“Bike bus”is cool to school骑“自行车巴士”上学很酷
Minneapolis dad Devin Olson organizeda bike bus for his local school zone. Olsonis the co?founder of Minneapolis Bike Parks,a grassroots organization that makes parksmore bike⁃friendly.
Olson partnered Minneapolis PublicSchools to take charge of a 2⁃mile bike busthat dropped off students at two ele⁃mentary schools. So far, Olson has led 11semi⁃annual bike buses that have grownfrom about 60 participants to nearly 150.“We meet at 8 am to play soccer andfootball and eat donuts,” Olson said.“Then we review safety measures and startour ride. Its nothing but laughing, yellingand pure joy.”
“The group makes about eight stopsalong the way to pick up children, many ofwhom are accompanied by parents or oldersiblings. We want kids to celebrate goingto school,”explained Olson, adding thatthe kids who participate enjoy opportunitiesto mingle with peers in different grades.
Bike buses are also popular in other countries, like Spain and Canada. TomBarnes and Rebecca Mudge, educators inCanada, joined a bike bus to transporttheir daughters Clara, 6, and Lily, 4, toschool in London, Ontario. Their childrenare enthusiastic about their bike busexperience. Clara said,“I like that I get toride with friends from school and thateveryone is welcome. We have people whoride scooters(踏板车)too.”
In Portland, Oregon, Sam Balto, aphysical education coach at AlamedaElementary School, said bike busesunlocked something he wasnt preparedfor. In March 2022, Balto launched aweekly bike bus for his school community,attracting 75 riders. This year, those rideshave continued anywhere from 150 to 190people.
What are the childrens attitudestowards bike bus experience?