Why is MUN so popular?模拟联合国,趣在何处?
Max Chen
在模擬联合国(Model United Nations)活动中,学生们扮演不同国家的外交代表,参与就国际上的热点问题召开的会议。
Each year, an estimated 20,000 studentsin the United States participate in aprogram called Model United Nations, orMUN. Why is the program so popular? Studentscan gain valuable skills that will benefitthem as they further their educationand prepare for careers.
In a MUN, young people play the roleof delegates (代表) from member countriesin the United Nations. They work togetherto find solutions to global challenges. MUNprograms are available to students of alllevels around the world. This year, I participatedin a MUN at Smith Middle Schoolin Chapel Hill, North Carolina. I was oneof the 32 participants in our school districtsconferences. The conferences took place informal settings. We gathered in conferencerooms at the University of North Carolinain Chapel Hill.
MUN participants have to do extensiveresearch on the selected topics, whichinclude addressing climate change andfreedom of the press.“You never knowwhat will happen until you get to the conference,”said Xinyin Zhang, a fellow participantfrom Smith Middle School.“Youhave to be prepared in every aspect.”
MUN teaches students teamwork.“The exposure to working together to solveissues is a lesson that carries over,”saidErin Kellas, a MUN director at Smith. Studentsalso learn how to debate hot topics,including regulating nuclear weapons.“It’simportant to learn how to handle problems,”Kellas said. MUN participantRobin Huang said that the program showsyoung delegates how to present their opinionsand develop their public speakingskills.
The ability to communicate effectivelyand work with others is essential for success.Participating in a MUN helps youngpeople develop these skills while theylearn about international politics.
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