张宇扬,陆道纲,王孝天,曹 琼,*,李 臻
(1. 非能动核能安全技术北京市重点实验室,北京 102206;2. 华北电力大学核科学与工程学院,北京 102206)
1 计算模型
1.1 几何模型
图1 格架布置
表1 模型参数
1.2 湍流模型
湍流模型可根据数学描述方式不同分为雷诺应力模型和涡粘模型两类,在液态金属流动的数值模拟中,涡粘模型适用性更高。standard-模型与SST-模型更为适用[6]。对于湍流模型中的一项湍流普朗特数Pr的数值,常规流体Pr0.85已经不适用于液态金属。湍流模型一般只建立了湍流黏性,即湍流动量扩散率的模型,并没有直接地定义湍流导热率,即湍流热扩散率模型。为了对湍流导热率建模,定义Pr为湍流动量扩散率与湍流导热率之比。许多学者对Pr的数值进行了研究,本文选取Cheng[7]的经验公式进行计算,并编写UDF(User Defined Function)。Pr的经验公式为:
1.3 物性参数
表2 物性参数
2 模型的验证
由于实验工况较多,本文仅选取部分工况进行对比,工况为:体积流量分别为1、2、4、5、6、8、9.23和10 m3/h,入口温度为473.15 K,热功率为50 kW。
图2 模拟值与实验值对比
3 数值计算结果与分析
3.1 模型与网格
对几何模型划分的网格是在CFD软件中生成的非结构型多面体网格,为确定合适的网格数量,保证计算精度,根据板翼型格架的模型以网格基础尺寸6 mm、7 mm、8 mm生成了网格数量分别为1 260万、964万、817万的三种网格进行网格无关性分析。
8 mm的网格计算收敛性较差,对于6 mm和7 mm的网格,如图4所示为两个网格的模型沿程温升图,计算结果相差很小,为10-1K数量级,可认为计算结果与网格数量无关。综合考虑网格精度和计算所需时间,最终确定设置网格基础尺寸为7 mm。三种组件的模型均设置为基础尺寸7 mm,网格数量均在950~1000万范围内。并将网格导入FLUENT中进行模拟计算。
图4 网格无关性
3.2 边界条件
对溶解在高温液态LBE中氧浓度的控制,直接影响液态金属水力学性能及其与材料的兼容性。这就要求LBE流速不能过快,需要限制其在一定范围内,本文选取LBE入口体积流量1~5 m3/h。设置燃料棒热功率50 kW、100 kW,LBE入口温度选取473.15 K,入口绝对压力设置为0.25 MPa。外壁面及上下端面设置为绝热。具体工况如表3所示,工况均在<1 500的与实验符合较好的低贝克莱数区域。
表3 工况表
3.3 结果分析
图5 子通道示意图
在工况5条件下,三种格架对于LBE温度分布的影响如图6所示,图6为流过第二层格架562 mm处LBE横截面的温度云图。对于边通道,三型组件差异较小,均存在LBE温度较低的情况;对于角通道,板翼型格架组件LBE的最高温度出现在角通道30、36、42处,这三个角通道所在的格架的夹围区域要比角通道27、33、39的小,故出现角通道温度分布不同的现象,其余两型组件无此情况;而对于内部通道,三型组件LBE温度相差不大。对于周向最大温差,板翼型格架组件LBE温差53.0 K,双翼型格架组件LBE温差48.8 K,单板型格架组件LBE温差50.4 K。综合来看,双翼型格架、单板型格架组件LBE温度分布更加均匀。
图6 x=562 mm处LBE温度云图
图7 轴向LBE温度分布
对于边通道,流经格架过程中,板翼型格架组件、双翼型格架组件、单板型格架组件温升分别为7.68 K、6.69 K、9.51 K。单板型格架组件LBE后温升幅度更为明显,原因在于其横向速度较大,与附近热流体搅混更为均匀;对于角通道,在格架上游LBE温度就已经受到了影响,流经格架过程温升梯度减小,板翼型格架组件的LBE温度振荡更明显。流经加热段后,由于与周围冷却剂间换热,LBE温度有了一定降低,三型组件温降分别为1.21 K、0.82 K、0.50 K。单板型格架组件LBE温降更小;而对于内部通道,LBE流经格架后,温度产生了小幅振荡,流过加热段温度仍有一定的升高,三种组件内部通道的LBE温度变化趋势较为一致。
图8 x=532 mm处LBE横向速度云图
图9 LBE横向速度分布
随着入口质量流量的增加,LBE压降呈非线性增长,三种格架压降增长率不同。在各个工况下,三种格架造成的压降关系均为:双翼型格架>板翼型格架>单板型格架。Re为37 000时,流经格架造成LBE压降分别为:板翼型格架4 175 Pa,双翼型格架4 387 Pa,单板型格架3 650 Pa。板翼型格架、双翼型格架压降较为接近,单板型格架压降更小。
图11 LBE阻力系数与Re关系
Fig.11 The dragcoefficient-Re relation of LBE
4 结论
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Numerical Study on the Effect of Grid Spacer on Thermal-Hydraulics of LBE Fast Reactor Fuel Assembly
ZHANG Yuyang1,2,LU Daogang1,2,WANG Xiaotian1,2,CAO Qiong1,2,*,LI Zhen1,2
(1. Beijing Key Laboratory of Passive Safety Technology for Nuclear Energy,Beijing 102206,China;2. School of Nuclear Science and Engineering,North China Electric Power University,Beijing 102206,China)
As one of the main types of the fourth-generation nuclear power system,the lead-cooled fast reactor has a wide development prospect, which can be applied in the nuclear powered submarine, the small power grid, and other power supply areas. The lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) is one of the best coolants in the lead-cooled fast reactor. The grid spacer is not only used to support and position the fuel assembly, but also has a certain effect on the thermal-hydraulics of reactor core.However, there are many studies on thermal-hydraulics characteristics of fuel assembly positioned by wire spacer, but there are few relative studies on the grid spacer, and some existing numerical studies lack experimental verification. In order to study the effect of the spacer structure on thermal-hydraulics in the LBE fast reactor core,In a 19-rod fuel assembly with three grid spacers, the flow and heat transfer of coolant LBE in the hexagonal flow channel and spacer-positioned fuel assembly were numerically simulated and analyzed by the CFD method. Firstly, the numerical simulation was carried out for the fuel assembly of the plate-airfoil spacer, and the effectiveness of the simulation method was verified by comparing with the experimental results. Secondly, the thermal-hydraulic characteristics of fuel assemblies with the three grid spacers of the plate-airfoil spacer, the double airfoil spacer and the single plate spacer were compared. The results show that there is some difference in the effect of the three spacers on heat transfer, but great difference on the flow. In particular, the highest temperature of coolant of the plate-airfoil spacer assembly is located in the corner subchannel after flowing through the spacer, and the highest temperature of coolant of the other two assemblies are located near the exit of the internal subchannel. Meanwhile, the coolant temperature of the single plate spacer assembly is higher in all three subchannels. In the middle area of the plate (airfoil) and airfoil of the spacer, the transverse velocity in two directions caused by disturbance will appear superposition cancelling phenomenon. But this is not the case for the single plate spacer, and the transverse velocity of coolant for the single plate spacer assembly is also larger.With the increase of Re, the pressure drop through the three kinds of spacers increases nonlinearly. Of the three types of spacers, the single plate spacer caused the least pressure drop. In a word, the comprehensive thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the single plate spacer assembly is the best among the plate-airfoil spacer, double airfoil spacer and single plate spacer assembly. The single plate spacer can be used as the first choice in the spacer design of lead-cooled fast reactor. The results of this study can provide a reference for the spacer design of lead-cooled fast reactor.
Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE); Grid spacer; Coolant channel; Thermal-hydraulics