFR、MdUFGT、MdCHS、MdF3H、MdMYB10上调最为显著,分别是对照组的4.17倍、1.94倍、5.23倍、6.71倍、5.03倍。【结论】BR3处理条件下,果皮中花青苷含量最高,色泽形成相关基因表达量上调最为显著,同时也能够增加果实维生素C、可溶性糖、可溶性固形物含量,降低可滴定酸含量,果实品质的提升效果最好。
中图分类号:S661.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-9980(2024)03-0459-11
Effects of light quality on Fuji apple fruit quality
WANG Jing1, 2, TANG Xuedong1*, CHENG Cungang2*, ZHOU Jiangtao2, CHEN Yanhui2, LI Xin2, ZHANG Yanzhen2, LIU Binghan1
(1College of Horticulture, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, Jilin, China; 2Research institute of Pomology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Xingcheng 125100, Liaoning, China)
Abstract: 【Objective】 The study explored the effect of light quality on the quality of Fuji apple fruit to found out the best light application scheme. 【Methods】 Using Yanfu 3 as the material, 96 Fuji apple plants with normal and consistent growth were selected and divided into 8 groups, for treatments with natural sun light (CK), white light (W), blue light (B), red light (R), and ultraviolet light (UVA), and mixed light treatments of BR1 (blue light∶red light=1∶9), BR2 (1∶6), and BR3 (1∶3), and 12 plant-based replicates were set in each group. One protective tree was left between the different treatment groups to eliminate mutual interference between the treatments. From May 20th to mid-to-early November, light supplement was carried out at 05:00—07:00 and 18:00—21:00 every day. The light supplement was directly from above the plant, at the same height, 2.5 meters above the ground. The soluble sugars, titratable acids, soluble solids, vitamin C, fruit hardness, fruit coloration and anthocyanin content of apple fruit were determined, and the expression of five key genes related to color formation, including MdDFR (dihydroflavonol reductase), MdUFGT (flavonoid glycosidyltransferase), MdCHS (chalcone synthetase), MdF3H (flavanone 3-hydroxylase) and transcription factor MYB10, were analyzed. 【Results】 Different light quality affected the accumulation of soluble sugars in apple fruit. At 30 days, the soluble sugar content in R, UV, BR2 and BR3 treatment groups increased rapidly, and at 40 days, all treatments increased significantly compared with CK, and at 50 days, the accumulation of soluble sugars in BR3 treatment group was much higher than that in the other treatments, and soluble sugar content was increased by 7.69%, which indicated that BR3 treatment group had the most significant effect in promoting the accumulation of soluble sugars. In addition, single red light, blue light and white light also had great effect on soluble sugar content of fruits, which increased by 5.51%, 5.10% and 3.76%, respectively. The titratable acid content decreased significantly in all treatment groups at 50 days, and the blue light treatment group had the most significant effect in decreasing titratable acid content, which was decreased by 15.6%. The influence of BR1, BR3 and white light was the second, with decreases of 7.91%, 8.11% and 9.33%, respectively. Titratable acid content in BR2 treatment was reduced by only 1.81% compared to the control, but it was 1.85% higher in red light treatment than that of the control. The soluble solids content in all treatment groups were increased at 30 days compared with 20 days, and increased in all treatments except blue light treatment and ultraviolet light treatment at 40 days. At 50 days, the soluble solids content in red light and BR3 was the highest, which was 1.18 times that of the control group, and in the BR2 treatment it was 1.13 times that of the control group. Compared with the control, the soluble solids content in BR1, UVA, W and B increased by 4.50%, 5.05%, 3.86% and 6.86%, respectively. The results of these experiments showed that different light quality could increase the content of soluble solids in fruit, and red light and BR3 treatments had the most significant effect in increasing the content of soluble solids. At 20 days, vitamin C content in the control group, the red light treatment and BR2 treatment group reached the peak value. At 30 days, vitamin C contents in white, blue, ultraviolet, BR1 and BR3 treatment groups reached the highest value. At 40 days, vitamin C content in each treatment group decreased. At 50 days, vitamin C was the highest in the red light treatment group, which increased by 28.35% compared with the control group, followed by the purple light treatment, which increased by 18.53%. Compared with the control group, Vc content in BR1, BR2 and BR3 increased by 10.60%, 4.24% and 10.49%, respectively. White and blue light treatment had the least effect on vitamin C content, increasing by only 1.11% and 1.56%. The hardness of fruit was the highest when the light was supplied for 20 days and higher in all light treatments than that of the control group. As the ripeness of the fruit gradually increased, the hardness of the fruit gradually decreased. At 50 day, BR1, BR2 and BR3 had a significantly higher hardness, which increased by 14.83%, 15.60% and 16.37% compared with the control group, respectively. Red light and blue light increased fruit hardness by 11.76% and 8.95%, respectively. The content of anthocyanins in the peel of each treatment group increased rapidly, and the increase was the most significant at 40 days. At 50 days, the content of anthocyanins in the BR3 treatment group was the highest, which was 1.6 times that of the control group. BR1 and BR2 had only 1.29 times that of the control group. Supplementation of single red light promoted the accumulation of anthocyanins in the peel, which was only 1.13 times that of the control. The addition of white light and blue light did not have a significant effect in the increase of anthocyanin content in the peel. The expression of key genes related to color formation, MdDFR, MdUFGT, MdCHS, MdF3H and MdMYB10 were all regulated, and their expression in BR3 treatment group was the most significantly up-regulated, being 4.17, 1.94, 5.23, 6.71 and 5.03 times that of the control group, respectively. 【Conclusion】 Supplementation of different light quality can increase the content of soluble solids in fruit, and the combination of red light and red blue (3∶1) has the best effect. Red light treatment can increase vitamin C, soluble sugars and titratable acids in the fruit; blue light treatment is effective to reduce the content of titratable acid in the fruit. The combined treatment with red and blue (3∶1) light is most effective in increasing the content of anthocyanins in the peel and the expression of genes related to color formation. The treatment also increases the content of vitamin C, soluble sugars and soluble solids in the fruit, reduces the content of titratable acid, and thus has the best effect in improving the quality of the fruit.
Key words: Apple; Fill light; LED; Fruit quality
不同光质补光主要改善了树体的光照条件,进而影响果实各项指标,包括可溶性糖含量、可滴定酸含量、可溶性固形物含量、维生素C含量、果实硬度、果实色泽、花青苷含量、单果质量、果形指数等[5-8]。研究表明,在设施栽培樱桃中补光提高樱桃糖分含量,促进了果实成熟进度,比对照组提早6 d左右[9]。在草莓研究中发现,补光有利于提高设施草莓产量、改善果实外观和内在品质[10]。补光有利于改善瑞都香玉葡萄果实品质,促进葡萄果实发育、成熟[11]。补光可以促进马铃薯营养生长及生物量积累,进而提高马铃薯产量、改善块茎品质[12]。在金鹏1号番茄上的研究发现,补充LED光质能够增加果实中可溶性固形物含量,提高果实含酸量[13]。崔晓辉等[14]在薄皮甜瓜中研究发现,补光有利于增加果实中可溶性糖含量。在西葫芦研究中发现,补光处理显著提高果实中维生素C含量和糖酸比[15]。
花青苷合成是通过苯丙氨酸途径来实现的,其相关基因主要有二氢黄酮醇还原酶(dihydroflavonol 4-reductase,DFR)、类黄酮糖苷转移酶(UDP glycose: flavonoid 3-O-glucosyl transferase,UFGT)、查尔酮合成酶(chalcone synthase,CHS)、黄烷酮3-羟化酶(flavanone-3-hydroxylase,F3H)和MdMYB10。
1 材料和方法
1.1 试验材料
1.2 试验处理
选取生长良好、长势一致的植株96株,分成8组,自然不补光为对照(CK)、白光(W)、蓝光(B)、红光(R)、紫外光(UVA),以及补光强度组合(蓝光∶红光)BR1(1∶9)、BR2(1∶6)、BR3(1∶3),每组12株重复,每株树采2个果实用于测定。不同处理组间留有1株保护树,排除处理间的相互干扰。于9月1日至11月6日进行补光,补光时间为05:00—07:00与18:00—21:00,补光时间总计66 d共330 h,通过定时器来控制不同处理补光时间。果实于幼果期进行套袋处理,于10月12日进行摘袋。果实采收时间为9月30日、10月12日、10月24日、11月6日,当日07:30开始采收,一半用液氮保存后进行后续指标测定,另一半及时进行果实品质相关指标的测定。光源为上海合鸣公司生产50 W圆盘形植物补光灯,补光灯在植株正上方,高度一致,距离地面2.5 m。各处理组其他田间管理一致。土壤pH值为6.9,有机质含量(w,后同)为14.70 g·kg-1,碱解氮含量为88.03 mg·kg-1,速效磷含量为64.64 mg·kg-1,速效钾含量为128.10 mg·kg-1。
1.3 果实品质指标测定
采用紫外可见分光光度计法测定花青苷含量[16],称取粉碎后的样品0.2 g于10 mL压口离心管中,放入5 mL提取液,盖盖并摇匀,避光保存24 h,取出放入离心机中50 ℃、6000 r·min-1离心5 min。提取上清液放入10 mL压口离心管中,用水浴恒温紫外可见分光光度计进行测定。
采用CM-700d型色差仪测定果实色泽参数(L、a、b、c、h),每次测定前用D65光源,0 ℃观察角,白色标准色板进行校准;值越大表示样品表面光泽越好;a值正值为红色,值越大表示红色越深;b值正值为黄色,值越大表示黄色越深;h值其变化范围在0~180°,h<50°时,值越小红色越深;c值为色饱和度,其值越大表示颜色越纯。
采用RNAprep Pure Plant Plus Kit试剂盒(DP441,天根,中国)提取样品总RNA,以RNA为模板,使用反转录试剂盒TransScript?One-Step gDNA removal and cDNA Synthesis SuperMix合成cDNA。
采用试剂盒PerfectStart Green qPCR SuperMix(Vazyme,中国)和荧光定量PCR仪(Bio-Rad,美国)进行实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)。引物由生工生物工程有限公司合成。引物序列见表1。以MdActin为内参基因,按2-ΔΔCT法计算基因相对表达水平。
1.4 数据处理与分析
使用Excel 2019软件进行试验数据整理,采用SAS 9.4进行数据处理分析,检验范围p<0.05为显著,p<0.01为极显著。所有试验均3次重复,结果用“平均值±标准误”来表示。
2 结果与分析
2.1 不同光质补光对果实内在品质的影响
2.1.1 不同光质补光对果实糖酸含量的影响 由图1显示,不同光质补光影响苹果果实中可溶性糖含量的积累。30 d时R、UV、BR2、BR3处理可溶性糖含量迅速增加,40 d时所有处理可溶性糖含量均同步大幅度上升,50 d时BR3处理可溶性糖含量高于其他处理,与CK相比增加了7.69%,这表明BR3处理对促进可溶性糖含量的积累效果最为显著。此外,单红光、蓝光和白光也对果实的可溶性糖含量有较大影响,分别比对照增加了5.51%、5.10%、3.76%。
由图2可知,与其他处理不同,白光与紫外光处理30 d内可滴定酸含量无明显下降趋势。紫外光与BR2、BR3处理在40 d时可滴定酸含量略有上升。所有处理均在第50天时可滴定酸含量出现顯著下降,其中蓝光处理可滴定酸含量下降最为显著,下降15.60%。BR1、BR3和白光的影响次之,分别降低了7.91%、8.11%、9.33%。BR2处理与对照相比仅降低了1.81%。红光处理与对照相比可滴定酸含量升高1.85%。
2.1.2 不同光质补光对果实可溶性固形物含量的影响 由图3所示,30 d时所有处理的可溶性固形物含量与20 d时相比均呈上升趋势,40 d时除蓝光、紫外光处理以及对照外,其他处理均有所上升。50 d时红光与BR3处理果实中的可溶性固形物含量最高,达到了对照的1.18倍。BR2处理果实中的可溶性固形物含量达到了对照的1.13倍。而BR1、紫外光、白光和蓝光处理与对照相比,果实中可溶性固形物含量分别提高4.50%、5.05%、3.86%、6.86%。试验结果表明,不同光质补光均能提高果实中可溶性固形物含量,其中红光和BR3处理对增加果实中可溶性固形物含量的作用最为显著。
2.1.3 不同光质补光对果实维生素C含量的影响 由图4可知,20 d时对照与红光以及BR2处理维生素C含量达到峰值。30 d时白光、蓝光、紫外光、BR1以及BR3处理维生素C含量达到峰值。40 d时各处理维生素C含量均有所下降。50 d时红光处理果实中维生素C含量最高,与对照相比增加了28.35%,其次为紫外光处理,增加了18.53%。BR1、BR2和BR3三个处理与对照相比,分别显著增加了10.60%、4.24%、10.49%。白光处理对维生素C含量影响最小,仅增加了1.11%,蓝光处理使维生素C含量显著减少6.44%。
2.1.4 不同光质补光对果实硬度的影响 补光20 d时果实硬度最高,不同补光处理的果实硬度均高于对照。随着果实成熟度逐渐增加,果实硬度逐渐降低。在50 d时,BR1、BR2、BR3三个处理均显著增加了果实的硬度,与对照相比分别提高14.83%、15.60%、16.37%。红光和蓝光与对照相比分别显著提高了11.76%、8.95%(图5)。
2.2 不同光质补光对果实外在品质的影响
2.2.1 不同光质补光对果实着色的影响 由表2可知,在40 d时,L、b、h降低,a值与c值增大。在50 d时,一定程度上补光降低了L、b、h值,增大了a值和c值,与对照相比不同光质补光均降低了L值,其中BR1处理最为显著,降低了14.97%。白光、红光和紫外光处理的a值分别比对照显著增大16.02%、17.05%、17.65%,而蓝光处理仅增大10.19%。另外,红蓝组合光处理相较于对照a值分别增大18.31%、11.42%、16.45%。此外,BR1处理对c值的增大效果最为显著。与对照相比各处理均降低了h值。综上所述,不同光质补光均能促进果实着色,但促进的效果不同,BR3处理促进果实着色效果最为显著。
2.2.2 不同光质补光对果实花青苷含量的影响 由图6可知,20 d为果实未摘袋条件下的果皮花青苷含量,其含量较低。30 d为果实刚摘袋条件下果皮中花青苷含量,无明显变化。40 d时各处理的果皮花青苷含量迅速上升,上升幅度最为显著。50 d时BR3处理的果皮花青苷含量最高,是对照的1.6倍。BR1和BR2在一定程度上提升果皮中花青苷含量,是对照的1.29倍,但显著低于BR3处理。补充单红光也能促进果皮中花青苷的积累,但相对于对照,仅有1.13倍的增加效果。而补充白光和蓝光对果皮花青苷含量的增加并没有显著作用。
荧光定量PCR分析了苹果果皮中5个花青苷合成相关基因的表达水平(图7)。在50 d时,BR1与BR3处理MdDFR基因表达量显著上调。在20 d时,UV处理MdMYB10基因表达量显著上调。在20 d与50 d时,BR3处理MdF3H基因表达量上调显著,50 d时W与BR1处理基因表达量增加。在40 d时,各补光处理MdCHS基因表达量均上调。在20 d时,BR3处理MdUFGT基因表达量上调最为显著。在50 d时,BR3处理MdDFR和MdF3H基因表达量显著上调,分别是对照的4.17倍、6.71倍,MdMYB10、MdCHS、MdUFGT基因表达量均有所上调,是对照的5.03倍、5.23倍、1.94倍。
3 讨 论
3.1 不同光质对果实外在品质的影响
3.2 不同光质对果实内在品质的影响
4 结 论
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