Intelligent Energy Utilization Analysis Using IUA-SMD Model Based Optimization Technique for Smart Metering Data
K.Rama Devi, V.Srinivasan, G.Clara Barathi Priyadharshini, J.Gokulapriya
(1.Department of Information Technology, Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600029, India; 2.Department of Computer Applications, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bengaluru 560078, Karnataka, India;3.Department of Computer Appliations, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641021, India;4.Department of Computer Science, Rathinam College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641021, India)
Abstract:Smart metering has gained considerable attention as a research focus due to its reliability and energy-efficient nature compared to traditional electromechanical metering systems.Existing methods primarily focus on data management, rather than emphasizing efficiency.Accurate prediction of electricity consumption is crucial for enabling intelligent grid operations, including resource planning and demand-supply balancing.Smart metering solutions offer users the benefits of effectively interpreting their energy utilization and optimizing costs.Motivated by this, this paper presents an Intelligent Energy Utilization Analysis using Smart Metering Data (IUA-SMD) model to determine energy consumption patterns.The proposed IUA-SMD model comprises three major processes: data Pre-processing, feature extraction, and classification, with parameter optimization.We employ the extreme learning machine (ELM) based classification approach within the IUA-SMD model to derive optimal energy utilization labels.Additionally, we apply the shell game optimization (SGO) algorithm to enhance the classification efficiency of the ELM by optimizing its parameters.The effectiveness of the IUA-SMD model is evaluated using an extensive dataset of smart metering data, and the results are analyzed in terms of accuracy and mean square error (MSE).The proposed model demonstrates superior performance, achieving a maximum accuracy of 65.917% and a minimum MSE of 0.096.These results highlight the potential of the IUA-SMD model for enabling efficient energy utilization through intelligent analysis of smart metering data.
Keywords:electricity consumption;predictive model;data analytics;smart metering;machine learning
0 Introduction
The advent of smart metering has revolutionized the field of energy monitoring and consumption analysis.With the shortcomings of traditional electromechanical metering systems becoming increasingly apparent, there has been a growing emphasis on developing more reliable, energy-efficient, and intelligent solutions.Smart metering has garnered significant attention as a hot research topic, offering numerous advantages over its conventional counterparts[1].
Firstly, the topic of smart metering holds significant importance due to the limitations of traditional metering systems.Electromechanical meters are known for their lack of reliability and accuracy, leading to inefficient energy monitoring and inaccurate billing.This discrepancy has resulted in an increased demand for advanced metering technologies that can provide precise measurements and improve the overall efficiency of energy consumption analysis.
Secondly, smart metering plays a vital role in the context of resource planning and demand-supply balancing.By accurately predicting electricity consumption patterns, intelligent metering systems can assist in efficiently allocating energy resources, optimizing load distribution, and managing peak demand periods.This ability to balance the demand and supply of electricity is crucial for maintaining grid stability and ensuring a sustainable energy infrastructure.
Furthermore, smart metering offers substantial benefits to end-users.By effectively interpreting their energy utilization patterns, consumers can gain valuable insights into their consumption habits, identify areas for optimization, and make informed decisions to reduce energy costs.This empowers consumers to actively participate in energy conservation efforts and promotes a more sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to energy usage.
Existing research in smart metering has primarily focused on data handling and analytics, aiming to extract valuable insights from the vast amount of energy consumption data collected[2].However, the efficiency aspect of smart metering has often been overlooked, with limited attention given to optimizing the processes involved in energy utilization analysis.While accurate prediction of electricity consumption is essential for effective resource planning and demand-supply balancing, there is a need for intelligent approaches that go beyond data interpretation to ensure efficient energy utilization[3-5].
The objective of this research paper is to address the existing gap in the field by proposing an Intelligent Energy Utilization Analysis using Smart Metering Data (IUA-SMD) model.The IUA-SMD model is designed to leverage the potential of smart metering data and provide an efficient framework for determining energy consumption patterns.By incorporating advanced techniques such as data Pre-processing, feature extraction, classification, and parameter optimization, the IUA-SMD model aims to enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of energy utilization analysis.
Within the proposed framework, we employ the Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) based classification approach, which has shown promising results in various machine learning applications.By utilizing the ELM algorithm, the IUA-SMD model can derive optimal class labels for energy utilization, enabling effective interpretation and categorization of consumption patterns.Additionally, to further enhance the classification efficiency of the ELM, we employ the shell game optimization (SGO) algorithm for tuning the parameters involved.
To validate the efficacy of the proposed IUA-SMD model, an extensive dataset of smart metering data is utilized.The performance of the model is evaluated based on accuracy and Mean Square Error (MSE) metrics, providing insights into its effectiveness in analyzing energy utilization patterns.The experimental results highlight the superiority of the IUA-SMD model, demonstrating its potential in enabling efficient energy utilization through intelligent analysis of smart metering data.
1 Related Work
The field of smart metering and energy consumption analysis has garnered significant attention in recent years, leading to a substantial body of research and advancements in the domain.In this section, we review existing literature and studies that are closely related to our proposed Intelligent Energy Utilization Analysis using Smart Metering Data(IUA-SMD) model.
1)Smart Metering Technologies.
Several studies have explored different smart metering technologies and their capabilities.For instance, Wang[6]compared the performance of advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) and non-AMI systems in terms of data accuracy and communication efficiency.They concluded that AMI-based smart metering systems offer higher accuracy and more reliable data collection.
2)Data Handling and Analytics.
Existing research has focused on various data handling and analytics techniques in the context of smart metering.Farmanbar[7]proposed a data preprocessing technique for cleaning and normalizing smart meter data, ensuring accurate analysis and prediction.The work explored feature extraction methods for identifying energy consumption patterns and detecting anomalies in smart meter data.
3)Energy Consumption Prediction.
Prediction of electricity consumption plays a crucial role in resource planning and demand forecasting.In Ref.[8], the authors developed a prediction model using machine learning algorithms to forecast Short-Term electricity consumption based on historical smart meter data.Their results demonstrated the effectiveness of such models in accurately predicting future energy demand.
4)Optimization Techniques.
To enhance the efficiency of energy utilization analysis, researchers have applied optimization techniques.El Khantach[9]proposed a genetic algorithm-based optimization approach to optimize the parameters of machine learning models used for energy demand forecasting.Their study showed improved accuracy and efficiency in predicting electricity consumption.
5)Machine Learning Algorithms.
Machine learning algorithms have been extensively utilized for energy consumption analysis.Joudaki[10]employed Support Vector Machines (SVM) for classifying energy consumption patterns based on smart meter data.They achieved high accuracy in identifying different energy utilization categories.
Building upon the existing research, our proposed IUA-SMD model introduces novel contributions in terms of its holistic approach to intelligent energy utilization analysis.By incorporating data Pre-processing, feature extraction, classification using the extreme learning machine (ELM), and parameter optimization with the shell game optimization (SGO) algorithm, our model aims to improve both accuracy and efficiency in energy consumption analysis.Furthermore, our study provides an extensive validation of the proposed model using a comprehensive dataset, allowing for a robust evaluation of its performance.
Overall, the related work demonstrates the growing interest in smart metering and energy consumption analysis.Our research contributes to this field by offering an innovative approach that focuses on efficiency and accurate classification of energy utilization patterns, providing valuable insights for effective energy management and optimization.
2 Methodology
This section outlines the methodology employed in our research for developing the Intelligent Energy Utilization Analysis using Smart Metering Data (IUA-SMD) model.The methodology encompasses data Pre-processing, feature extraction, classification using the extreme learning machine (ELM), and parameter optimization using the shell game optimization (SGO) algorithm.
2.1 Data Pre-processing
Data Pre-processing is a critical step in the proposed Intelligent Energy Utilization Analysis using Smart Metering Data (IUA-SMD) model.It involves several steps to ensure the quality and reliability of the smart metering data.The following are the detailed data Pre-processing steps.
1)Data Cleaning.
Identify and handle missing values: Check for any missing values in the dataset and decide on an appropriate strategy for handling them.This could involve imputing missing values using techniques like mean imputation or interpolation[11].
Handle inconsistencies and errors: Inspect the data for any inconsistencies or errors, such as incorrect readings or outliers.Remove or correct these inconsistencies to ensure data accuracy.
2) Data Normalization.
Scale the data: Normalize the smart metering data to bring it within a standardized range.Common normalization techniques include min-max scaling or z-score normalization.Scaling the data eliminates variations in magnitude and ensures that features with different scales are treated equally during analysis.
3)Handling Outliers.
Statistical measures such as the interquartile range (IQR) are used to detect outliers in the data.Outliers can significantly impact the analysis and may need to be addressed.
Decide on an appropriate strategy for handling outliers based on the specific context of the data.This could involve removing outliers if they are due to data entry errors or applying robust statistical techniques to mitigate their impact.Fig.1 shows the overall architecture.
Fig.1 Proposed architecture
4)Data Transformation.
In cases where the data exhibits skewed distributions, applying a logarithmic transformation can help normalize the distribution and improve the performance of subsequent analysis techniques[12-15].If the smart metering data represents a time series, consider decomposing it into trend, seasonality, and residual components using techniques like seasonal decomposition of time series (STL) or Fourier analysis.This decomposition can reveal underlying patterns and facilitate more accurate analysis.Create additional features: Based on domain knowledge and insights, generate new features that may enhance the understanding of energy utilization patterns[16].For example, derive features such as daily energy consumption averages, peak/off-peak energy usage indicators, or energy consumption rates.
5)Data Integration.
Combine multiple data sources: If available, incorporate additional relevant data sources, such as weather data or demographic information, to enrich the analysis and improve the accuracy of energy utilization patterns[17].
6)Data Sampling.
Depending on the size of the dataset and computational constraints, consider performing data sampling techniques such as random sampling or stratified sampling to create a representative subset for analysis.This can help manage computational resources without sacrificing the integrity of the analysis.
2.2 Feature Extraction
Feature extraction is a crucial step in the proposed Intelligent Energy Consumption Analytics using Smart Metering Data (ECA-SMD) model.It involves deriving relevant and informative features from the pre-processed smart metering data[14].These features capture important characteristics of energy utilization patterns and enable accurate classification and analysis[18-22].The feature extraction process in the ECA-SMD model can include the following techniques.
1)Statistical Features.
Mean: Calculate the average energy consumption over a specific time period, such as daily, weekly, or monthly.
Standard Deviation: Measure the variability of energy consumption values, indicating the spread or dispersion of data points around the mean.
Skewness: Assess the asymmetry of the energy consumption distribution, identifying whether it is skewed towards higher or lower values.
Kurtosis: Determine the peaked ness or flatness of the energy consumption distribution, indicating the presence of outliers or extreme values.
2)Time-related Features.
Peak/Off-peak Indicators: Identify periods of high and low energy consumption, enabling the analysis of demand patterns and load balancing strategies.
Rate of Change: Calculate the rate at which energy consumption values change over time, capturing trends and sudden shifts in usage patterns.
Seasonality: Analyze recurring patterns or seasonality in energy consumption, such as daily or weekly cycles.
3)Frequency Domain Features.
Fourier Transform: Convert the time-domain energy consumption data into the frequency domain to identify dominant frequency components.This can reveal periodic patterns or fluctuations in energy usage[15].
Load Curve: Plot the energy consumption values against time, providing a visual representation of usage patterns throughout the day or week.
Load Duration Curve: Rank the energy consumption values in descending order and plot them against the corresponding duration, highlighting the percentage of time spent at each consumption level.
4)Contextual Features.
Weather Data Integration: Incorporate weather variables such as temperature, humidity, or sunlight hours to capture the influence of weather conditions on energy consumption.
Demographic Information: Integrate demographic data such as household size, occupancy, or building type to account for differences in energy utilization patterns based on socio-economic factors.
By extracting these features from the pr-processed smart metering data, the ECA-SMD model gains valuable insights into energy utilization patterns.These features serve as input variables for the subsequent classification phase, allowing the model to accurately classify and analyze energy consumption behaviors and provide valuable information for resource planning, demand forecasting, and cost optimization in smart grids.
2.3 Classification Using ELM
The proposed Intelligent Energy Consumption Analytics using Smart Metering Data (ECA-SMD) model utilizes the ELM algorithm for efficient classification of energy consumption patterns.ELM is a machine learning algorithm that can rapidly train single-hidden layer feedforward neural networks.It has gained popularity due to its fast learning speed and good generalization performance.ELM works by randomly initializing the input weights and biases of the hidden layer neurons and then analytically calculating the output weights.This analytical solution allows for quick training without the need for iterative weight adjustments.Once the network is trained, it can classify new energy consumption data based on the learned patterns.Table 1 shows the classification results.
Table 1 Classification results
The ECA-SMD model has been trained and applied to classify energy consumption data into three classes: High, Moderate, and Low.The "Energy Consumption" column represents the actual energy consumption values, while the "Actual Class" column indicates the true class labels assigned to each data point.The "Predicted Class" column displays the class labels predicted by the ELM classifier.
From the table, we can observe that the ECA-SMD model successfully predicts the class labels for the given energy consumption data.For instance, an energy consumption value of 250 kW·h is correctly classified as "High", while a value of 80 kW·h is accurately classified as "Low."
These classification results demonstrate the effectiveness of the ELM algorithm in accurately categorizing energy consumption patterns based on the learned features and training data.The ECA-SMD model can utilize these predictions to provide valuable insights for resource planning, demand management, and energy cost optimization in smart grids.
2.4 Parameter Optimization Using Shell Game Optimization (SGO) Algorithm
Parameter optimization plays a crucial role in fine-tuning the performance of the Intelligent Energy Consumption Analytics using Smart Metering Data (ECA-SMD) model.In this proposed work, the Shell Game Optimization (SGO) algorithm is employed to optimize the parameters involved in the Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) classifier.The SGO algorithm is a nature-inspired optimization technique that mimics the hunting behavior of marine snails.The SGO algorithm optimizes the parameters of the ELM classifier by iteratively searching for the best combination of parameter values that yield optimal classification results.It employs a population-based approach where each individual represents a potential solution.The algorithm utilizes a combination of shell moves and strategic patterns to explore the parameter space and converge towards the optimal solution.
The SGO algorithm involves the following steps:
•Define the population size, which represents the number of individuals in the SGO algorithm.
•Randomly initialize the parameter values for each individual within their specified ranges.
2)Fitness Evaluation.
•Evaluate the fitness of each individual by training and testing the ELM classifier using the assigned parameter values.
•The fitness function measures the performance of the ELM classifier, such as accuracy or mean square error (MSE), and assigns a fitness value to each individual.
3)Shell Moves.
•Perform shell moves to simulate the hunting behavior of marine snails.
•Individuals move from their current positions to new positions within their search space based on their fitness values.
•Shell moves can include rotations, translations, or exchanges of parameter values to explore different regions of the parameter space.
4)Strategic Patterns.
Apply strategic patterns to guide the movement of individuals and improve the search efficiency.Strategic patterns can include attraction towards promising regions or repulsion from suboptimal regions, enhancing the exploration and exploitation capabilities of the algorithm.
Determine a stopping criterion for the SGO algorithm, such as reaching a maximum number of iterations or achieving a desired fitness level.Once the termination criterion is met, select the best individual with the highest fitness as the optimized parameter values for the ELM classifier[16].By applying the SGO algorithm to optimize the parameters of the ELM classifier, the ECA-SMD model enhances the classification efficiency and accuracy of energy consumption patterns.The optimized parameters enable the ELM classifier to better adapt to the characteristics of the smart metering data, resulting in improved classification performance and more reliable predictions.
3 Discussions
The proposed Intelligent Energy Consumption Analytics through Smart Metering Data (ECA-SMD) model, incorporating data Pre-processing, feature extraction, classification using the Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) algorithm, and parameter optimization using the Shell Game Optimization (SGO) algorithm, demonstrates promising capabilities for energy utilization analysis.This section provides a detailed analysis of the results obtained from the evaluation of the ECA-SMD model, comparing it with three existing energy consumption prediction methods.Table 2 provides a list of symbols used in the proposed work.Table 3 shows the comparative analysis.The results presented in Table 3 highlight the superior performance of the ECA-SMD model in accurately predicting energy consumption patterns compared to the existing methods.The ECA-SMD model achieves higher accuracy and lower mean square error, indicating its effectiveness in analyzing energy utilization and improving energy consumption predictions.
Table 2 Nomenclature
Table 3 Performance metrics of ECA-SMD model and existing methods
In Table 3, we compare the performance metrics of the ECA-SMD model with three existing energy consumption prediction methods: ARIMA, Support Vector Regression (SVR), and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM).The ECA-SMD model achieved an accuracy of 65.917% and a mean square error (MSE) of 0.096, outperforming the other methods as shown in Fig.2.
Fig.2 Performance metrics
ARIMA, a well-known time series forecasting method, achieved an accuracy of 54.683% and an MSE of 0.158.Despite its widespread usage, ARIMA struggles to capture the complex patterns and dependencies present in energy consumption data, leading to relatively lower accuracy and higher prediction errors.
SVR, a machine learning-based regression method, performed better than ARIMA with an accuracy of 61.815% and an MSE of 0.113.However, it still falls short compared to the ECA-SMD model in terms of accuracy and MSE.SVR’s performance may be limited due to its reliance on pre-defined kernel functions and the inherent challenges of modeling complex non-linear relationships in energy consumption data.
LSTM, a type of recurrent neural network (RNN) designed for sequential data analysis, achieved an accuracy of 63.291% and an MSE of 0.107.LSTM demonstrates better performance compared to ARIMA and SVR, thanks to its ability to capture long-term dependencies in time series data.However, the ECA-SMD model surpasses LSTM in accuracy and MSE, indicating the superior performance of the proposed model.
The ECA-SMD model’s superior performance can be attributed to its comprehensive approach, integrating advanced data pre-processing techniques, effective feature extraction, and the utilization of the ELM algorithm for classification.Additionally, the parameter optimization using the SGO algorithm further enhances the model’s ability to adapt to the characteristics of smart metering data.
In Table 4, we present the Class-wise performance of the ECA-SMD model.The precision, recall, and F1-score metrics are calculated for each class.The model achieves high precision, recall, and F1-scores for all classes as in Fig.3, indicating its effectiveness in accurately classifying energy consumption patterns across different usage levels.
Table 4 Class-wise performance of the ECA-SMD model
Fig.3 Class wise performance
ECA-SMD model exhibits a precision of 70.125% for the High class, indicating that it correctly identifies 70.125% of the instances belonging to the High consumption class.The recall for the High class is 64.286%, indicating that the model successfully captures 64.286% of the instances that actually belong to the High consumption class.The F1-score, which considers both precision and recall, is 67.071% for the High class.
For the Moderate class, the ECA-SMD model achieves a precision of 62.308%, indicating its ability to correctly identify 62.308% of the instances in the Moderate consumption class.The recall for the Moderate class is 68.421%, meaning that the model captures 68.421% of the actual instances belonging to the Moderate consumption class.The F1-score for the Moderate class is calculated as 65.217%.
Regarding the Low consumption class, the ECA-SMD model demonstrates a precision of 68.421%, correctly identifying 68.421% of the instances in the Low class.The recall for the Low class is 62.963%, indicating that the model captures 62.963% of the actual instances belonging to the Low consumption class.The F1-score for the Low class is computed as 65.566%.
These class-wise performance metrics provide insights into how well the ECA-SMD model performs for each consumption class.The model exhibits relatively high precision and recall for the High and Low classes, while the Moderate class shows slightly lower precision but higher recall.Overall, the F1-scores demonstrate a balanced performance across the three classes, indicating the model’s effectiveness in predicting energy consumption patterns in different usage categories.
The superior performance of the ECA-SMD model can be attributed to its advanced data Pre-processing techniques, comprehensive feature extraction, and the utilization of the ELM algorithm for classification.The integration of the SGO algorithm for parameter optimization further enhances the model’s ability to capture the complex relationships and patterns within the smart metering data.
The proposed ECA-SMD model exhibits significant improvements over the existing model, achieving higher accuracy and lower mean square error.The Class-wise performance analysis demonstrates the model’s capability to effectively classify energy consumption patterns across various usage levels.These results highlight the potential of the ECA-SMD model to provide valuable insights for resource planning, demand-supply balancing, and energy cost optimization in smart grids.
4 Conclusions
In this study, we proposed the Intelligent Energy Consumption Analytics using Smart Metering Data (ECA-SMD) model, which incorporates data pre-processing, feature extraction, classification using the Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) algorithm, and parameter optimization using the Shell Game Optimization (SGO) algorithm.The ECA-SMD model aims to improve the efficiency and accuracy of energy utilization analysis in smart grid systems.
Through extensive evaluation using a diverse set of smart metering data, the ECA-SMD model demonstrated superior performance compared to existing energy consumption prediction methods.It achieved an accuracy of 65.917% and a mean square error (MSE) of 0.096, outperforming alternative approaches such as ARIMA, Support Vector Regression (SVR), and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM).
The results of our analysis clearly indicate that the ECA-SMD model excels in accurately predicting energy consumption patterns across different usage levels.This model’s success can be attributed to its comprehensive approach, incorporating advanced data Pre-processing techniques, effective feature extraction, and the utilization of the ELM algorithm for classification.The integration of the SGO algorithm for parameter optimization further enhances the model’s adaptability to the complex characteristics of smart metering data.
The practical implications of the ECA-SMD model are substantial.By providing accurate energy consumption predictions, the model enables resource planning and facilitates the balance of demand and supply in smart grid systems.Additionally, users can benefit from the model’s ability to interpret their energy utilization, enabling efficient cost management and optimization strategies.
Despite its promising performance, the ECA-SMD model does have some limitations.Further research could focus on exploring additional feature extraction techniques and incorporating other advanced machine learning algorithms to enhance prediction accuracy and robustness.Additionally, the model could be extended to handle real-time data streaming and consider external factors such as weather conditions and user behavior patterns for even more precise predictions.
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