Abstracts and Key Words


哲学分析 2023年4期

● Peirce’s Maxim, Abductive Reasoning, and the Reasoning of the Best Explanation


Abstract:Peirce is well-known as the father of American pragmatism and semiotics, and more worldwide scholars have increasingly focused on his ideas since the new century began. The pragmatic maxim Peirce proposed is the focused point of the pragmatist spirit. It has three fundamentals, though, in various claims: our whole conception of an object is the conception of its effects; the effects are not necessarily what happened,but conceivable enough; the only relative effects are what are actually influenced. The pragmatist maxim is closely related to abductive reasoning. The maxim expresses scientific reasoning that requires actual effects only by appealing to abductive reasoning. The process of abductive reasoning starts from a surprising fact to the discourse of a hypothesis of the fact and the possibility of the hypothesis to be true. It is the process of an explanative hypothesis Peirce proposed, by which abductive reasoning is separated from inductive and deductive reasoning. Peirce rejected the unified and unchangeable concept of causation by various interpretations of causation in different times to explain the vast differences between the concepts of causation in different times.Peirce initiated the pragmatist conception to propose that proceed from the pragmatist maxim to abductive reasoning, then to the scientific reasoning of the best explanation, which is both the start-point and the final result of the pragmatist maxim. It is the progress of theory to practice that proceeds from the pragmatist maxim (the general principle in theory) to abductive reasoning (reasoning of explanative hypothesis), then to the reasoning of the best explanation (the logic of scientific discovery).

Key words:pragmatism; Peirce’s Maxim; abductive reasoning; the reasoning of the best explanation;causation

● The Ethical Dimension of Logic: Peirce’s Insight and Its Echoes in Contemporary Philosophy

ZHANG Liuhua

Abstract:In his 1903 Harvard Lectures, C. S. Peirce sets forth that reasoning is a kind of controlled activity and logic as a science of human reasoning has an ethical dimension. This thesis not only plays a pivotal role in Peirce’s own version of pragmatism, but also inspires philosophers today to rethink the nature of logic.Borrowing from Peirce’s work and new resources in contemporary philosophy of logic, at least two arguments for the dependence of logic on ethics can be reconstructed: one from the perspective of “the subject matter of logic” , the other from “the problem of choice in theories of logic” . These arguments, with reasonable responses to possible objections, can shed light on the crux of the normativity problem in contemporary philosophy of logic.

Key words:C. S. Peirce; logic; ethics; reasoning; purpose

● On the Problem of Meaning in Peirce’s Maxim of Pragmatism

LU Deping

Abstract:Meaning in Piece’s maxim of pragmatism possesses the characteristics of process and differentiation, which may be specified as both the process of transforming concept to belief, belief to habit, habit to act, and act to effect of object and the differentiation between such dimensions of process. Meaning in nature is defined as innovation from differentiation. Features of meaning as reflected in the maxim “the entire meaning and significance of any conception lies in its conceivably practical bearings” informs that cognition of object has changed from abstract knowledge to concrete practice. Such change is to apply knowledge to the object in concrete situation, and thus generate new meaning in the “in-between” interface of knowledge and context. The new meaning intends to supplement and enrich the existing knowledge of “immediate interpretant” , and through“final interpretant” transform the existing knowledge into the new one. This should be taken as the essential point of the meaning in Piece’s maxim of pragmatism.

Key words:maxim of pragmatism;meaning;process;differentiation;knowledge

● On Onto-Hermeneutics in Its Intrinsic Relation to Chinese Hermeneutics

CHENG Chungying

Abstract:This paper describes how onto-hermeneutics starts as an insightful way of interpretation and clarification of ideas and truths in Chinese classics (especially Confucian classics) in terms of relevant and deeper understanding of a classical text by basic observation, intuition, reference and intention of the commentator. Yet, there is neither name nor definition of this way of understanding. In fact, this way of understanding is not identified as such but only recognized as a way of learning the hidden meaning of the text.Now against the background of the western tradition of interpreting Christian Bible and Greek classics, modern western philosophers reflect on interpretation and translation and come to what Schleiermacher, Dilthy and Gadamer have identified as hermeneutics. Gadamer sees hermeneutics as composed of two components, namely method and truth. For him, method is epistemological and truth involves intuition of ontology. I have shown how these two sides cannot be separated and must be remained as a unity, especially in light of Chinese practice of making a systematic commentary on a text such as we see in the Confucian construction of Yizhuan for the Yijing. Hence, for Chinese interpretation, it is essentially ontological with an ontology which is creative and generative. This important aspect is absolutely needed for interpreting and explaining any initial construction and intuition of the meaningful text. With this understanding, I reach for a definition for Chinese hermeneutics in terms of its essential activities which is a creative reality ceaselessly productive and generative of the new reality so that interpretation could make meaningful and truthful assertions about reality. This means that our minds of understanding together with onto-cosmological order of the world under the language produce meaningful reference, inference, ideas and concepts and truthful claims. With this basic understanding of structure of human understanding or hermeneutical interpretation, that is an interpretation involved with symbols or languages has to be generically ontological. Hence, I call my construction of hermeneutics as onto-generative hermeneutics or briefly as onto-hermeneutics.

Given this analysis and understanding of the Chinese commentary thinking, the so called Chinese hermeneutics (中国诠释学) can be given an essential divination as onto-generative hermeneutics (本体诠释学). The so called benti (onto-generative being 本体) is much more rich concept than “being” , because it reveals a source and root of creativity and the way how this creativity moves in human thinking as if it can be understood as motions of cosmic creation and change.

I don’t deny the relevance of the jingdianquanshi (classical annotation) which could simply mean interpretation of classics or interpretation by way of classics, either way does not show what is essentially being involved. At best it has left the way of interpretation, as well as the reason and feature of interpretation unexplained or hidden or simply begging the question.

Key words:onto-hermeneutics; commentary on the Yijing; Chinese interpretation of classics; western hermeneutics; Gadamer; essential definition of Chinese hermeneutics

● Kant’s Departure from Leibnizian Metaphysics: Three Steps along the Concept of “Reality”

XIE Yuwei

Abstract:This paper examines Kant’s gradual departure from the Leibnizian metaphysics and establishment of transcendental philosophy in accordance with his reflections on the Leibnizian concept of“realitas” in the “pre-critical” period. The Leibnizians consider “reality” as positive determinations posited on the things themselves, which are to be grasped by the intellect and thus called “intelligible reality” . Kant’s reflections on this concept of reality can be understood as advancing with three steps: (1) the distinction between existence and reality and the proposal of the conception of “real repugnance” , (2) the suggestion of a concept of a non-intelligible reality, and (3) the subjectivization of the ground of reality. These reflections result in the establishment of the conception of “sensible reality” which means that the nature and ground of reality is comprehended by the sensibility. This prepares Kant for taking the sensibility to be an independent cognitive capacity in his later transcendental philosophy.

Key words:Kant; Baumgarten; metaphysics; reality; sensibility

● The Yi Interpretation of Lu Jia’s Political Principles: Centered on Xinyu and Xi Ci Zhuan

YANG Yichen

Abstract:Lu Jia’s book Xinyu is an important work that provides guidance for the establishment of the autocratic monarchy system and general political principles in the early Western Han Dynasty by reflecting and summarizing the lessons of the Qin Dynasty. Quoting the Xi Ci Zhuan, Lu Jia regarded “the combination of haven and man” and “changing” as fundamental methods of governance. He not only put forward the idealized political governance model of “sage governance” , but also took the principle of Yin and Yang as the core of“the governance of benevolence and justice” , to highlight the positive effects of benevolence and justice and enlightenment. Lu Jia integrated the philosophy and ethical thoughts of heaven and man in the Xi Ci Zhuan,to demonstrate the importance of “law sanctity” and “benevolence” in the general trend of “the way of heaven remains unchanged, but humanity is easy” . The interpretation method of the Yi learning of the philosophy of governing implies the political ideal of practicing the moral standards of human relations and creating immortal achievements.

Key words:Lu Jia; Xinyu; Xi Ci Zhuan; political principles

● On Nagel’s Concept of Reasons

HAO Peng SUN Yan

Abstract:A central question in contemporary moral philosophy is what kind of justification can provide a reasonable driving force for the actions of agent. While offering a critique of the defenses of internalism and externalism, on the other hand, Negel takes as the basis of his approach the way he deals with the problem of the opposition between subjectivity and objectivity. In doing so, Negel proposes a structural system of reasons in which tenseless subjective prudential reasons and impersonal objective reasons coexist, a system that provides justification for the agent’s behavior. But the deeper problem with the concept of justification is the conflict arising from its intrinsic value. Negel portrays this conflict as a conflict between personal and impersonal standpoints, proposing a possible way of thinking to integrate the two positions from the perspective of political philosophy. However, there is an inherent ambiguity in the way in which Negel deals with the core problem of philosophy, which leads to the risk of unclear positioning of his concept of reasons, and there is also a problem of idealization in his political-philosophical path of dealing with the conflict of values.

Key words:reasons; Nagel; values; political philosophy

● The Triple Dimensions to Achieve Civic Friendship in Contemporary China


Abstract:Friendship is one of the core socialist values and civic moralities in contemporary China, and it is also an important bond of Chinese people and the Chinese nation. The theoretical explorations of modern Chinese thinkers show that the practice of friendship in contemporary China requires taking into account law and sentiments, individual rights and group solidarity, the private and public spheres. Friendship needs to be achieved through at least three dimensions at the height of the whole: (1) establishing a bottom line of respect based upon the protection of people’s rights by laws and socialist system, (2) uniting people with Chinese nation’s public good, that is, Chinese-style modernization, and thus realizing the care and mutual assistance of fellow citizens, (3) and finally cultivating friendly sentiments and virtues in various public and private communities.Through the synergy of the three dimensions, Chinese society is expected to move towards a friendly society of “all for one and one for all” .

Key words:friendship; core socialist values; civic moralities; community; individual

● Habermas’ Theory of World Civil Society and Construction of Global Justice

KONG Mingan JIN Huanhuan

Abstract:The theory of world civil society is a theoretical conception put forward by Habermas in the late stage of the 20th century facing the tide of globalization. This theory absorbs the rationality component of the traditional civil society theory, confronts the realistic dilemma of the modern nation state and its inherent paradox, and takes the practice of “regional integration” and “political integration” of the European Union as a sample to build an ideal social model with global justice. In this regard, Habermas’s world civil society mainly includes post-national structure and international hot issues linked to ecology, human rights, peace, military and so on. Finally, as a caring thinker of cosmopolitanism, Habermas explained that tolerance and solidarity are the value basis for the world civil society to move towards global justice, and took the three measures of cultivating the world citizenship consciousness, advocating the constitutionalization of international law and reforming the United Nations as the practical path for the world civil society to move towards global justice.

Key words:world civil society; post-national structure; global justice; integration

● The Reinterpretation and Application of the Thoughts of “The Grundrisse”:Henri Lefebvre’s Concept of Urban Space

YAN Jing

Abstract:“Space” is the core of Lefebvre’s social history thought. By exploring the “historical” dimension of political economy criticism in “The Grundrisse” , Lefebvre clarified Marx’s conception of the “totality” of the capitalist mode of production. On this basis, Lefebvre identified the transformation of capitalism in crisis in the second half of the 20th century as the imbalance of this “overall” structure in western world and its reshaping in the world. In this historical process, “urban space” , as a flexible and hierarchical spatial network, has become a powerful tool for politics to promote the globalization of capitalist production mode. Lefebvre’s space theory developed Marx’s thought on the capitalist mode of production, and criticized the urbanization process under the domination of the West. However, the space theory failed to provide direct theoretical support for the orientation of urbanization in the Eastern countries.

Key words:capitalist mode of production; totality; space fetishism

● Is Collective Intentionality Biological Primitive? Comments on Tomasello’s Shared Intentionality Rheory Defense for Searle

LI Zhen

Abstract:There is a somewhat puzzling statement in John Searle’s theory of collective intentionality:“collective intentionality is a biologically primitive phenomenon” . This statement covers three critical theses:irreducibility thesis, primitiveness thesis, biological origin thesis. Searle’s arguments for these theses lack reliable basis. Many scholars proposed that Michael Tomasello’s research in the ontogeny of shared intentionality could confirm Searle’s statement from the perspective of evolutionary biology in recent years. However, in fact,there are many explanation mechanisms for cooperation and altruism in evolutionary biology, and most of these mechanisms don’t point at collective intentionality. Although Tomasello regards shared intentionality as the basis of cooperation and altruism, his understanding of shared intentionality is completely different from Searle’s.Shared intentionality, as a natural predisposition, only exists in the early stage of individual development.Therefore, Tomasello’s relevant research can’t provide strong support for Searle’s statement at all.

Key words:collect intentionality; naturalization; shared intentionality; biological primitive

● Transhumanism and the Identity of Human Species

ZHONG Huanlin

Abstract:Transhumanists propose to overcome fundamental human limits by means of science and technology, so as to improve the human condition. But it concerns bio-conservatives that this transhumanist project would cause us in some way to lose our human nature and lead to the extinction of the whole human species. In this paper, in response to their concerns, I shall argue that the transhumanist project will not endanger the essence (if there is) and the identity of the human species; instead, human enhancements not only help to highlight the essential characteristics of human beings, but also improve our abilities to deal with various existential risks, which are conducive to the preservation of the human species. And the identity of human species is not what matters to human individuals’ identities and their moral status which are alleged by bioconservatives to be based on the membership in human species, because the latter does not in effect presuppose the former.

Key words:transhumanism; identity of human species; enhancement; moral status; human future

● The Scientific Theory of Mach and Chinese Scholars in the Period of Republic of China (Part 1)

LI Xingming

Abstract:Ernst Mach’s scientific treatise was popular all over the world, and was known to the academic circle during the Republic of China. The scholars of the Republic of China highly valued Mach’s academic contribution and philosophical thought, and the most highly respected theory of his scientific theory was the theory of thinking economy. In addition, they pay more attention to Mach’s scientific criticism, causality or causality, scientific depictions or scientific descriptions. Centering on the first three topics, this paper probes into Mach’s influence on the scientific theory of scholars in the Republic of China.

Key words:Mach; scholars of the republic of china; scientific theory; critique of science; thinking economy; causality

