

北京联合大学学报 2023年6期

















基于VMD降噪的RV减速器故障诊断蔺梦雄 ,焦博森,杨 琰,周子煜,张瑞钦,唐少虎(3-7)






中国工程教育质量发展状况及提升策略研究冯爱秋, 杨鹏(4-1)

国际交往中心建设背景下北京教育国际化高质量发展路径研究庞明, 屈文超(4-8)

用自然教育赋能未来教育 推动教育高质量发展陈婷婷,严耕(4-14)


经管专业数据分析类课程思政建设的制约因素与推进路径丁庆洋,李立威, 张瑾(4-27)








航天强国梦融入高校思政课教学的四重维度张树焕,许纭露,穆宏佳 (6-1)


张颖,栾子童 (6-7)


杜佳荣,林宏彬 (6-12)


产教融合视域下应用型大学课程保障:价值追求、现实问题与改进建议 胡万山(1-25)
















应用型大学校史文化资源推动文化润校发展的价值维度陈 静,周 彤,姜素兰 (6-19)

应用型大学海外本土中文师资培养的特点、问题与思考——以北京联合大学为例申 莉 (6-25)



张璋 ,吕明,赵制斌,张远索(6-38)





山西省旅游型乡村空间格局及其影响因素研究 崔正,冯文勇,樊童生,阮诗赟,吴觉妹(6-43)

基于时空大数据的北京城市商圈功能特征研究牛悦颜,彭霞 (6-53)



王利振,盛文龍,李宁,王荣春,刘可春 (1-64)











改革开放以来我国特殊教育教师资格的政策研究——基于NVivo 11的政策文本分析











心智障碍者支持性就业的已有经验、现存问题与优化路径汤夺先,杨秀飞,唐 婷 (6-73)

社会服务机构介入农村残疾人就业服务的意义、方式及优化路径曲绍旭,王 慧,张婉佳,王 磊(6-80)

共同富裕背景下心智障碍者融合就业研究张甜甜 (6-87)




分布式音视频编解码技术在现代教育领域中的融合应用鲁立军,高江江,安宁 (6-62)





Total Contents

●Monographic study

Research on Accelerated Degradation Trend of Current Sensor for Metro VehiclesZHANG Yi, LI Xiaobo, WANG Xiang(1-1)

Rail Fastener Defect Status Identification Based on Lightweight GoogLeNet Model

LI Shaojia, HU Meizhen, CHEN Huidong, LIU Yanxia(1-6)

An Analysis of the Overall Construction of the “Four in One” Implementation Mechanism for Establishing Morality and

Cultivating People in Universities in the New EraCHEN Min, LI Shen(1-13)

Teaching Exploration of Ideological and Political Education in Accounting Courses: Taking Advanced Financial Accounting

Course as An ExampleZHOU Xiaohui, WU Zuofeng, CUI Jing, NIE Shunjiang(1-18)

Research and Practice of Cybersecurity Assurance in Universities under the Background of Digital Transformation

WANG Yu, WANG Weidong, WEN Zhankao(2-1)

A Track Defect Identification Method Based on Improved AlexNet Network

ZHAO Jiaxiang, FANG Jianjun, LIU Zeyu, SHI Daineng(2-7)

On How to Improve the Resource Utilization Rate of Network Virtual ServerLI Hongjun, LIU Xuejiao(2-12)

The Value, Essence and Realization Path of “Great Ideological and Political Education” from the Perspective of Marxism

Educational PhilosophyXU Mingyue, KONG Jun(2-17)

The Construction of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education System under the Background of “Great Ideological and

Political Education”: Taking the Smart City College of Beijing Union University as an Example

ZHANG Junling, LIU Yuhan, ZHANG Shu, WANG Ying(2-23)

Research on the Construction of Campus Culture in Colleges and Universities Based on the Concept of “Three-all Educations”

SHI Guohua(2-29)

Application Extension of Seminar Teaching in Blended Learning Environment LI Wei, WANG Tingmei(2-79)

A Study on the Impact of Blended Teaching on College Students’ Learning Gains: The Mediating Effect of Learning

EngagementPENG Yingying, DOU Xingli, FANG Hongjun(2-86)

Reflections on the Cultivation of Intelligent Manufacturing Talents in Universities under the Background of Manufacturing Power

WANG Zhengmin(3-1)

Fault Diagnosis of RV Reducer Based on VMD Noise Reduction

LIN Mengxiong, JIAO Bosen, YANG Yan, ZHOU Ziyu, ZHANG Ruiqin, TANG Shaohu(3-7)

A Study on the Educational Value of China’s Integrity Stories under the Background of “Great Ideological and

Political Courses” GUO Peng, WANG Qi, LI Yu (3-14)

The Construction and Reform of Ideological and Political Education in Curriculum Group of Software Engineering: Taking

Beijing Union University as an ExampleDU Yu, LIU Chang(3-20)

Research on the Path of Integrating Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law into Ideological and Political Course and

Ideological and Political Education through All Curricula in Colleges and UniversitiesLI Mengjia(3-25)

The Construction and Practice of Ideological and Political Education through All Curricula on Postgraduate Natural Science

Courses: Taking Microbiology and Fermentation Technology Course as an Example

LIU Qian, QIN Fei, ZHANG Jing, RONG Ruifen, WEI Tao(3-31)

Research on Quality Development of Engineering Education in China and Its Promotion Strategy

FENG Aiqiu, YANG Peng (4-1)

A Study on the High-quality Development Path of Education Internationalization in Beijing under the Background of the

Construction of International Communication CentersPANG Ming, QU Wenchao (4-8)

Empowering Future Education with Nature Education and Promoting High-quality Development of Education

CHEN Tingting, YAN Geng (4-14)

Exploration and Practice of Ideological and Political Education through All Curricula of MBA Course: Taking Operations

Management as an ExampleGUO Jie (4-21)

The Restricting Factors and Promoting Path of Ideological and Political Education through All Curricula in

Economics and Management Major’s Data Analysis CoursesDING Qingyang, LI Liwei, ZHANG Jin (4-27)

An Analysis of the Innovation Path from Ideological and Political Courses to Ideological and Political Education through All

Curricula under the Background of “Great Ideological and Political Education”ZHAO Ting (4-32)

Digital Economy, Green Technology Innovation and Green Economic GrowthLIU Jie, LI Zhihui (5-1)

Analysis of the Demand Structure and Cultivation Path of Digital Economy Talents under the Background of Digital China

ConstructionLI Liwei, CHENG Quan (5-10)

Research on the Ideological and Political Education Reform Path of Archival Science Curriculum under the Background of

New Liberal Arts: Taking the Information Resource Management Course as an ExampleFANG Xiaoke, ZHU Jianbang (5-16)

Research on the Integration of Community Education and Community Governance: Review and Prospect

ZHU Kerong, YANG Jitang (5-78)

Research Progress of Chinese Community Resilience Based on CiteSpace Visual Analysis

HOU Yarong, HUANG Jianyi, DUAN Zixuan (5-85)

Research on the Four Dimensions to Integrate the “Dream of a Powerful Aerospace Nation” into the Ideological and Political

Course Teaching in UniversitiesZHANG Shuhuan, XU Yunlu, MU Hongjia(6-1)

Exploration on the Practical Path for the Party Branches of University Teachers to Implement the Fundamental Task of

Cultivating People with Moral Educations:Taking Beijing Union University as an ExampleZHANG Ying, LUAN Zitong(6-7)

Research on the Integration of Beijing Education Resources into Ideological and Political Course Teaching from the

Perspective of “Great Ideological and Political Courses”:Taking Beijing Union University as an Example

DU Jiarong, LIN Hongbin(6-12)

●Applied university research

Curriculum Guarantee of Application-oriented Universities from the Perspective of Industry-Education Integration: Value

Pursuit, Practical Problems and Improvement SuggestionsHU Wanshan(1-25)

Analysis of the Characteristic Talents Cultivation Methods for Digital Media Art Major in Application-oriented Universities from

the Perspective of “New Liberal Arts”: A Case Study of Beijing Union UniversityWU Fan, LIU Rui, MA Huifang(1-33)

Reflections on the Learning Climate Building in Application-oriented Universities under the Background of Popularization of

Higher EducationLIU Weiguang, ZHANG Yi(1-39)

Research on Particularity and Path of High-quality Development of the Municipal Application-oriented Universities in Beijing

WANG Wenjie, WANG Junzhuo(2-34)

On Sino-Russian Educational Cooperation in the Field of Transportation in the Context of the Belt and Road Initiative

PANG Ming, QU Wenchao(2-39)

An Analysis of the Education Path of Integration of Cities and Education in Application-oriented Universities

YANG Fang, WANG Xiaolei, QI Zaiqian(2-45)

An Analysis of the Factors Influencing Students Autonomous Learning Behavior in the Science and Technology Student

Associations of Application-oriented Universities:A Case Study of Beijing Union UniversityWANG Zijun(2-51)

Exploration on the Path of New Liberal Arts Construction in Application-oriented UniversitiesQI Zaiqian, LIN Yanmei(3-37)

Teachers’ Development in Application-oriented Colleges and Universities in China: Characteristics, Problems and

CountermeasuresWANG Lifang, QIN Yongzhen(3-43)

Metacognition of Entrepreneurship Education in Application-oriented Universities

HAN Chenguang, ZHAO Hui, ZHANG Yi (4-37)

A Study on the Connotation and Promoting Path of Political Ability of Young Cadres in the Application-oriented Universities

ZHANG Ying, SONG Jie,HU Shugang (4-44)

A Study of the Digital Education Path of Foreign Language for Special Purposes from the Perspective of New Liberal Arts:

Taking Russian for Science and Engineering Majors as an ExamplevNIU Anna (4-49)

Research on the Concept and Path of Economics and Management Major Construction of Application-oriented Universities

under the Perspective of New Liberal ArtsZHENG Li (5-22)

The Connotation and Practical Path of the Industry-Education Integration Curriculum Construction for Applied Talent

CultivationDAI Daqi (5-30)

A Study on the Collaborative Education Mechanism of Functional Departments in Application-oriented Universities Based

on NVivo Qualitative AnalysisYANG Lihua, MA Lihong (5-36)

The Value Dimension of Promoting the Development of School with Its History and Culture in an Application-oriented

University CHEN Jing, ZHOU Tong, JIANG Sulan(6-19)

Characteristics, Problems and Thoughts of Overseas Local Teachers of Chinese Training in Application-oriented Universities:

Taking Beijing Union University as an ExampleSHEN Li(6-25)

Exploration of the New Liberal Arts Education Model in Application-oriented Universities under the Background of

“Great Ideological and Political Education”WANG Xiaolei, YANG Fang, QI Zaiqian(6-31)

Current Situation and Countermeasures of Industry Education Integration Construction in Local Application-oriented

Universities Based on the “Three Helix” Model:Taking Beijing Union University as an Example

ZHANG Zhang, LYU Ming, ZHAO Zhibin, ZHANG Yuansuo(6-38)

●Geographical sciences and 3S technology

The Distribution Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Traditional Villages along the Grand Canal

NIE Yantao, SHI Shaohua(1-45)

Research on Characteristics of the Spatial Distribution of Chinese Traditional Villages in Anhui Province

WANG Qiulong, CHENG Rong, LYU Jian(1-57)

A Study on the Public Perception Characteristics of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region Based on

Weibo DataHUANG Wenlong, ZHANG Jingqiu(3-49)

Analysis of Spatial Structure and Natural Geographical Factors of Tourism-oriented Rural Area in Shanxi Province

CUI Zheng, FENG Wenyong, FAN Tongsheng, RUAN Shiyun, WU Juemei(6-43)

Research on the Functional Characteristics of Beijing Urban Business Areas Based on Spatio-Temporal Big Data

NIU Yueyan, PENG Xia(6-53)

●Life science and biological technology

Research on the Preparation of γ-Polyglutamic Acid-Chitosan Composite Materials for Hemostasis and Wound-Healing

ApplicationsWANG Lizhen, SHENG Wenlong, LI Ning, WANG Rongchun, LIU Kechun(1-64)

Research Progress in CT and MRI of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

CUI Yong, GAO Jiajuan, GU Tianwen, YU Ying, LU Xin(1-72)

Prevention or Intervention of Chronic Diseases with a Healthy Lifestyle

LAO Wenyan, ZHAO Yuhua, CUI Zhengyi, QIU Hong(2-58)

Adverse Effects of Senescence on Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Their Molecular Mechanism

WU Chaoshen, GU Ye, GE Ting(2-64)

Research Progress in Modern Pharmacological Effects and Mechanism of PaeonolQI Jianhong, DONG Fangxu(2-72)

●Special education

The Construction of Mainstream Ideology Identity and Guiding Mechanism of Hearing-Impaired College Students in the

Context of New MediaZHANG Lingna, ZHENG Xuan(1-79)

Hot Spots and Frontier Development of International Inclusive Higher Education for Individuals with Disabilities:

A Visual Analysis Based on CiteSpaceMA Chunmei, LEI Jianghua(1-85)

The Value, Dilemma and Advancement Strategy in College Integration Sports Club

YANG Hongzhi, NING Fangyi, MAO Yongqiang(3-57)

The Development of Spatial Ability of Hearing-impaired Children and Its Relationship with Intelligence and Mathematics

AchievementCHEN Lilan(3-64)

Research on Teacher Qualification Policy of Special Education since Reform and Opening up:Policy Text Analysis

Based on NVivo 11HUO Dongjiao, WANG Rui(3-71)

The Impact and Intervention Implications of Sign Language on Reading of Deaf GUO Linlin(3-81)

The Relationship between Service Climate and Teachers’ Work Engagement in Special Education Schools:

A Moderated Mediation Model PAN Riyu, WU Dang, WANG Cuiyan(3-86)

A Study on the Relationship between Picture Vocabulary Test and Chinese Literacy

ZHAN Yong, CHEN Yiqian, DONG Li (4-55)

Hot Spots and Frontier Development of the Transfer Education for Children with Disabilities: A Visual Analysis

Based on CiteSpaceXU Ziqi, XU Linkang, CHEN Junyan (4-63)

Application of ACE in Communication and Interaction Intervention for Hearing-impaired Adults and Its Enlightenment

PENG Qin, XIAO Ran, YAO Yani, GONG Huina (4-70)

Research on the Relationship between Emotion Comprehension and Social Adaptation of Hearing-impaired Children

HE Haiyan, WANG Xin (5-44)

Research on Construction of Chinese Braille Corpus DatabaseYAN Jia, GENG Nan, ZHONG Jinghua (5-51)

Research on Practical Teaching of Special Education Normal School Students under the Orientation of Applied Talents

CultivationZHU Lin, YU Wenxin, MU Yanling, XUE Kun (5-56)

Supportive Employment for People with Mental Disabilities: Existing Experience, Existing Problems and Optimization

PathTANG Duoxian,YANG Xiufei,TANG Ting(6-73)

Social Service Agencies Intervene in Employment Services for Rural Disabled People: Significance, Methods and

Optimization PathQU Shaoxu, WANG Hui, ZHANG Wanjia, WANG Lei(6-80)

A Study on Integrated Employment of People with Mental Disabilities under the Background of Common Prosperity

ZHANG Tiantian(6-87)

●Applied technology

Measurement Methods for Mean Radiant Temperature: A Comparison and Modification

DU Jing, LIU Jing, MA Xiaojun, LI Chunwang, LIANG Chunyu (4-78)

Research on All-optical Comparator and Decoder Based on SOA

XUE Limei, YANG Luxia, MA Shuxin, HAN Bingchen (4-87)

The Integrated Application of Distributed Audio-Video Encoding and Decoding Technology in Modern Education

LU Lijun, GAO Jiangjiang, AN Ning(6-62)

Robot Path Planning Based on Improved Dynamic Window ApproachZOU Wen,HAN Bingchen(6-67)

●Intelligent control and intelligent computing

Research on Gravity Compensation Algorithm for Six-axis Force Sensor Based on UKF

LI Feifan, LUO Yangyu, CAO Zhiyong, LI Xiang, CHENG Guang (5-62)

Research on Fire Smoke Detection Algorithms Based on YOLOv8WANG Chencan, LI Ming (5-69)


第8讲 “应用型问题”复习精讲