Crab Yolk Bun蟹黄包
“If you have never had dim sum, thenyou have never really been to Taizhou,” ataxi driver said with pride. When you visitTaizhou, known for its delicious food, besure to try the “crab yolk bun”, a mustorderdish.
These buns are filled with a mixtureof crab meat, crab yolk, and fresh meat,creating a satisfying filling that sets themapart from other buns.
The crab yolk buns are steamed ( 蒸) to its best and emit a delightfularoma. We can take our time over every bite, gently rolling the crab yolk aroundthe mouth and enjoying the perfect flavor of the crab soup and the meat. If youtry dipping the buns into a mixture of old vinegar and ginger ( 陳醋和姜), theywill taste better.
When we have more time to enjoy our meals on the weekend, there isnothing we like more than to taste the crab yolk buns after five days of hardstudy, making the meal is the perfect way to relax with friends.