

孔子学院 2024年6期

内蒙古自治区地处中国北部边疆,东西绵延2 400多公里,自西向东分布着四大沙漠和四大沙地。但内蒙古人民通过自己的双手,在荒漠中创造了一片片令人瞩目的“绿色奇迹”。如今,科技的进步更是为治沙工作带来了翻天覆地的变化。内蒙古人民将传统智慧与现代科技相结合,创造出一系列治沙的新“招式”。那么他们到底有些什么样的“治沙秘籍”呢?

Stretching over 2,400 kilometers fromeast to west, Inner Mongolia in North Chinais home to four major deserts and vast sandyregions. Yet, through hard work, the peopleof Inner Mongolia have achieved remarkable“green miracles” in these once barrenlandscapes. Today, technological advancementshave further revolutionized their desertificationcontrol efforts. By blending traditional wisdomwith modern technology, they’ve developeda range of innovative techniques to combatdesert encroachment. But what exactly are their“secret weapons”?


Sand-swallowing Beasts


In the past, efforts to combat desertificationrelied heavily on manual labor, which was relativelyinefficient. Today, technological advances haveintroduced a new type of multi-functional sandfixingvehicle, nicknamed the “sand-swallowingbeast.” Resembling a large tractor, this machinecombines planting and irrigation and other tasksinto one process, making it highly effective for bothdesert management and afforestation. The processbegins with the “sand-swallowing beast” compressingmaterials like wheat straw and rice straw into rolls,which are then loaded into a special compartmentwithin the vehicle. It automatically distributes andplants these materials into the sand, embedding themabout 25 centimeters deep to create robust strawgrid barriers. These grids help reduce wind erosion,stabilize sand, and retain moisture, creating an idealenvironment for plant growth. For this reason, themachine is also dubbed the “sand-stabilizing magiccube.”

“吞沙巨兽”的工作效果是非常惊人的。据操作人员介绍,一台固沙车每小时能种下2 000株植物,覆盖沙地面积8.5亩,相当于人工治沙的50 ~ 80 倍。此外,固沙车还能根据沙地的具体条件,灵活调整相关参数,以适应不同种类的植物生长,提高植物的存活率。数据表明,在采用“吞沙巨兽”进行沙漠绿化的地区,植物的存活率大于80%,而且生长速度也比人工种植的快很多。

The efficiency of the “sand-swallowing beast”is impressive. Operators report that a single vehiclecan plant up to 2,000 plants per hour, covering anarea of 8.5 mu (about 1.4 acres) of desert — makingit 50 to 80 times more efficient than manual labor.The vehicle’s parameters can be adjusted based on thetype of sand and the plants being grown, significantlyincreasing the survival rate of the vegetation. In areaswhere the machine has been deployed, plant survivalrates exceed 80%, and growth is noticeably fastercompared to manual planting.

因此, 在短短的一年内, 腾格里沙漠南部边缘形成了2 000多亩的草方格沙障,组成了坚实的防沙屏障。

As a result, in just one year, over 2,000 mu(about 329 acres) of straw grid sand barriers havebeen established along the southern edge of theTengger Desert, creating a powerful shield againstdesertification.


Forest Protection Agents

在库布齐沙漠恩格贝生态示范区植树现场,新型“护林特工”——无人植树机器人正在栽种沙柳苗。一排长约30米的沙柳苗栽种下来,整个过程不到2分钟。这款机器人融合了多项技术,可以实现无人化、规模化、全天候种植作业,它的种植效率相较于传统人工种植提高了近40 倍。

At the tree planting site in the Engebei EcologicalDemonstration Zone of the Kubuqi Desert, a newtype of “forest protection agents” — unmannedtree-planting robots — has been hard at work. Thisadvanced machine can plant a row of desert willowseedlings about 30 meters long in under two minutes.By integrating cutting-edge technologies, this robotenables automated, large-scale, all-weather plantingoperations, boasting an efficiency nearly 40 timesgreater than traditional manual planting.


This innovative “agent” is equipped with satellitepositioning, the Internet of Things (IoT), artificialintelligence, and cloud service technology, allowing forfully automated planting. Once the seedlings are in theground, the growth process is monitored remotely viaa cloud-based system, providing precise positioningand real-time updates on the vegetation’s progress.


In areas with difficult terrain, where manualplanting is challenging, these robots adapt easily tovarious land conditions, making afforestation effortsmore efficient. Not only are they more cost-effectivethan manual labor, but they’re also easier to produceand assemble, making them ideal for large-scaleapplication.


A Desert “Miracle”


Bringing water from the Yellow River intothe desert might sound like a fantasy, but in InnerMongolia, a decade of dedicated effort has made it areality.


The Kubuqi Desert lies on the southern bankof the Yellow River’s iconic upside-down “U”-shaped bend in the Hetao Plain, an area that haslong suffered from severe water shortages. Naturalecosystems, including grasslands, forests, and lakes,have been heavily degraded. Early efforts at ecologicalrestoration, such as converting farmland back toforests and grasslands and planting trees, met withlimited success due to the lack of water. Then in 2013,the government launched the ambitious Yellow RiverWater Diversion Project, channeling water deep intothe heart of the Kubuqi Desert.

经过近十年的努力,沙漠渐渐变湿地,水鸟和野生动物也纷纷赶来定居。当地百姓积极参与,造生态围堤,筑绿色屏障,还建起淤泥坝和退水闸,在枯水期还清水于黄河。几年下来,库布齐沙漠已建成近100平方公里的湿地,相当于14 000个标准足球场。

After nearly a decade of hard work, the oncearid desert has slowly transformed into wetlands,attracting waterfowl and wildlife to return. Localresidents have played a key role in the restoration,building ecological embankments, creating greenbarriers, and constructing silt dams and drainagegates to ensure clear water is returned to the YellowRiver during dry seasons. Today, the Kubuqi Desertboasts nearly 100 square kilometers of wetlands — anarea equivalent to 14,000 standard football fields.


As the environment improved, local peoplebegan raising cattle and sheep, planting crops, andeven farming crabs, turning desert control into apath to prosperity. The Yellow River Water DiversionProject has become a green miracle and was awardedthe United Nations Land for Life Award, making it aglobal model for desertification control.

昔日黄沙漫天,今朝绿意盎然。这不仅仅是自然景观的变迁,更是人民生活方式的转变。大自然在内蒙古大地上留下了大片沙漠的印记,几十年来,人与沙的较量,黄与绿的交锋,是内蒙古大地上最生动的图景。在欣赏如此之美景时, 让我们对治沙人坚韧不拔、勇于创新的精神致以深深的敬意。

What was once an endless expanse of yellowsand is now a landscape teeming with greenery. Thistransformation is not only a change in the scenery,but a shift in the way people live. Nature gave InnerMongolia deserts, and for decades, the most vividmemory here has been the harsh struggle betweenhumans and nature, between yellow and green.As we admire this remarkable landscape, we mustalso honor those who have battled the desert withresilience and innovation.