韩雨兰 杜远远 宋兵 李春霖 牛家嵘
摘 要:为探究阴离子型水性聚氨酯超纤革的染色性能,分别以弱酸性染料及中性染料对其进行染色;绘制恒温上染速率曲线及吸附等温线,分析这两种染料对水性聚氨酯超纤革的染色热力学和动力学特征,并对亲和力、染色热和染色熵等参数进行了计算和分析。结果表明:随着染色温度的升高,两种染料对水性聚氨酯超纤革的上染率逐渐增加,染料对水性聚氨酯超纤革的上染行为符合伪二级动力学模型。超纤革中聚酰胺超细纤维和水性聚氨酯间存在许多微小孔隙,染料在超纤革表面的吸附和微孔中的扩散吸附同时进行,两种染料对水性聚氨酯超纤革的吸附符合Freundlich吸附模型。水性聚氨酯超纖革染色性能的研究为水性超纤革的染色应用提供了理论支持,进一步扩大了水性超纤革的应用领域。
中图分类号:TS193.8 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-265X(2023)06-0199-08
以往对溶剂型聚氨酯超纤革的染色研究,主要从染料类型[13]、助剂[14-16]、染色工艺[17-18]、基布改性[19-20]等方面来解决染色不匀、渗透性差、色牢度差等染色问题[21]。水性聚氨酯因分子中引入了大量亲水基团(如羧酸根、磺酸根),其微观结构和堆砌状态与溶剂型聚氨酯有所不同,分子链极性增强,Zeta电位在-70~-60 mV;其在染液中溶胀现象明显,有“凝胶化”的倾向,会阻碍染液在超纤革孔隙内的渗透。因此水性聚氨酯超纤革与溶剂型超纤革的染色性能差异很大,难以借鉴溶剂型超纤革的染色经验来解决染色中遇到的问题。本文通过水性聚氨酯超纤革的染色动力学及热力学研究,分析其染色性能和特点,为染色工艺的制定和染色问题的解决提供一定的借鉴。
1 实 验
1.1 试剂及原料
超纤革为阴离子型水性聚氨酯聚酰胺6超纤革,面密度为509 g/m 聚酰胺6革基布面密度为384 g/m 由明新孟诺卡(江苏)新材料研究院有限公司提供。
1.2 实验设备
1.3 实验方法
1.3.1 染料的提纯
称取3 g染料,采取少量多次的方式加入无水乙醇,充分溶解染料;随后对染液进行抽滤和冲洗,去除染料中未溶解的无机盐等杂质;将滤液旋转蒸发得到提纯的染料。将提纯后的染料烘干、研磨,待用。
1.3.2 超纤革前处理
1.4 测试方法
1.4.1 标准工作曲线的测定
1.4.2 恒温上染速率的测定
1.4.3 吸附等温线的测定
水性聚氨酯超纤革吸附等温线工艺配方如表3所示。按表3配制不同浓度的染液,在30 ℃时投入水性聚氨酯超纤革,以恒定速率升温至所需温度(T=60、70、80、90 ℃),染色10 h后测定水性聚氨酯超纤革上染料质量浓度Df(mg/g)与染液中染料质量浓度Ds(mg/L)。
2 结果与分析
2.1 染料吸附动力学研究
不同染色温度下染料对水性聚氨酯超纤革的恒温上染速率曲线如图1所示。在上染过程中,染料首先与超纤革表面的水性聚氨酯及聚酰胺超细纤维发生吸附。随着染液逐渐渗透进入超纤革内部细微的孔隙中,染料对超纤革内部的聚氨酯和纤维发生吸附。由图1可知,在染色初始阶段,染料上染水性聚氨酯超纤革速率非常快,上染量与时间几乎呈线性关系,随着时间的延长,上染趋于平衡。对于弱酸性染料蓝MD-R而言,随着染色温度的升高,平衡上染量逐渐提高,当温度升高至90 ℃时有所下降。这是因为随着温度的升高,染料分子热运动加剧,从超纤革上脱附的趋势增加所致。
2.2 水性聚氨酯超纤革的染色热力学研究
2.2.1 染料上染水性聚氨酯超纤革的吸附模型
选取不同初始浓度的染液对水性聚氨酯超纤革进行染色,60 ℃下的吸附等温线如图2所示。
2.2.2 热力学参数的计算
式中:R为热力学常数,单位为8.314 J/(mol·K),T为热力学温度,单位K。
3 结 论
a) 随着染色温度的升高,两种染料对水性聚氨酯超纤革的上染量逐渐增加。中性染料依素伦灰在温度较高的条件下具有更高的上染性能,而弱酸性染料蓝MD-R在较高温条件下易解吸。两种染料对水性聚氨酯超纤革的吸附行为符合准二级动力学模型。
b) 弱酸性染料蓝MD-R和中性染料依素伦灰对水性聚氨酯超纤革上染过程符合Freundlich吸附模型。水性聚氨酯超纤革内部含有许多微小的空隙,在染料上染过程中会有部分染料进入水性聚氨酯超纤革内部孔隙中,表现出类似于多层吸附的情况。
c) 随着染色温度的升高,两只染料的染色亲和力数值增加,较高的染色温度有利于中性染料依素伦灰的进一步上染。由于依素伦灰染料中缺乏强极性基团,导致染色体系的熵值增加。
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Dyeing properties andsimulation of anionic waterborne polyurethane microfiber leather
HAN Yulan1, DU Yuanyuan1, SONG Bing2, LI Chunlin2, NIU Jiarong1
Abstract: With the shortage of natural leather resources and the enhancement of people's awareness of environmental protection, the development of artificial leather products that can replace natural leather has become a trend of the industry. In recent years, synthetic leather products have been widely used in household, automobile and other industries. As the artificial leather products are most like natural leather at present, microfiber synthetic leather is often dyed to further expand its application range. In the dyeing process of microfiber synthetic leather, the dyeing properties of microfiber and polyurethane are not consistent, and the problems of levelness and poor color fastness often arise in the dyeing process. For the solvent-based polyurethane microfiber leather, the current dyeing methods and technologies can meet the market demand. For the waterborne polyurethane microfiber leather, influenced by hydrophilic monomers, the internal structure of the polyurethane is changed, and the adsorption and diffusion behavior of dyes on waterborne polyurethane microfiber leather are also changed correspondingly. At present, the dyeing mechanism and dyeing properties of waterborne polyurethane microfiber leather are rarely studied. To improve the dyeing technology of waterborne polyurethane microfiber leather, it is necessary to study the dyeing behavior theoretically.
In this paper, the adsorption kinetics and dyeing thermodynamics of waterborne polyurethane microfiber leather dyed by weak acid dye blue MD-R and neutral dye isolan grey respectively were studied. The uptake of both kinds of dyes on waterborne polyurethane microfiber leather were improved with the increase of the dyeing temperature. The blue MD-R was easily to desorpt from waterborne polyurethane microfiber leather, and the equilibrium dye rate decreased. While the neutral dye was easily to congregate, high dyeing temperature was helpful for dispersion and diffusion, so at 90 ℃ the equilibrium dye rate was increased significantly. During the dyeing process, the adsorption of the two dyes conformed to the quasi-second-order kinetic model. There were many micro interstice between the waterborne polyurethane and polyamide microfibers in the leather. During the dyeing process, the dyes were adsorbed on the surface of the microfiber leather and gradually penetrated into the interstice. The isothermal adsorption of the two dyes on the waterborne polyurethane microfiber leather was consistent with Freunlich adsorption model. The thermodynamic calculation results showed that the dyeing affinity of the two dyes was increased with the increasement of temperatures. The dyeing of waterborne polyurethane microfiber leather with the weak acid dye was an exothermic process, while with the neutral dye was an endothermic process.
Keywords: waterborne polyurethane; microfiber leather; dyeing rate; adsorption isotherm; dynamic model
收稿日期:20230423 網络出版日期:20230804
作者简介:韩雨兰 (1998—),女,江苏盐城人,硕士研究生,主要从事水性聚氨酯超纤革染色方面的研究。
通信作者:牛家嵘,E-mail: niujiarong@tiangong.edu.cn