The Light of Honesty诚实之光


疯狂英语·初中版 2024年1期



Felix Mendelssohn is a 1)prodigiouscomposer and conductor in the history ofclassical music. However, his reputationis not only built on his musical genius,but more importantly, on his charismaticpersonality and honest character. Anexperience he had in England provides uswith a profound lesson in honesty.

In England at that time, music wasclosely linked to social status, andBuckingham Palace was the templeof music. When Mendelssohn visitedEngland, Queen Victoria held a grandreception for him. At the reception,Mendelssohn played a piece of musicentitled Italian with his name on it. Afterlistening, the Queen highly praised himand said, “This piece alone proves thatyou are a genius.” Faced with the Queenshigh praise and the warm 2)applause of the court, Mendelssohn maintained a humble andhonest attitude.

He calmly said to the Queen, “No, its mysisters work.” It turned out that the piece wasactually composed by his sister Fanny, who wasalso an extremely talented composer. However,in those days, it was often difficult for femalecomposers to gain proper recognition for theirworks. In order to let more people appreciateand recognize her sisters works, Mendelssohnsbrothers decided to publish the piece under hisname. Although they did this out of recognition fortheir sisters talent and love for music, objectivelyspeaking, they 3)deprived Fanny of the honor shedeserved.

Mendelssohn did not forget the importanceof honesty because of his fame and status. Hechose to reveal the truth at the most gloriousmoment, allowing his sisters talent to gain properrecognition. This action not only 4)demonstratedMendelssohns noble character but also gave us adeeper understanding of honesty.

The story of Mendelssohn teaches us thathonesty is not a disposable quality. We must notforget the importance of honesty even in our mostglorious moments. Because honesty is not only a guideline for our behavior but also a source of strength for our innerselves. Only when we 5)adhere to honesty can we win the respectand trust of others and achieve true peace and satisfaction in ourhearts.

In todays society, the quality of honesty is particularly important.With the advancement of technology and social development, weare facing more and more 6)temptations and challenges. However,no matter how times change, honesty will always be the bottom linethat we should adhere to. Let us learn wisdom from Mendelssohnsstory, integrate honest qualities into our daily lives, and make ita guide for our actions and sustenance for our souls. Only in thisway can we find our own direction in a complex world and achieveharmonious development of individuals and society.

1) prodigious adj. 伟大的

2) applause n. 鼓掌;喝彩

3) deprive v. 剥夺

4) demonstrate v. 证明;说明

5) adhere v. 遵守

6) temptation n. 引诱;诱惑


be linked to 与……连接

a piece of 一首;一曲

turn out 结果是;证明是

费利克斯· 门德尔松是古典音樂史上一位杰出的作曲家和指挥家。然而,他的名声并不仅仅建立在他的音乐才华上,更重要的是他的人格魅力和诚实品质。他在英国的一次经历,为我们提供了一个关于诚实的典范。






