Top scientific breakthroughs for 2023


疯狂英语·新读写 2023年12期

江西 孙朝岚

主题语境:科学成就 篇幅:339词 建议用时:7分钟

1The pace of innovation never slows, and the impact of these scientific breakthroughs will redefine the way we live, work, and connect with the world around us. From space exploration to nuclear fusion (核聚变), these breakthroughs will inspire innovators to push the boundaries of what is possible.

A new era of space exploration

2Need to be reminded of how incredibly vast our universe is? The first ever photos from the James Webb Space Telescope are awe-inspiring. While this is the most technically advanced and powerful telescope ever created, the learning about our universe will lead to future missions and exploration for generations ahead. This new era of space exploration will drive technological advancements progress in real-world applications like materials,food science and agriculture.

A milestone in AI predictions

3For decades, the scientific community has chased a greater understanding of relationships between protein functions and 3D structures. In July 2022, Deep Mind revealed that the folded 3D structure of a protein molecule can be predicted. While there will always be challenges with AI, the ability to predict protein structures has implications across all life sciences.

Advancing limb(肢体)regeneration

4For the longest time, scientists believed the single biggest key to limb regeneration is the presence of nerves.The advancement of limb regeneration was achieved by researchers at Tufts University who have used acute (急性的) multidrug delivery,via a wearable bioreactor, to successfully enable long-term limb regeneration in frogs.This early success could potentially lead to larger,more complex tissue re-engineering advances for humans.

Nuclear fusion generates more net energy

5Nuclear fusion is the process that powers the sun and stars. For decades, the idea of replicating nuclear fusion on earth as a source of energy, in theory, could fulfill all the planet's future energy needs. The goal is to force light atoms to hit so forcefully that they fuse and release more energy than consumed. The breakthrough of nuclear fusion is a major milestone that will pave the way for future progress to be built upon this achievement.

Reading Check

Inference 1.What is the function of paragraph 1?

A.To describe four breakthroughs.

B.To lead in the main topic of the text.

C.To state the primary uses of breakthroughs.

D.To explain the significance of breakthroughs.

Detail 2.What do we know about space exploration?

A.It tells us the size of our universe.

B.It helps people with short-sighted problems.

C.It helps applications of daily life develop.

D.Its technologies haven't been in use in daily life.

Detail 3.Which breakthrough most appeals to you if you study life sciences?

A.AI predictions.

B.Nuclear fusion.

C.Limb regeneration.

D.Space exploration.

Inference 4.What does the underlined word“replicating”mean in the last paragraph?

A.Releasing. B.Absorbing.

C.Improving. D.Copying.

Language Study

Ⅰ.Difficult sentence in the text

The advancement of limb regeneration was achieved by researchers at Tufts University who have used acute multidrug delivery, via a wearable bioreactor, to successfully enable long-term limb regeneration in frogs.塔夫茨大学的研究人员在肢体再生方面取得了进步,他们通过可穿戴生物反应器使用急性多药递送技术,成功地实现了青蛙的长期肢体再生。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。who 引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词researchers;to frogs是动词不定式短语作结果状语。

Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks with the word and phrases in the box.

1.In those days,recording sound was not________possible.

2.The average age of first marriage has risen steadily________.

3.That sounds fine________,but have you really thought it through?

4.Tears help to protect the eye from________harmful foreign bodies.

5.People will accept suffering that can be shown to________a greater good.

6.If you stand on stage and share your view of the world,people will________you.


锲而不舍 点石成金
新目标英语九年级UnitStep 2