

现代纺织技术 2023年6期

苏亚 王勇军 陈文兴 吕汪洋

摘 要:为探究不同配位环境下有机钛化合物在聚酯缩聚反应过程中的催化性能,采用密度泛函理论(DFT)并结合对苯二甲酸双羟乙酯(BHET)合成聚酯的反应动力学实验,对四甲基酚合钛(Ti·[C7H7O]4,Cat1)、乙酰丙酮氧化钛(TiO·[C5H7O2]2,Cat2)、异丙基三(二辛基焦磷酸酰氧基)钛酸酯(C51H112O22P6Ti,Cat3)3种有机钛化合物进行研究,分析配位基团的电子效应和空间位阻对有机钛催化活性的耦合影响。DFT计算结果表明,3种活性种的中心钛原子的Hirshfeld电荷数值分别为0.661、0.524、0.600,其亲电能力从大到小的顺序为Cat1、Cat3、Cat2。结构分析结果表明,中心钛原子的配位空间从大到小的顺序为Cat2、Cat1、Cat3。催化反应动力学实验表明,Cat1、Cat2、Cat3催化BHET合成聚酯的反应活化能分别为72.41、80.16、102.47 kJ/mol,Cat1的催化活性最高,说明配位基团的电子效应和空间位阻共同影响钛催化剂的催化活性。研究结果可为钛系催化剂的设计及调控提供一定的理论基础和参考依据。


中图分类号:TQ314.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-265X(2023)06-0092-08





1 实 验

1.1 主要原料与仪器



1.2 样品制备

将Cat1、Cat2、Cat3三种催化剂溶解在无水乙醇中,超声使其分散均匀,然后将催化剂加入熔融的BHET(3~5 g)中(Ti含量为50 mg/kg),搅拌蒸发除去无水乙醇,制备得含催化剂的BHET。

在温度260~265 ℃,压力1800~2000 Pa条件下进行预缩聚反应。预缩聚后减压至体系压力低于400 Pa,选取265~285 ℃中的4个温度,30~120 min中的4个时间进行终缩聚反应。

1.3 计算方法

采用密度泛函理论(DFT)中常用的B3LYP杂化泛函,通过Gaussian 09软件对催化剂分子进行结构优化。其中钛原子使用LANL2DZ基组,氧、碳、氢和磷原子使用6-31G**基组,色散校正采用DFT-D3(Zero-damping)方法。在优化的结构上进行频率计算,计算结束时,若得到的虚频数为0,表示优化后的结构是能量处于极小值的稳定结构。Hirshfield电荷和表面距离投影均在Multiwfn软件包中计算。

1.4 催化剂性能测试

将催化剂与BHET混合均匀(Ti含量为50 mg/kg),取5~8 mg放在20 μL铝制坩埚中进行DSC测试:40 mL/min氮气氛围,升温速率10 ℃/min,温度25~300 ℃,得到催化剂活性曲线。

1.5 PET性能测试

特性黏度:以25 mL苯酚/四氯乙烷(质量比1∶1)溶液为溶剂,称取(125±5) mg样品,110 ℃条件下溶解15 min,然后冷却至室温,用乌氏黏度计在25 ℃下测定特性黏度。

数均分子量测试:流动相和溶剂为含5 mmol/L三氟乙酸钠的六氟异丙醇溶液,待测试样品质量浓度为2 mg/mL,使用APC进行测试,色谱柱温度55 ℃,样品室温度25 ℃,流速0.4 mL/min,进样量50 μL。

2 结果与讨论

2.1 配位基团的电子效应和对催化活性影响的理论计算分析


优化后的3种有机钛化合物的结构模型如图1所示。在此结构基础上使用Gaussian 09软件对3种钛醇盐活性种进行优化计算,为了简化计算过程,选择苯甲酸β-羟乙酯(BAHET)作为模型反应物进行配体交换反应。通过Multiwfn软件包[10]对3种钛醇盐活性种的Hirshfeld电荷[11]进行计算,Hirshfeld电荷与原子的亲电能力有很强的相关性[11]。配体的给电子能力不同导致中心钛原子的电荷不同[12],电荷值越大,钛原子的亲电性越强,即酯羰基氧原子对钛的亲核反应越容易发生。计算Cat1、Cat2和Cat3这3种钛醇盐活性种的Hirshfeld电荷值分别为0.661、0.524、0.600。所以,从电子效应角度分析,3种有机钛化合物的催化活性从大到小为Cat1、Cat3、Cat2。

2.2 配位基团的位阻对催化活性影响的理论计算分析


2.3 催化活性分析

2.3.1 催化BHET过程分析

为了进一步探索3种具有不同配体催化剂的活性,采用DSC实验进行了活性测试。图3显示了Cat1、Cat2、Cat3分别与BHET混合后的DSC加热曲线。从图3中可以看出,每个试验都会得到两个吸热峰,其中第1个峰在110 ℃左右,对应的是BHET的熔融峰,不会随催化剂的不同而改变;第2个反映了缩聚过程中乙二醇蒸发时吸收的热量,峰的位置会随着催化剂的不同而有所改变[7]。催化剂的活性越高,最大反应速率发生得越早,该吸热峰温度越低。3种催化剂的吸热峰温度从低到高依次为:225.8、229.5、257.7 ℃,从中可以判断出3种催化剂的活性从大到小为Cat1、Cat2、Cat3。

2.3.2 催化BHET产物分析

使用APC对温度278 ℃下所得的样品和时间90 min下所得的样品进行数均分子量[14]测定。比较3种不同有机钛化合物所得产物的分子量变化,在温度278 ℃下不同时间所得PET的示差信号谱图如图4所示,在时间90 min下不同温度所得PET的示差信号谱图如图5所示。从图4和图5中可以看出,在相同条件下,使用Cat1的洗脱峰最先出来,随后是Cat2和Cat3,所以,数均分子量从大到小顺序是Cat1、Cat2、Cat3。即在同一反应条件下,分子量的增长速率从大到小的顺序为Cat1、Cat2、Cat3。分子量的表征结果与上述DSC活性测试结果相吻合。

为了验证以上结果,对产物的特性黏度进行测试分析。3种不同有机钛化合物在不同温度、不同聚合时间下的特性黏度的变化如图6所示。从图6中可看出,在273 ℃、90 min的反应条件下,Cat1、Cat2、Cat3所得PET产物特性黏度分别为0.53、0.46、0.35 dL/g。当Cat2、Cat3所得产物黏度达到0.50 dL/g左右时,所需温度和时间分别为278 ℃、90 min和283 ℃、120 min。所以3种有机钛化合物的催化活性从大到小为:Cat1、Cat2、Cat3。这与上述DSC和分子量测试分析结果相一致。


2.4 熔融缩聚反应动力学


式中:A表示频率因子,是一个常数;ΔE表示反应活化能,kJ/mol;R是气体常数,取值为8.31 J/(mol·K);T表示热力学温度,K。




3 结 论






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Effect ofcoordination environment on polycondensation of polyester catalyzed by organic titanium compounds

SU Ya1, WANG Yongjun CHEN Wenxing LU Wangyang1,2

Abstract: Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) has excellent physical and chemical properties and is the most commonly used polyester material. The polycondensation stage of polyester synthesis requires the participation of catalysts. At present, antimony-based catalysts are widely used in industrial production. Antimony-baseds, as a kind of heavy metal compound, have biological toxicity and will cause harm to human health and ecological environment. With the increasing awareness of healthy, the design and development of non-toxic and non-hazardous polyester catalysts has become an important hotspot in the field of polyester research. The titanium-based catalysts are expected to replace the antimony-based catalysts due to the advantages of environmental protection, strong catalytic activity and abundant resources. The high activity of titanium-based catalysts not only increases the reaction rate of the PET polycondensation process, but promotes side reactions such as thermal degradation and thermo-oxidative degradation, which is one of the most prominent problems limiting the application of titanium-based catalysts in polyester synthesis. The regulation of the catalytic activity of titanium-based catalysts is therefore crucial. To investigate the catalytic performance of organotitanium compounds in the condensation synthesis of polyesters under different coordination environments, firstly, density functional theory (DFT) quantum chemistry method was used to study tetramethylphenol titanium(Ti·[C7H7O]4, Cat1), acetyl acetone titanium oxide (TiO·[C5H7O2]2, Cat2), isopropyl tri (dioctylpyrophosphoxy) titanate (C51H112O22P6Ti, Cat3), and the coupling mechanism of electronic effects and steric hindrance of coordination groups on catalytic activity of organotitanium was analyzed theoretically. The Gaussian software was used to carry out structural optimization and energy calculations for the three organotitanium compounds, and the wave functions were extracted from the calculation results. The wave function analysis was carried out by using the Multiwfn software package to obtain the Hirshfeld charge values of the titanium metal centers and the surface distance projection maps were used to assess the effect of steric hindrance. Theoretical calculations show that Cat1 is more capable of forming titanium alcohol salt active species than Cat2 and Cat3; the Hirshfeld charge values for the central titanium atoms of the three active species are: 0.661, 0.524 and 0.600, respectively, and the Hirshfeld charge is strongly correlated with the electrophilic ability of the atoms: the higher the charge value, the stronger the electrophilic ability. It is found by analyzing the distance between ligands in the surface distance projection that the size of the coordination space is Cat2, Cat1 and Cat3, respectively. The catalytic reaction kinetics experiments results show that the reaction activation energies of Cat1, Cat2 and Cat3 for the synthesis of polyesters from BHET(Dihydroxyethyl terephthalate) are 72.41, 80.16 and 102.47 kJ/mol, respectively, and the highest catalytic activity is obtained for tetramethylphenolato-titanium (Ti·[C7H7O]4, Cat1), indicating that the electronic effect of the ligand group and the spatial site resistance jointly affect the catalytic activity of the titanium-based catalysts, with the electronic effect being more influential than the spatial site resistance. This study is a of certain guiding significance for screening of ligands in adjusting the activity of titanium catalysts in the future.

Keywords: polyester; organic titanium compounds; polycondensation; catalysis; coordination group

收稿日期:20230504 網络出版日期:20230804




