

红色文化学刊 2023年4期

TheOriginalExplorationandSpiritualConstructionofYugong Moving MountainsandtheDemandsoftheTimes

Liu Minghua Pan Xinmiao

Abstract:The original meaning of the fable ofYugongMovingMountainsis to use the relativity of things to illustrate the truth that there is no waste work by the end. During the Anti-Japanese War, Mao Zedong told it as a revolutionary story and sublimated it into the unique spirit ofYugongMovingMountains. The spirit of Yugong has been continuously enriched and developed in the relay struggle of the Chinese Communists, and played a tremendous role in inspiring the people. At the new starting point of the new journey to achieve the second centenary goal, we should continue and carries forward the spirit ofYugongMovingMountains, and we should always maintain the spirit and keep the state of overcoming difficulties. It will become more and more important and urgent demands of the times.

TheEmotionalImplicationsofMaoZedong’sBirthdayCommemorativeText:ACaseStudyofthe10thAnniversaryofthe People’s Daily

Guo Peiji

Abstract:The text commemorating Mao Zedong’s birthday is rich in emotional implications. With a correct view of history, the paper criticizes historical nihilism, inherits and carries forward the successful experience of the Communist Party of China led by Mao Zedong, and it fairly evaluates Mao Zedong’s merits and demerits, expressing the awe for history. The textual narrative with Mao Zedong’s historical achievements, historical status, and leadership character as the main content reflects the admiration for Mao Zedong’s as a leader. Treating the historical mistakes of the Communist Party of China with a scientific attitude, it highlights the people’s concept of governance, highlights Mao Zedong’s close ties with the people and contains respect for the people to strengthen the belief and path of the Communist Party of China, expound the great achievements of the Communist Party of China, dare to highlight its own historical mistakes, show the quality and responsibility of the Communist Party of China and reflect the confidence in the party. It clarifies the essence of the era of independence and self-determination, presents Mao Zedong’s national self-confidence, promotes the excellent qualities of the Chinese nation, and implies the identity and pride of the nation.


Dong Zhonglei Guo Ling

Abstract:The spirit of “two bombs and one satellite” was nurtured in China’s profound historical and cultural soil. It is the result of civilization in the arduous struggle, unity and cooperation of the broad masses of the people in the course of socialist revolution and construction and is an important component of the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese communists. The formation and development of the spirit of “two bombs and one satellite” has its own internal logical system: Marxist theory is the theoretical support, the early revolutionary history of the Communist Party of China is the historical background, the excellent traditional Chinese culture is the source of culture and the development process of the “two bombs and one satellite” is the foundation of practice. In the context of comprehensively promoting Chinese-style modernization, a multi-dimensional perspective on the formation and development logic of the spirit of “two bombs and one satellite” is conducive to giving it a new era connotation at a new historical starting point, and drawing from it the majestic power to promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


Sun Wei Xiong Zhiqiang

Abstract:Investigation and research work during the period of the Central Soviet District was of great importance to the construction and development of the Soviet District. The spirit of the Soviet Region is a precious spiritual wealth formed by the people in the Soviet Region under the leadership of Mao Zedong and other leaders of the older generation in the protracted revolutionary struggle. The investigation and research work in the Soviet Region contains the rich connotation of the spirit in the Soviet Region, which was mainly reflected in: investigation and research to consolidate the foundation of firm beliefs, investigation and research to demonstrate the idea of seeking truth and pragmatism, investigation and research adhering to the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, investigation and research to consolidate the style of honesty and integrity, investigation and research to reflect the style of hard work, investigation and research to highlight the first-class quality, investigation and research to promote the spirit of selfless dedication. It is of great significance to revisit the fine tradition of investigation and research of the Communist Party of China and the experience and practice of Mao Zedong in investigation and research to continue to carry forward the spirit of the Soviet region and inherit the red gene in the new era.


Luo Chunyi

Abstract:Based on the text of theCompleteWorksofMarxandEngels, we can find that the essential attribute of Marx and Engels’ red concept is social classes, which mainly refers to and symbolizes the content of specific objects, character classes and movement practices. Its historical construction is manifested in two stages: basic generation and development, which plays the dual roles of describing and reflecting the real revolution, regulating and guiding the real revolution. It is of pioneering significance for subsequent Marxists to use and develop the red concept and deepen the study of red culture.


Liu Jiantao

Abstract:Xi Jinping’s series of important expositions on reform are the theoretical guidance for deepening comprehensive reform in the new era.It inherently has four dimensions, namely, the dimension of the basis of historical materialism, the dimension of the direction of self-improvement and development of the socialist system, the key dimension of deepening the reform of the economic system, and the dimension of the way to carry out the great struggle on the track of democracy and the rule of law. An in-depth analysis of the four dimensions of Xi Jinping’s important exposition on reform and a theoretical clarification of some major understandings on reform are conducive to build consensus on reform.

MoreDiscussionontheRelevantIssuesof“25,000- li Long March”

Yao Qunmin

Abstract:The book “25,000liLongMarch” is based on Edgar Snow’s reports in the Soviet Region, “The Long March”, “The Chinese Soviet”, “Mao Zedong’s Autobiography”, etc, and it is a synthesis of the contents of “The Heroic Expedition to the West” and other documents. It is not a complete personal work by Snow, nor is it the “first” work with the title of the Long March, but a work on the “Theme of the Long March” published in the 30s by Snow.

TheHistoricalSignificanceandEnlightenmentoftheKnowledgeDisseminationofRed China

Feng Jiahui Xiong Guorong

Abstract:RedChinawas a propaganda position with great influence in the Central Soviet Region. Taking the knowledge dissemination ofRedChinaas the research object, examines the spring of plowing knowledge, epidemic prevention knowledge and cultural and educational knowledge disseminated by the newspaper, this paper summarizes the historical value of the knowledge dissemination ofRedChina, which mainly manifests in three aspects, popularizing knowledge in a popular form, improving the survival and development skills of the masses in the Soviet region and complementing the knowledge popularization and mass movement. The excellent style of integrating theory with practice, being close to the people and the communication skills of integrating knowledge in the knowledge dissemination ofRedChinahave important reference value and enlightenment for the transformation and development of the current media work.


Gao Fujin Tu Jiahui

Abstract:Red etiquette refers to a new type of etiquette and ritual with Chinese characteristics that the Chinese Communists have gradually established, developed and perfected in more than 100 years of revolution, construction, reform and other practices. It contains the ideological and political education functions of “educating new people”, “rejuvenating culture” and “new classroom”. However, in real educational life, there are many problems in the process of integrating red etiquette into ideological and political courses in universities. In order to give full play to the educational value of red etiquette, it must be integrated into the ideological and political courses of universities in a flexible and diverse way according to the logical path of “knowing etiquette, training etiquette and practicing etiquette ”, which not only has the practical significance of shaping the values of young students, but also creates a strong foundation for enhancing cultural self-confidence, and more importantly, it has enlightenment value for promoting cultural self-improvement in the future.


Liu Xiaolan

Abstract:The red classic art works are records of history and vivid visual reproduction of the stories of the people of Chinese led by the Communist Party of China in the process of revolution, construction and reform. The time and space-expand, emotional resonance and spiritual inheritance of red classic art works provide the possibility for them to be integrated into the construction of “Big Ideological and Political Courses”. Integrating red classic art works into the construction of “big ideological and political courses” is a natural need to implement the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people in ideological and political courses, a practical move to promote the high-quality development of ideological and political courses and an inevitable way to build a “big pattern” of ideological and political courses. To realize the integration of red classic art works into the construction of “Big Ideological and Political Courses”, it is necessary to create a large vision of discipline interconnection, establish the ideological and political education masters of “ideological and political teachers + artists”, expand the rich and diverse ideological and political teaching classrooms and effectively improve the pertinence, affinity and effectiveness of ideological and political teaching.


Fu Anling Zhang Wenxiu

Abstract:Cultural self-confidence is the most basic, deepest and most enduring force in the development of a country and a nation. Chinese cultural self-confidence not only takes red culture as the direction and spiritual support, but also highlights the advanced, revolutionary and scientific nature of red culture. As an advanced culture, red culture is the ideological foundation for college students in the new era to strengthen their cultural self-confidence. However, there is a single solidification of the red culture education and publicity mode in colleges and universities, which affects the actual teaching effect. If the teaching concept is traditional, it is difficult to form a joint force in education, emphasis on theory over practice, problems such as insufficient excavation and research of red cultural resources have seriously affected the cultivation of college students’ cultural consciousness and self-confidence. Therefore, it is necessary to deepen the theoretical research on red culture under the guidance of “cultural self-confidence”, strengthen the concept of “big ideological and political courses” and promote the integrated inheritance of red culture and professional courses, optimize the discourse of red culture propaganda and innovate the red culture education model. We should build a new media platform to enrich the channels for the inheritance of red culture. The second classroom of red culture has been set up, and the practical teaching system has been improved, so as to innovate the inheritance path of red culture in colleges and universities, continue the bloodline of red culture, and build an all-round education pattern.


Liao Weihua Fan Xinying

Abstract:The foundation of education lies in “morality”, and “morality” lies in ideology and politics. Red culture has Chinese characteristics and historical connotations, which is the foundation of the inheritance and development of revolutionary culture. It has positive significance for the ideological and political construction for the curriculum. However, the survey finds that at present, students’s understanding of red culture is insufficient, and the school has a single form of education and teaching of red culture and the teaching effect is not good. It is necessary to build a digital resource library of red culture curriculum, improve the efficiency of digital communication of curriculum red culture, build a digital shared platform for red culture, enhance the effectiveness of education, and promote the digital construction of ideological and political red culture curriculum in the era of big data.


Wu Guangying Ni Leling

Abstract:The rise of red ballads in the Central Soviet Region was to meet the needs of revolutionary propaganda, to give play to the literary and artistic front and to satisfy the artistic needs of the workers, peasants, and soldiers. The basic characteristics of red ballads are reflected in the political nature of the creative content, the mass view of the creative stance, and the diversity of the creative subjects. Red ballads are full of both historical and contemporary literature and art, a vivid carrier of the spirit in the Soviet Region and a fresh teaching material for promoting the education of the Party history in colleges universities, which can provide rich nourishment for the current literary and artistic creation and lay a solid foundation for strengthening cultural self-confidence.

