@重庆@世界 20国外国媒体记者访渝 用镜头和话筒报道“重庆故事”


重庆与世界 2023年9期

@Chongqing @The World: Foreign Media Reporters Visiting Chongqing

Capturing Chongqing Stories

From September 3 to 6, the China International Press Communication Center organized a visit for 22 media reporters from 20 countries in Latin America and Eurasia to Chongqing for coverage. This event is part of the “@Chongqing @The World” foreign affairs brand activities initiated by the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal Government. The international media delegation represents the first sizeable foreign media group attending the Smart China Expo and also marks the largest foreign media delegation to visit Chongqing in recent years. The visit of the delegation has garnered significant attention from prominent media outlets, including CCTV, China News Service, Chongqing Daily, Shangyou News, and other central and municipal-level news platforms.

Throughout their immersive four-day visit, the delegation actively engaged in and provided comprehensive coverage of the 2023 Smart China Expo and the 2023 China CELAC Digital Technology Cooperation Forum. They had the opportunity to explore inland international logistics hubs, visit prominent digital technology companies, tour the Chongqing Planning Exhibition Gallery, and delve into the Hongyan Revolutionary Memorial Hall. Additionally, they experienced Chongqing’s efficient rail transit system, traversed the iconic Yangtze River Cableway, and embarked on a memorable Chongqing Two-River Cruise. Armed with cameras and microphones, the delegation diligently documented and reported on compelling narratives such as “Chongqing’s Intelligent Manufacturing” and captivating “Chongqing Stories.”

Science · Focusing on Digital Technology and Smart Manufacturing in Chongqing

On September 4, the delegation entered the exhibition halls of the Smart China Expo to explore cutting-edge technologies.

New energy vehicles, iFLYTEK’s Spark Desk, AIGC digital people ... As the delegation moved from the international exhibition hall to the central exhibition area, they were awestruck by a range of impressive “black technologies” that left them captivated, who couldn’t resist capturing these remarkable innovations through photographs and recordings.

Cesar Romero, a journalist from La República (Peru), expressed, “The Smart China Expo has provided us with a unique opportunity to witness the remarkable advancements made by China in the field of intelligent technology. We have been particularly impressed by the integration of artificial intelligence products into industrial production and various applications. This strategic fusion of intelligent manufacturing systems with traditional industries is poised to create a transformative force that will propel social development to new heights.”

In the field of digital technology, the delegation visited CISDI Group Co., Ltd. under China Metallurgical Group Corporation (“MCC CISDI” for short) and Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd. successively. Through visits and interviews regarding the application of industrial internet platforms and smart factories, they gained further insight into the achievements of Chongqing in the integrated development of digital technology and smart manufacturing.

Valencia Garcia Coleman, the editor of Uruguay’s Diario La República expressed that MCC CISDI’s practice of relying on technological innovation to promote high-quality industrial development was impressive, and it had also brought inspiration to the industrial transformation and upgrading of Latin American and Caribbean countries.

Guiliano Depew Lencioni, a reporter from Brazil’s Rede Bandeirantes, showed great interest in Chongqing’s new energy vehicles. He expressed his great anticipation for future cooperative development between China and Brazil, hoping for the introduction of China’s production technology, complete vehicles, and automotive components into Brazil.

Opening-up · Thumbs-up for Development of the Inland International Logistics Hub and Pioneering Ports

On September 3, the delegations visited the Exhibition Center of Inland International Logistics Hub and the railway port finished automobile inspection point. Among the highlights of their visit was witnessing the launch ceremony of the China-Europe Railway Express (Chengdu & Chongqing) from Chongqing, China, bound for Duisburg, Germany. The delegation extensively covered and conducted interviews regarding Chongqing’s achievements in actively participating in the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative. They also explored the city’s efforts in accelerating the development of the inland international logistics hub and pioneering port from various insightful perspectives.

As the train carrying a cargo of finished automobiles and automotive accessories produced in Chongqing departed from Tuanjie Village to Duisburg, Germany, the foreign media journalists were quick to capture this momentous occasion through photography and video, enabling real-time reporting. During their visit to the railway port finished automobile inspection point, the delegation had the opportunity to witness the vehicles imported by Hellmann Worldwide Logistics via the China-Europe Railway Express (Chengdu & Chongqing).

Diliyara Yermaganbetova, the editor-in-chief of the “Headline News” information website in Kazakhstan, reported under the title “Belt and Road Initiative: Growth in China-Europe Trade Volume” that the total number of China-Europe Railway Express (Chengdu & Chongqing) had exceeded 13,000, indicating that the influence of the Express is continuously expanding.

Lanili Rodriguez Veloso, a journalist from a media group in north-central Brazil, stated, “Chongqing is a modern metropolis and also a tourist city with rich cultural landscapes. I’ve personally witnessed the departure of the China-Europe Railway Express trains and feel that Chongqing is indeed a city with well-developed transportation and logistics.”

City · Experience the Unique Charm of the Mountainous City

During their stay in Chongqing, the delegation also visited the Hongyan Revolutionary Memorial Hall and Chongqing Planning Exhibition Gallery.

At the Memorial Hall, they felt the Hongyan Revolutionary Spirit, which left them with a profound impression. Maria Sanhueza, a journalist from the Chilean newspaper The Citizen remarked, “The Southern Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, led by Zhou Enlai, made tremendous efforts during those difficult years to fight for the liberation of the Chinese nation, which is truly admirable.”

In front of the picture showing a monorail going through a building in Liziba at the Gallery, the journalists couldn’t help but raise the question, “Which came first, the building or the monorail?” Upon learning that they had been constructed simultaneously, the journalists were amazed at this remarkable transportation construction in Chongqing.

During their visit, the delegation had an immersive experience that truly exemplified why the city of Chongqing is renowned for its magical “8D” allure. They came to the Liziba Station of Chongqing Rail Transit, witnessing the monorail train passing through a building; took a ride on the Yangtze River Cableway, enjoying the cityscape of Chongqing; boarded the Chongqing Two-River Cruise, admiring the city’s night scenery. Additionally, they embraced the experience of Chongqing’s intangible cultural heritage, such as paper-cutting, clay figurine making, and calligraphy, and tasted authentic local food like hotpot, truly appreciating the unique charm of this mountainous city.

Exchange · Discussing New Opportunities for Media

“Could you elaborate on how you have been collaborating with media from Latin American and Caribbean countries?” “What programs receive more attention from the citizens?” “In the future, what cooperation opportunities do you foresee between you and media outlets in CELAC?” “How do you respond to the transformation of traditional media?” ...

On September 5, the delegation visited the Chongqing Broadcasting Group to engage in discussions with their counterparts from Chongqing’s media industry. The exchanges revolved around program production, news gathering and editing, and external cultural communication, aiming to explore ways for further collaboration and communication.

Wang Xiaolin, Counselor and Level-II Inspector of the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, along with Ma Yong, Level-II Inspector of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal Government, accompanied the delegation throughout their activities in Chongqing.

Source/Official WeChat Account of Chongqing Foreign Affairs


























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