

疯狂英语·新阅版 2023年11期


主題语境:生活 篇幅:348词建议用时:7分钟

Every mother deserves a night out with afriend and Lisa was no exception. In early Feb?ruary 2018, Lisa Holman went out with a friendon a Friday night and simply disappeared.When she never returned home, her familyknew something was wrong. As hours turnedinto days, her family feared theyd never findher. It was a true race against the clock.

Lisas sister, Kathy Holman Caufield, and Lisas 17?year?old son, Jackson, couldntsit around waiting any longer and decided to look for Lisa. They decided to retrace theroute Lisa would have taken to Helena, Alabama. As they entered the woods, they foundLisas car and immediately thought that they finally found her and things would be fine.Kathy then immediately asked Jackson to call 911. Looking at the area surrounding the carand looking in the car, there was no sign of Lisa at all. At 7:15 that Sunday morning, thefirst search team went out with directions from the authorities. Along with drones, they alsosent out tracking dogs this time in the hope of the dogs picking up a scent on Lisa.

The team had been walking throughout the woods calling out Lisas name for about anhour. As they called her name again, they heard a voice scream back. At first, they thoughtit was another search party but then they heard Lisa calling back screaming,“ Help me.Help me. Im over here.” At this point, the search team knew it was in fact Lisa. They foundher!

At 8:14 in the morning, the team ended up locating her underneath a rock. She hadgotten into a bad accident and then was out in the woods all alone for almost two days. Res?cue workers got Lisa out of the woods and then rushed to a hospital to be treated for herinjuries.

A few days into her recovery, Lisa met a few of the nearly 500 volunteers who hadsearched to find her. Still in her hospital bed, she smiled at the rescuers and released astatement thanking everyone.

1. Who decided to look for Lisa when she didnt return home?

A. Lisas sister and her son.

B. Lisas husband and her daughter.

C. Lisas mother and her brother.

D. Lisas friend and her neighbor.

2. How long had Lisa been alone in the woods before being found?

A. For almost one day. B. For almost two days.

C. For almost three days. D. For almost four days.

3. How was Lisa finally found by the search team?

A. She called out for help and they heard her voice.

B. The search team followed the scent picked up by the tracking dogs.

C. The search team found her car and searched for her hiding spot.

D. Lisas sister and her son led the search team to her location.

4. What happened to Lisa?

A. She got lost while driving to Helena, Alabama.

B. She was involved in a car accident.

C. She was threatened by someone.

D. She planned to run away from home.

Ⅰ. 日積月累

deserve v. 应得

exception n. 例外

simply adv. 简单地

retrace v. 追溯

route n. 路线

sign n. 迹象

authority n. 当局

drone n. 无人机

recovery n. 恢复

volunteer n. 志愿者

release v. 发表

race against the clock 与时间赛跑

Ⅱ. 语法填空

In February 2018, Lisa Holman 1. (disappear) after a night out with a friend.2. (concern) for her safety, Lisas family started their own search. They disco?vered her car 3. the woods near Helena, Alabama, but Lisa was nowhere to befound. A search team was formed, equipped with drones and 4. (track) dogs.After an hour of 5. (call) out Lisas name, they heard her faint voice calling forhelp. She was found beneath a rock, 6. (injure) from an accident and stranded inthe woods for nearly two 7. (day). Lisa was 8. (immediate) taken to ahospital for medical treatment.

During her recovery, Lisa expressed her gratitude by meeting the volunteers, num?bering close to 500, 9. had tirelessly searched for her. Despite staying in herhospital bed, she greeted 10. (they) with a smile and released a statement tothank everyone involved in the search.


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