四溴双酚A/S 及其8 种衍生物在清远土壤样品中的污染特征及生态风险评估…………杨 慧, 罗孝俊, 何家卓, 曾艳红, 麦碧娴( 1 ) 页岩气开采中典型毒害有机污染物来源及潜在风险研究进展……………………………宋 谦, 张 彪, 杨胜军, 曾祥英, 于志强( 9 ) 塔里木盆地轮探1 井寒武系轻质油成藏地球化学特征………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………邓 倩, 张海祖, 王浩哲, 于 双, 邓晗宇, 韦志伟, 李诗达, 王云鹏, 程 斌, 廖泽文金刚烷类化合物的热稳定性研究及其地质意义………………………………………………………王 伟, 李 芸, 熊永强, 蒋文敏 近红外光谱对岩矿表面黏土矿物覆层的响应………张永磊, 陶 奇, 何宏平, 朱建喜, 李尚颖, 张佰发, 周 洋, 席佳鑫, 冯雨周 ( 20 )( 29 )( 41 ) 利用激光气流分割技术同时测定斜长石的微量元素与Sr同位素………………………………………………………张 磊, 张 乐海南岛北部中三叠世A型花岗岩的成因及其地质意义………………齐重向, 温淑女, 庞崇进, 梁 航, 王 勇, 官 军, 余红霞滇东南老君山花岗(斑)岩黑云母矿物化学特征及其对成岩成矿的指示意义……………………………………………向 样, 任 涛 ( 53 )( 69 )( 84 ) 湘渝黔红色岩溶地貌形成的地质条件及成因分析…………………………………………陈友智, 姜伏伟, 于 宁, 苏孝良, 曹晓娟 湘中龙山锑金矿热液蚀变作用及元素地球化学迁移规律……………………………………………………程 浩, 杨东生, 庞保成 ( 94 )( 105 ) 东赤道太平洋高生产力和热液活动叠加沉积环境铁组分特征及其古海洋意义…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………郭 柏, 胡 镕, 魏广祎, 曲 扬, 李 达, 殷一盛, 凌洪飞, 陈天宇( 120 )
曼谷城区总悬浮颗粒物的化学组成特征、来源解析及其人肺上皮细胞A549毒性………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………王嘉琦, 赵时真, 张倩玉, 梁耀辉, 马慧敏, 李 军, 张 干( 135 ) 2018年冬季安徽省典型城市PM2.5来源解析的数值模拟研究……………………………曹广翰, 曹天慧, 田旭东, 施 耀, 何 奕( 147 ) 塔里木盆地台盆区原油甾、萜烷浓度与热稳定性…………………………………………周晨曦, 于 双, 张海祖, 肖中尧, 潘长春( 158 ) 含S自由基促进沉积有机质生烃的本质——H转移机制………………………王 远, 吴 嘉, 金 霄, 刘晓强, 李美俊, 钟宁宁( 172 ) 南海琼东南盆地两种不同成因天然气水合物赋存的深层沉积物地球化学特征对比…………………………………………………………………………………………………………王俊杰, 蒋 彬, 廖玉宏, 赖洪飞, 郭睿波, 曾 清, 黄越义, 方允鑫, 匡增桂( 180 ) 神狐海域沉积物孔隙水卤素浓度及碘同位素特征对天然气水合物成藏的示踪研究……傅飘儿, 方允鑫, 涂公平, 张路远, 王彦美( 191 ) 南华系莲沱组与南沱组的古气候与氧化还原环境演化新证据………………………………………………隋佩珊, 肖媛媛, 孙卫东( 199 ) 云南个旧Sn-Cu多金属矿田中酸性岩黑云母特征及其成矿意义……解世雄, 陈喜连, 黄文婷, 张 健, 廖 娟, 欧阳柳芸, 梁华英( 212 ) 台湾利吉混杂岩中蛇纹岩伴生碳酸盐岩地球化学特征及其成因分析……………………李鸿莉, 冯俊熙, 佟宏鹏, 王钦贤, 陈多福( 222 ) Ag在橄榄石、斜方辉石、单斜辉石和玄武质熔体间的分配………………………………………………………………李艳翔, 徐 峥( 238 ) 激光拉曼快速标定花岗质玻璃的水含量………………………………………………………………王玉琪, 丁 兴, 邸 健, 宋茂双( 250 ) 水体磷酸盐O同位素技术研究进展与发展前景…………………………………李思敏, 李素妹, 金 鑫, 张 祺, 杨 晶, 杜成瑜( 261 )
水热条件下费托型合成反应氢同位素分馏研究…………………………………………………赵忠峰, 卢 鸿, 李 亢, 彭平安南海–东印度洋海域微生物气溶胶空间分布特征………………………石渝婷, 刘 婷, 张广洋, 薛飞洪, 邹世春, 张颖仪, 赖森潮( 271 )( 281 ) 新冠疫情减排时期河南省大气污染物分布及健康效应研究………………………………张艳阁, 汪俊峰, 余光明, 熊维彬, 吴铜鹏( 289 ) 准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷西斜坡原油油源解析: 基于单体烃碳同位素组成、分子比值与浓度定量分析………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………谷元龙, 张仲达, 于 双, 靳 军, 李二庭, 潘长春( 298 ) 准噶尔盆地石西地区石炭系油藏油源分析…………………………………………………蒋中发, 王学勇, 江梦雅, 刘龙松, 卞保力( 311 ) 天然气和液态混合烷烃拉曼特征峰与温度、压力的关系………………张 鼐, 张兰坤, 魏彩云, 帅燕华, 李良景, 黄惠兰, 郭建峰( 320 ) 粤东莲花山断裂带水系沉积物地球化学特征及锡多金属找矿预测……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………王 军, 黄嘉坚, 鄢圣武, 汪礼明, 熊子良, 钱龙兵, 徐日邓, 卜 安, 朱沛云( 331 ) 高分异花岗岩双胞胎元素解耦与稀土元素四分组效应机制……………………于志琪, 刘汇川, 陈 希, 李文奇, 王 凯, 任威威( 344 ) 额尔古纳地块北东部二十一站岩体花岗岩类岩石成因与构造环境…………………………………程贤达, 赵元艺, 张 龙, 孙建伟( 360 ) 滇东南木利锑矿床M-HREE富集型方解石显微分析与成因初探……刘 凡, 王加昇, 于文修, 韩振春, 常晋阳, 王永瑞, 李浩宇( 383 )
新型溴代阻燃剂BTBPE光降解动力学的溶剂效应研究……………………………………………曹 亚, 高艳蓬, 安太成, 麦碧娴( 397 ) 广东沿海新洲高盐度地热水的水文地球化学成因机制………………………………………………朱东波, 史自德, 何耀烨, 毛绪美( 404 ) 通过沥青含量定量评估过成熟页岩排油效率: 以丁页5井龙马溪组页岩为例…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………李东升, 盖海峰, 程 鹏, 李腾飞, 樊祺章, 孟广明, 高 平, 肖贤明( 416 ) 基于TGA和Py-GC/MS不同成熟度煤的热解特征研究………………李美菊, 操 涛, 邹春林, 范行军, 宋建中, 于赤灵, 彭平安( 428 ) 南海东沙海域甲烷渗漏活动对不同Fe组分和P形态组成的影响…………………………胡 钰, 刘春阳, 陈庆王, 陈琳莹, 冯 东( 439 ) 西藏佩枯错早全新世以来湖泊退缩过程及其古环境意义………………………黄 龙, 陈怡伟, 吴 洋, 崔 灏, 韦刚健, 曾 提( 448 ) 西藏纳木错地区晚白垩世过铝质花岗岩成因及对构造演化的制约……………魏永峰, 肖倩茹, 吴建鑫, 肖渊甫, 刘海永, 罗 巍( 458 ) 赣南清溪黑云母花岗岩的成因及演化特征……………………………………………………………杨玉元, 李宁波, 张 东, 赵 旭( 475 ) 北秦岭桃官坪和火燎沟小岩体年代学、地球化学及岩浆性质…………郑晓通, 赵联党, 王 猛, 焦建刚, 周 斌, 贾 力, 范 鹏( 496 ) 青海东昆仑阿斯哈金矿床成矿物质来源: C-H-O-S-Pb同位素约束…………………………………岳维好, 周家喜, 高建国, 贾福聚( 517 ) 飞秒激光–电感耦合等离子体质谱联用系统及固体地球科学应用………………………严 爽, 高振丽, 杨武斌, 屈 潘, 李宁波( 531 )
济南泉域岩溶水系统水化学演化及成因分析………………………………………………王开然, 吴 振, 傅世东, 仇钰婷, 陈华伟羟基自由基(·OH)暴露量估算方程新参数的确定……………周怀姗, 潘天乐, 王应昆, 张慧娜, 宋 伟, 彭 喆, 胡伟伟, 王新明( 547 )( 559 ) 郯庐断裂带流体中氦的来源、空间分布及地质意义…………………管芦峰, 刘 伟, 曹春辉, 张茂亮, 徐 胜, 郑国东, Yuji Sano网纹红土稀土元素分馏特征及其粒级效应的物源意义…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………张忠萍, 朱丽东, 马桢桢, 黄 颖, 于红梅, 李凤全, 张杭佳, 王天阳, 叶 玮( 570 )( 582 ) 饶阳凹陷肃宁洼槽对蠡县斜坡供烃潜力的地球化学证据………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………张锐锋, 曹兰柱, 付 健, 刘宗堡, 陈柯童, 孙永河, 秦梦华, 李依航, 曹 松( 595 ) 准南中段呼探1 井烃源岩条件及油气源分析……………………………………何 丹, 于 淼, 高 岗, 靳 军, 马万云, 张有锦( 605 ) 黔北正安地区五峰组–龙马溪组页岩气随钻C 同位素特征及地质意义…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………吴 松, 于继良, 李海龙, 蓝宝锋, 李 龙, 何新兵, 李刚权( 615 ) 黔东柏松铅锌矿床闪锌矿LA-ICP-MS 微量元素组成特征及其地质意义………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………崔 苗, 胡煜昭, 程 涌, 许赛华, 李丕优, 易思材, 范惠珺( 625 ) 广西南丹石炭系黄龙组下段碳酸盐岩地球化学特征及其古沉积环境意义………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………韩怡颖, 刘希军, 王葆华, 时 毓, 李政林, 刘 潇, 邓发亮( 637 ) 中全新世以来海相沉积物的化学特征及其对古环境变化的响应机制……………………苟富刚, 龚绪龙, 宋玉明, 沈 辰, 蔡田露( 649 )
广东省湛江水产养殖区表层水中抗生素污染特征及风险评估…………………彭 勃, 张 彪, 曾祥英, 梁 医, 吴 杨, 于志强用显微镜和拉曼光谱研究四川盆地高科1井、五科1井、普光5井、普光3井高密度甲烷包裹体特征与天然气成因…………………………………………………刘德汉, 肖贤明, 田 辉, 戴金星, 彭平安, 王云鹏, 米敬奎, 汪泽成, 李 剑, 李腾飞, 程 鹏( 663 )( 673 ) 高、中、低氢指数芦草沟组干酪根生烃动力学差异性研究………………………………刘欣然, 卢 鸿, 赵忠峰, 李 亢, 彭平安正丁基环己烷热模拟演化特征及其地球化学意义…韦志伟, 邓晗宇, 张海祖, 李诗达, 王浩哲, 赵冠宇, 邓 倩, 程 斌, 廖泽文( 685 )( 698 ) 典型石英族矿物表面差异性对其吸附重金属的影响………………………………………………………………………………唐翠华( 707 ) 某钨矿山含重金属废水的生物制剂工艺处理方法研究………………………………………………黄伟光, 李景芬, 王卫兵, 叶 祥( 715 ) 龙门山造山带北段黄泥坪金矿床的矿床地质和元素地球化学特征……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………江宏君, 陈华勇, 王 朋, 高政伟, 纪冬平, 吴宝鹏, 程博兴, 焦宏剑, 王义忠( 721 ) 滇西北兰坪盆地金满–连城脉状Cu多金属矿床Cu-S同位素特征及其指示意义…………张锦让, 温汉捷, 邹志超, 杜胜江, 顾纯源( 734 ) 四川盆地西北部二叠系辉绿岩断层破碎带热液锆石特征及地质意义…………刘小洪, 陈珺朗, 冯明友, 卓宜茜, 王委委, 尚俊鑫( 746 ) 典型白云岩洞穴水化学变化特征及其沉积差异对比研究………………………龚晓欢, 周忠发, 张 恒, 苏 丹, 黄 静, 董 慧( 759 )
Occurrence and ecological risk assessment of tetrabromobisphenol A/S and their eight dervatives in soil samples from Qingyuan………………………………………………………………………YANG Hui, LUO Xiaojun, HE Jiazhuo, ZENG Yanhong, MAI Bixian( 1 ) Research progress on sources and potential environmental risks of typical organic chemicals related to shale gas extraction……………………………………………………………………SONG Qian, ZHANG Biao, YANG Shengjun, ZENG Xiangying, YU Zhiqiang( 9 ) Geochemical characteristics of the Cambrian light crude oil accumulation in Luntan 1 well, Tarim Basin, NW China………DENG Qian, ZHANG Haizu, WANG Haozhe, YU Shuang,DENG Hanyu, WEI Zhiwei, LI Shida, WANG Yunpeng, CHENG Bin, LIAO Zewen Thermal stability of diamondoids and their geological significance…………WANG Wei, LI Yun, XIONG Yongqiang, JIANG Wenmin( 20 )( 29 ) Response of near-infrared spectra to clay coatings on mineral surface……………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Yonglei, TAO Qi,HE Hongping, ZHU Jianxi, LI Shangying, ZHANG Baifa, ZHOU Yang, XI Jiaxin, FENG Yuzhou( 41 ) Simultaneous in situ determination of trace element concentrations and Sr isotope ratios plagioclase using a laser ablation split stream technique……………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Lei, ZHANG Le ( 53 ) Formation of Middle-Triassic A-type granites in northern Hainan Island and its geological implications………………………………………………………………QI Zhongxiang, WEN Shunv, PANG Chongjin,LIANG Hang, WANG Yong, GUAN Jun, YU Hongxia( 69 ) Chemical composition of biotite from Laojunshan granite (granite-porphyry) in Southeastern Yunnan and its implications in petrogenesis and W-Sn mineralization………………………………………………………………………………………XIANG Yang, REN Tao( 84 ) Geological conditions and genesis of red karst landforms in Hunan-Chongqing-Guizhou…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Youzhi, JIANG Fuwei, YU Ning, SU Xiaoliang, CAO XiaojuanElements mobilization during hydrothermal alteration in altered rocks in the Longshan Sb-Au deposit, Xiangzhong district, South China……………………………………………………………………………CHENG Hao, YANG Dongsheng, PANG Baocheng ( 94 )( 105 ) Characteristics of sedimentary Fe speciation under superimposed high productivity and hydrothermal activity in the eastern equatorial pacific and their paleoceanographic implications…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………GUO Bai, HU Rong, WEI Guangyi, QU Yang, LI Da, YIN Yisheng, LING Hongfei, CHEN Tianyu( 120 )
Chemical characteristics and source apportionment of total suspended particles and their cytotoxicity towards human lung epithelial A549 cells in urban Bangkok…WANG Jiaqi, ZHAO Shizhen, ZHANG Qianyu, LIANG Yaohui, MA Huimin, LI Jun, ZHANG Gan( 135 ) Numerical simulation study of the source apportionment of PM2.5 in typical cities of Anhui Province in the winter of 2018……………………………………………………………………………………CAO Guanghan, CAO Tianhui, TIAN Xudong, SHI Yao, HE Yi( 147 ) Concentrations and thermal stabilities of steranes and terpanes in crude oils from the cratonic regions of Tarim Basin…………………………………………………………………………ZHOU Chenxi, YU Shuang, ZHANG Haizu, XIAO Zhongyao, PAN Changchun( 158 ) Sulfur-bearing free radicals promote the hydrocarbon generation of sedimentary organic matter via a hydrogen transfer mechanism…………………………………………………………WANG Yuan, WU Jia, JIN Xiao, LIU Xiaoqiang, LI Meijun, ZHONG Ningning( 172 ) Comparison of geochemical characteristics of natural gas hydrate-related sediments in Qiongdongnan Basin, South China Sea………WANG Junjie, JIANG Bin, LIAO Yuhong, LAI Hongfei, GUO Ruibo, ZENG Qing, HUANG Yueyi, FANG Yunxin, KUANG Zenggui( 180 ) Halogen and iodine isotope of sediment pore water in Shenhu area, northern South China Sea: Insight into the source and genesis of gas hydrate…………………………………………………FU Piaoer, FANG Yunxin, TU Gongping, ZHANG Luyuan, WANG Yanmei( 191 ) New evidence for the evolution of paleoclimate and redox environment of the Liantuo and Nantuo Formations in the Nanhua Period……………………………………………………………………………………………SUI Peishan, XIAO Yuanyuan, SUN Weidong ( 199 ) Compositional characteristics of bitote in felsic igneous rocks and its geological implication in the Gejiu Sn-Cu polymetallic ore field, Yunnan province…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………XIE Shixiong, CHEN Xilian, HUANG Wenting, ZHANG Jian, LIAO Juan, OUYANG Liuyun, LIANG Huaying( 212 ) Geochemical characteristics and genesis of carbonates associated with serpentines in the Lichi Mélange, Taiwan, China……………………………………………………………………………LI Hongli, FENG Junxi, TONG Hongpeng, WANG Qinxian, CHEN Duofu( 222 ) Partitioning of silver between olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and basaltic melts…………………………LI Yanxiang, XU Zheng( 238 ) Rapid analysis of water content in granitic glass using in situ Raman spectroscopy…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Yuqi, DING Xing, DI Jian, SONG Maoshuang( 250 ) Progress and future prospects for using oxygen isotopes of phosphate technology in aquatic systems………………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Simin, LI Sumei, JIN Xin, ZHANG Qi, YANG Jing, DU Chengyu( 261 )
Hydrogen isotopic fractionations during Fischer-Tropsch type synthesis under hydrothermal conditions…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Zhongfeng, LU Hong, LI Kang, PENG Ping’an( 271 ) Spatial distribution of microbial aerosols in the South China Sea and Eastern Indian Ocean……………………………………………… …………………………SHI Yuting, LIU Ting, ZHANG Guangyang, XUE Feihong, ZOU Shichun, ZHANG Yingyi, LAI Senchao( 281 ) Air pollutants in Henan Province and their effects during the COVID-19 lockdown period…………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Yan’ge, WANG Junfeng, YU Guangming, XIONG Weibin, WU Tongpeng( 289 ) Determination of oil sources on the western slope of Mahu Sag, Junggar Basin, based on compound-specific carbon isotopes and molecular parameters and concentrations…………………GU Yuanlong, ZHANG Zhongda, YU Shuang, JIN Jun, LI Erting, PAN Changchun( 298 ) Oil source correlation of Carboniferous reservoir in Shixi area, Junggar Basin…………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………JIANG Zhongfa, WANG Xueyong, JIANG Mengya, LIU Longsong, BIAN Baoli( 311 ) Relationship between Raman characteristic peaks and temperature and pressure of natural gas and mixed liquid alkanes…………………………………………ZHANG Nai, ZHANG Lankun, WEI Caiyun, SHUAI Yanhua, LI Liangjing, HUANG Huilan, GUO Jianfeng( 320 ) Geochemical characteristics of stream sediment surveys and prospecting prediction of tin-polymetals in Lianhuashan Fault Belt, Eastern Guangdong Province………………………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Jun, HUANG Jiajian, YAN Shengwu, WANG Liming, XIONG Ziliang, QIAN Longbing, XU Rideng, BU An, ZHU Peiyun( 331 ) Decoupling of twin elements and tetrad effects of rare earth elements in highly fractionated granites…………………………………… …………………………………………………………YU Zhiqi, LIU Huichuan, CHEN Xi, LI Wenqi, WANG Kai, REN Weiwei ( 344 ) Petrogenesis and tectonic setting of granitoids in the Ershiyizhan intrusion, northeastern Erguna block……………………………………………………………………………………………………………CHENG Xianda, ZHAO Yuanyi, ZHANG Long, SUN Jianwei( 360 ) Microscopic and genesis analyses of M-HREE enriched calcite in Muli antimony deposit, Southeastern Yunnan Province……………………………………………LIU Fan, WANG Jiasheng, YU Wenxiu, HAN Zhenchun, CHANG Jinyang, WANG Yongrui, LI Haoyu( 383 )
Solvent effects on the photodegradation kineticsof a novel brominated flame retardant, BTBPE……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………CAO Ya, GAO Yanpeng, AN Taicheng, MAI Bixian( 397 ) Hydrogeochemical mechanism of high-salinity thermal groundwater in Xinzhou geothermal field from the coast of Guangdong……………………………………………………………………………………………ZHU Dongbo, SHI Zide, HE Yaoye, MAO Xumei( 404 ) Quantitative evaluation of oil expulsion efficiency of overmature shale through bitumen content: Taking Longmaxi shale from well Dingye 5 as an example…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Dongsheng, GAI Haifeng, CHENG Peng, LI Tengfei, FAN Qizhang, MENG Guangming, GAO Ping, XIAO Xianming( 416 ) Pyrolysis characteristics of coal with different maturities obtained by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Meiju, CAO Tao, ZOU Chunlin, FAN Xingjun, SONG Jianzhong, YU Chiling, PENG Ping’an( 428 ) Methane seepage impacts the compositions of different iron speciations and phosphorus fractions in the Dongsha area of the South China Sea…………………………………………………HU Yu, LIU Chunyang, CHEN Qingwang, CHEN Linying, FENG Dong( 439 ) Shrinkage of Paiku Co since ca. 11 ka and its paleo-environmental significance……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………HUANG Long, CHEN Yiwei, WU Yang, CUI Hao, WEI Gangjian, ZENG Ti( 448 ) Genesis and constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Late Cretaceous peraluminous granite in the Namtso area, Xizang…………………………………………………………………WEI Yongfeng, XIAO Qianru, WU Jianxin, XIAO Yuanfu, LIU Haiyong, LUO Wei( 458 ) Magmatic evolution and petrogenesis of the Qingxi biotite granite in Southern Jiangxi Province………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………YANG Yuyuan, LI Ningbo, ZHANG Dong, ZHAO Xu( 475 ) Geochronology, geochemistry, and magmatic properties of small plutons for Taoguanping and Huoliaogou, Northern Qinling…………………………………………ZHENG Xiaotong, ZHAO Liandang, WANG Meng, JIAO Jiangang, ZHOU Bin, JIA Li, FAN Peng( 496 ) The origin of ore-forming material in the Asiha gold deposit, East Kunlun Orogenic Belt, Qinghai Province: Constraints from C-H-O-S-Pb isotopes……………………………………………………………………………YUE Weihao, ZHOU Jiaxi, GAO Jianguo, JIA Fuju( 517 ) Femtosecond laser and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry coupling system and its applications in solid earth science………………………………………………………………………………YAN Shuang, GAO Zhenli, YANG Wubin, QU Pan, LI Ningbo( 531 )
Hydrochemical evolution and genesis analysis of karst water system in the Jinan Spring Basin………………………………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Kairan, WU Zhen, FU Shidong, QIU Yuting, CHEN Huawei( 547 ) Determining new parameters of OH radical exposure estimation equation……………………………………………………………………… ………………ZHOU Huaishan, PAN Tianle, WANG Yingkun, ZHANG Huina, SONG Wei, PENG Zhe, HU Weiwei, WANG Xinming( 559 ) Origin, spatial distribution, and geological implications of helium in fluids from the Tan-Lu fault zone………………………………… …………………………GUAN Lufeng, LIU Wei, CAO Chunhui, ZHANG Maoliang, XU Sheng, ZHENG Guodong, SANO Yuji( 570 ) Fractionation characteristics of rare earth elements between white mottles and red matrix in vermicular red earth and provenance implications of their granularity effects…………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Zhongping, ZHU Lidong, MA Zhenzhen, HUANG Ying, YU Hongmei, LI Fengquan, ZHANG Hangjia, WANG Tianyang, YE Wei( 582 ) Geochemical evidence of the hydrocarbon supply potential of Suning Sub-sag for Lixian Slope in Raoyang Sag………………………………ZHANG Ruifeng, CAO Lanzhu, FU Jian, LIU Zongbao, CHEN Ketong, SUN Yonghe, QIN Menghua, LI Yihang, CAO Song( 595 ) Hydrocarbon source conditions and oil and gas source analysis of well Hutan 1 in the middle section of the southern margin of the Junggar Basin…………………………………………HE Dan, YU Miao, GAO Gang, JIN Jun, MA Wanyun, ZHANG Youjin( 605 ) Carbon isotopic characteristics while drilling and the geological significance of Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation shale gas in the Zheng’an area of northern Guizhou Province…………WU Song,YU Jiliang, LI Hailong, LAN Baofeng, LI Long, HE Xinbing, LI Gangquan( 615 ) LA-ICP-MS trace element analysis of sphalerite in the Baisong Pb-Zn deposit at Eastern Guizhou and its geological significance………………………………………………………CUI Miao, HU Yuzhao, CHENG Yong, XU Saihua, LI Piyou, YI Sicai, FAN Huijun( 625 ) Geochemical characteristics and environmental significance of the lower part of the Huanglong Formation in Nandan, Guangxi…………………………………………………HAN Yiying, LIU Xijun, WANG Baohua, SHI Yu, LI Zhenglin, LIU Xiao, DENG Faliang( 637 ) The chemical properties of marine sediments since the middle Holocene and their response mechanisms to paleoenvironmental changes……………………………………………………………GOU Fugang, GONG Xulong, SONG Yuming, SHEN Chen, CAI Tianlu( 649 )
Concentration levels and potential risk assessment of antibiotics in surface water in Zhanjiang aquaculture area, Guangdong Province……………………………………………………PENG Bo, ZHANG Biao, ZENG Xiangying, LIANG Yi, WU Yang, YU Zhiqiang( 663 ) Study on the characteristics of high-density methane inclusions and the origin of natural gas in well Gaoke 1, well Wuke 1, well Puguang 5, and well Puguang 3 in the Sichuan Basin by microscopy and laser Raman spectroscopy……………LIU Dehan, XIAO Xianming, TIAN Hui, DAI Jinxing, PENG Ping’an, WANG Yunpeng, MI Jingkui, WANG Zecheng, LI Jian, LI Tengfei, CHENG Peng( 673 ) Comparative analysis of kerogens hydrocarbon generation kinetics in the Lucaogou Formation source rocks with high, medium, and low hydrogen indices………………………………………………LIU Xinran, LU Hong, ZHAO Zhongfeng, LI Kang, PENG Ping’an( 685 ) Characterization of pyrolysates from n-butylcyclohexane and their geochemical significance………………………………………WEI Zhiwei, DENG Hanyu, ZHANG Haizu, LI Shida, WANG Haozhe, ZHAO Guanyu, DENG Qian, CHENG Bin, LIAO Zewen( 698 ) Effects of surface differences in typical quartz minerals on the absorption of heavy metals…………………………………TANG Cuihua( 707 ) Study on removing heavy metals from a tungsten mine wastewater using a biological agent method…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………HUANG Weiguang, LI Jingfen, WANG Weibing, YE Xiang( 715 ) Geological and geochemical features of Huangniping Au deposit in northern Longmenshan orogenic belt and its significance for exploration………………………………………………………………………………………………………JIANG Hongjun, CHEN Huayong, WANG Peng, GAO Zhengwei, JI Dongping, WU Baopeng, CHENG Boxing, JIAO Hongjian, WANG YizhongCopper and sulfur isotopic characteristics of the Jinman-Liancheng vein-type copper deposit in the western Lanping Basin and its significance………………………………ZHANG Jinrang, WEN Hanjie, ZOU Zhichao, DU Shengjiang, GU ChunyuanCharacteristics and implications of hydrothermal zircon in a fault damage zone from the Permian diabase vein in Northwestern Sichuan, Southwestern China……………LIU Xiaohong, CHEN Junlang, FENG Mingyou, ZHUO Yiqian, WANG Weiwei, SHANG Junxin( 721 )( 734 )( 746 ) Comparative study on the characteristics of hydrochemical changes and sedimentary differences in typical dolomite caves…………………………………………………………GONG Xiaohuan, ZHOU Zhongfa, ZHANG Heng, SU Dan, HUANG Jing, DONG Hui( 759 )