曹文虎,尹 岚,宋城邑,郑平卫,周方贝,马万坤
(1. 南华大学 核科学技术学院,湖南 衡阳 421001;2. 南华大学 数理学院,湖南 衡阳 421001;3. 南华大学 电气工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001;4. 南华大学 资源环境与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001)
在可控热核聚变装置托卡马克中,射频波电流驱动(CD)是产生等离子体电流,补充自举电流的重要方式[1]。其中低杂波电流驱动(LHCD)是目前托卡马克装置上公认效率较高的射频波电流驱动方式,物理机制是波在等离子体传播过程中通过朗道阻尼机制在平行方向上加速电子,形成环向电流。利用LHW 驱动电流是实现托卡马克稳态运行的重要手段[2-4],LHCD虽然具有很高的电流驱动效率,但存在密度极限问题,即:在高等离子体密度条件下,LHW难以传入等离子体内部,电流驱动效率迅速下降[5]。以往研究显示从高场侧发射LHW能部分缓解LHW在高密度条件下的可近性问题[6]。
1 模拟方法
2 模拟内容
图1 磁平衡位形和波迹
模拟中从高场侧中平面发射的LHW的频率采用2.65 GHz,其平行折射率峰值为2.32,功率谱谱宽为0.1,发射机的高度为0.776 m,输入功率设置为1 MW。从高场侧中平面发射的HHFW的频率为1.8 GHz,其平行折射率峰值为2.12,功率谱谱宽为0.1,输入功率设置为1 MW。利用模拟程序GENRAY从5个不同的极向位置发射50条射线模拟波在等离子体中的传播和阻尼,由GENRAY程序计算后得到的HHFW和LHW的射线轨迹如图1所示,然后对 HHFW和LHW的准线性扩散项进行求和,求解电子分布函数,模拟联合电流驱动。
3 分析和讨论
图4 速度空间中HHFW和LHW准线性扩散强度的等值线图
图5 ρ=0.42时电子分布函数f与归一化速度u/unorm的关系
图6 协同电流和协同因子与HHFW和LHW的ω和n‖的关系
通过扫描HHFW和LHW的注入波功率(0.5~3 MW),研究了两支波的协同电流和协同因子与波功率之间的关系,结果如图7所示。模拟时注入相同功率的HHFW和LHW,当注入功率在0.5~1.5 MW时,协同电流随着注入波功率的增加而增大,这是因为注入的波功率越多相当于更多的电子被加速至高相速度波(HHFW)的共振区,当注入功率在1.5~3 MW时,协同电流几乎不受注入波功率的影响,这是因为当功率达到一定值时,不会再有新的电子被加速至高相速度波(HHFW)的共振区。总体来说,协同因子会随着注入波功率的增加而降低。
图7 协同电流和协同因子与波功率P的关系
4 结论
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Simulation Study of High Harmonic Fast Wave and Low Hybrid Wave Synergy Current Drive in Tokamak
CAO Wenhu1,YIN Lan2,*,SONG Chengyi1,ZHENG Pingwei4,ZHOU Fangbei3,MA Wankun1
(1. School of Nuclear Science and Technology,University of South China,Hengyang of Hunan Prov.421001,China;2. School of Mathematics and Science,University of South China,Hengyang of Hunan Prov.421001,China;3. School of Electrical Engineering,University of South China,Hengyang of Hunan Prov.421001,China;4. School of Resource Environment and Safety Engineering,University of South China,Hengyang of Hunan Prov.421001,China)
Based on the loweoperating parameters on the fully superconducting Tokamak EAST, ray tracing and the Fokker-Planck equation codes are used to simulate the combined current drive of high harmonic fast wave (HHFW) and low hybrid wave (LHW) with high field side emission. The results show that under certain conditions, there is a large synergistic effect between the HHFW and LHW emitted from the high-field side, and there is a positive synergistic effect from close to the core to the wider off-axis region, which can effectively improve the current drive efficiency and improve the current distribution. The physical mechanism is analyzed and it is found that the synergistic effect is closely related to the spatial position of the velocity in the resonance region of the two waves. In addition, the effects of parallel refractive index, wave frequency, wave power and other parameters on the synergistic effect of the two-wave joint current drive are also studied.
Low hybrid wave; High harmonic fast wave; Synergy effects; Current drive; Tokamak
尹 岚,E-mail:yinlan82@126.com