The importance of science


疯狂英语·新读写 2023年12期

四川 熊润莲

主题语境:科学的重要性 篇幅:315词 建议用时:7分钟

1Science undoubtedly rules the world. Moreover,it has a great impact on our lives. So, it is vital to know why science is important for students. That's why most schools are now paying more attention to science education.

2Science deals with observations of the things around the world and the understanding of them.Science helps students understand various observations.This type of thinking skill helps students develop problem-solving skills. Students with problem-solving skills can deal with many challenges in their academic and personal life. Thus, we can understand the great importance of science in our daily life.

3Science encourages everyone to develop thinking skills. Any type of thinking can boost students' creativity. The more they think, the better becomes their vision. Moreover,learning science also makes students think out of box. Thus, it helps students to find more than one solution to one problem. So, making students create is also one of the scientific benefits.

4There is a great importance of science in educating children. Science encourages students to learn about various things around them.This increases their interest in knowing more about scientific methods, and laws, and experimenting with them. Overall, science helps them to gain knowledge about the world, animals, human beings, and many more things.

5Science is all about its disciplines. Its subject matters, areas of study, etc. all fall under the disciplines of science.Learning science and its disciplinary things helps students understand and respect other methods of study, behavior, guidelines, or discipline procedures better.They can relate these disciplines to that of science and develop an inclination (倾向) to abide by the rules and regulations. Thus, learning science helps students understand the importance of disciplines.

6Now we know that science is not only about knowledge but learning science has many benefits.Therefore,science has a special place in the hearts of everyone.

Reading Check

Inference1.What's the function of paragraph 1?

A.To lead in the main topic.

B.To describe how science education works.

C.To tell how important science education is.

D.To explain the meaning of science education.

Detail2.Who can benefit most from studying science according to paragraph 2?

A.Those who often argue with others.

B.Those who lack disciplines.

C.Those who show no respect for others.

D.Those who are poor at solving problems.

Vocaulary3.What do the underlined words“think out of the box”mean in paragraph 3?

A.Think entirely.

B.Think precisely.

C.Think creatively.

D.Think immediately.

Inference 4.How many reasons why science is important for students does the text mention?

A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.

Language Study

Ⅰ.Difficult sentence in the text

Learning science and its disciplinary things helps students understand and respect other methods of study, behavior, guidelines, or discipline procedures better. 学习科学及其学科内容有助于学生更好地理解和尊重其他学习方法、行为、准则或纪律程序。

【点石成金】本句是一个简单句,Learning science...things是动名词短语作主语。

Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases in the box.

1.There are________stores and restaurants all under one roof.

2.They have a growing population and________need more food.

3.The students return in October for the start of the new________year.

4.He'll never get anywhere working for himself─he's got no________.

5.While speeding up work on the project,we must________ensuring its quality.

6.The rapid growth of information and network technology will________the traditional education pattern.



conclusion 结论

innovation 创新

experimentation 实验

laboratory 实验室

genetics 遗传学

physics 物理学

chemistry 化学

biology 生物学

neurology 神经学

astronomy 天文学

mathematics 数学

geology 地质学

paleontology 古生物学

zoology 动物学

botany 植物学

ecology 生态学

anatomy 解剖学

physiology 生理学

microbiology 微生物学

biochemistry 生物化学

anthropology 人类学

sociology 社会学

archaeology 考古学

ethics 伦理学

nanotechnology 纳米技术

biotechnology 生物科技

precision 精确

academic 学术的

variable 变量

genome 基因组

evolution 进化

photosynthesis 光合作用

gravity 重力

energy 能源

neuron 神经元

microscope 显微镜

telescope 望远镜


literature review 文献综述

statistical analysis 统计分析

clinical trial 临床试验

artificial intelligence 人工智能

hypothesis testing 假设检验

experimental design 实验设计

data analysis 数据分析

research paper 研究论文

peer-reviewed journal 同行评审期刊

scientific evidence 科学证据

statistical significance 统计显著性

research methodology 研究方法学

scientific inquiry 科学探究

data interpretation 数据解释

research ethics 研究伦理

scientific community 科学界

research funding 研究资金

scientific consensus 科学共识

experimental variable 实验变量

control group 对照组

randomized trial 随机试验

research collaboration 研究合作

peer collaboration 同行合作

scientific conference 科学会议

scientific breakthrough 科学突破

scientific theory 科学理论

scientific model 科学模型

laboratory experiment 实验室实验

field research 实地调研


1. While advancements in technology have made our lives easier,it is the tireless efforts of scientists that have brought about these incredible developments. 虽然技术的进步使我们的生活更加便利,但正是科学家们的不懈努力才带来了这些令人难以置信的发展。

2.Scientific progress relies on collaboration, peer review, and the continuous pursuit of knowledge. 科学进步依赖于合作、同行评审和对知识的持续追求。

3.Scientific research requires patience, persistence, and an open mind. 科学研究需要耐心、毅力和开放的心态。

4.Although scientific progress can sometimes be slow and incremental, each discovery serves as a stepping stone towards greater understanding. 尽管科学进展有时会很缓慢且渐进,但每一次发现都是通向更深层理解的垫脚石。

5.The study of astronomy allows us to explore the vastness of the universe and discover celestial wonders. 天文学的研究让我们能够探索广袤的宇宙,并发现天上的奇观。

6. The principles of chemistry are the building blocks for understanding the composition and behavior of matter. 化学原理是理解物质的组成和行为的基石。

7. The study of geology helps us understand the Earth's history, natural resources, and processes that shape the planet.地质学的研究帮助我们理解地球的历史、自然资源以及塑造地球的过程。

8. The field of quantum mechanics explores the behavior of subatomic particles and has led to technological advancements like quantum computing. 量子力学领域研究亚原子粒子的行为,并促成了量子计算等技术进步。

9.Science is a collaborative endeavor,with scientists working together to advance knowledge. 科学是一种合力,科学家们共同努力,推进知识的发展。

10.The field of genetics has witnessed tremendous advancements, enabling scientists to unravel the intricate workings of our DNA.遗传学领域已经取得了巨大的进步,科学家们得以揭开我们的DNA 的复杂运作机制。

11. In general,the two scientists'methods have much in common, but the results are quite different.总的来说,这两位科学家的方法有很多共同之处,但结果却大不相同。

12. As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine, we must send for an engineer to handle the problem.因为这里没有人知道这台机器出了什么故障,我们必须请个工程师来处理这个问题。

13. However, what might have made him such an outstanding and creative scientist was probably his strong interest in other things,such as music and drawing.然而,他之所以能成为如此杰出和富有创造力的科学家,可能是因为他对音乐和绘画等其他事物的浓厚兴趣。

14. What's really comforting is that medical science has made many advances in the last decade.真正令人欣慰的是,在过去的十年里,医学取得了许多进步。

15. As scientists delve deeper into the mysteries of the universe, they unlock new possibilities of space exploration and our understanding of the cosmos. 随着科学家们对宇宙奥秘的深入探索,他们为太空探索和我们对宇宙的理解打开了新的可能性。







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