

疯狂英语·初中版 2024年1期


入選时间(Date of Inscription) 2008 年

遴选标准(Criteria) (ix)

遗产面积(Property ) 3,370 公顷

缓冲区面积(Buffer zone) 3,190 公顷

档案编号(Dossier) 1267


Surtsey is a volcanic island off the southern coast of Iceland,formed by a volcanic eruption that occurred from 1963 to 1967.The island is named after the Norse mythological fire god Surtur,meaning “Island of Fire”. Surtsey is a unique natural laboratory thathas 1)garnered significant attention due to the timing and location of itsformation. It is a focal point for research in the fields of earth sciencesand biology and stands as one of the worlds youngest islands.

The volcanic eruption that led to the formation of Surtsey beganon November 14, 1963, initially erupting underwater. As the volcanicactivity intensified, the 2)emergence of the island became apparentabove the sea surface. Over the following years, continuous volcaniceruptions gradually expanded the islands area. By 1967, the volcanicactivity 3)subsided, marking the completion of Surtseys formation.

The formation of Surtsey has not only contributed to the study ofvolcanology and geology but also holds significant importance forresearch in the field of biology. The development of 4)biodiversityduring Surtseys formation has been widely documented andstudied. In the early stages of the islands formation, thevariety of species on Surtsey was very limited.However, as time progressed,an increasing number of species found a habitat on the island, providingvaluable opportunities for biological research. The study of biodiversityon Surtsey has also become an important subject in the fields of ecologyand environmental science.

Since they began studying the island in 1964, scientists haveobserved the arrival of seeds carried by ocean currents, the appearanceof moulds, bacteria and fungi, followed in 1965 by the first 5)vascularplant, of which there were 10 species by the end of the first decade.By 2004, they numbered 60 together with 75 6)bryophytes, 71 lichensand 24 fungi. 89 species of birds have been recorded on Surtsey, 57 ofwhich breed elsewhere in Iceland. The 141 ha island is also home to 335species of 7)invertebrates.

In 1979, Surtsey was designated as a UNESCO World HeritageSite, recognizing its importance and uniqueness in the fields of earthsciences and biology. Surtsey Island remains a strictly protected naturalreserve, receiving high attention from the Icelandic government andthe international community. The islands ecosystem is effectively preserved, with 8)vegetation and wildlife naturally evolving withoutexternal intervention. The geological features of Surtsey continue toattract geologists and scientists, who are conducting ongoing researchon the formation and evolution of the island. Additionally, research onSurtsey provides in-depth understanding of volcanic activity and newecosystems.

The current status of Surtsey Island demonstrates that strictconservation measures and ongoing scientific research provide a solidfoundation for the protection of the islands unique ecosystem andgeological features.

1) garner v. 获得;积累

2) emergence n. 出现;兴起

3) subside v. 减弱;平息

4) biodiversity n. 生物多样性

5) vascular adj. 脉管的;血管的

6) bryophyte n. 苔藓类植物

7) invertebrate n. 无脊椎动物

8) vegetation n. 植物;草木

叙尔特塞是冰岛南部海岸的一座火山岛,因 1963 年至 1967 年的火山爆发而形成。這座岛屿的名字来源于北欧神话中的火神苏尔特尔,意为“烈火之岛”。叙尔特塞是一个独特的自然实验室,因其形成的时间和地点而备受关注。它是地球科学和生物学领域的一个重要研究对象,也是世界上最年轻的岛屿之一。

叙尔特塞的火山爆发始于 1963 年 11 月 14 日,最初的爆发是在海底开始的。随着火山活动的不断加剧,岛屿开始在海面上显现。在接下来的几年里,火山喷发不断,岛屿的面积逐渐扩大。1967 年,火山活动逐渐减弱,叙尔特塞的形成也宣告完成。


自科学家们于1964 年开始研究该岛以来,他们观察到了被海洋洋流带来的种子,以及在1965 年出现的霉菌、细菌和真菌,随后是第一株维管植物的出现,到第一个十年结束时共有10 个物种。到2004 年,它们的数量增加到60 种,还有75 种苔藓植物、71 种地衣和24 种真菌。在叙尔特塞已记录89 种鸟类,其中有57 种在冰岛其他地方繁殖。这片占地141 公顷的岛屿还是335 种无脊椎动物的家园。

1979 年,叙尔特塞被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产,以表彰其在地球科学和生物学领域的重要性和独特性。叙尔特塞岛目前仍然是一个被严格保护的自然保护区,受到冰岛政府和国际社会的高度重视。岛上的生态系统得到了有效的保护,植被和野生动物群落在没有外部干预的情况下自然演化。叙尔特塞岛的地质特征也继续吸引着地质学家和科学家们的关注,他们持续对岛屿的形成和演化进行研究。同时,叙尔特塞岛的研究使得人们对火山活动和新生生态系统有了深入的了解。



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