How to Plan Your Future如何规划你的未来
Guy Reichard
The future yawns before you like a vast land. But with so much openspace, so many different potential paths to take, how do you know whereto go? Future planning may seem 1)intimidating, but if you slow down andconsider your ultimate goal, then take small steps to get there, you’ll findthe life you were meant to live is right there, waiting for you on the otherside of the fog.
Planning for the future requires careful thought and reflection tofigure out what you really want. Find somewhere you can be alone andundistracted while you contemplate your future. When you imagine yourideal future, what do you see? Maybe your goal is to own a home, have afamily, thrive in a certain career field, or move to a specific place. Maybeit’s all of these or none of these. Defining what you want as best as you canwill help you begin to build a plan for your future.
Plan out realistic short- and long-term goals and record your progressin a journal. Long-term goals might be goals you’re unlikely to accomplishwithin the next 10, 20, or more years, like retiring. Rather than shoot directlyfor your long-term goals, identify short-term goals you must achieve as stepping stones towards your big goals. Write this all in your journal, and tryto stick to the plan.
Try to center your life around your passion—something you’re goodat which gives you a sense of meaning and purpose. Figuring out yourpassion can seem daunting, but it’s usually something you’re naturallydrawn to, excited by, or skilled at—something that aligns with your valuesand makes you feel like you’re making a difference in the world. If you’renot sure what it is right off the bat, consider your life so far — what activitieshave you participated in that gave you a sense of meaning and purpose?What did those activities have in common? That’s likely to be your passion.
Make a clear plan, but be 2)flexible. You can plan for the future, but youcan’t predict it.
1) intimidate v. 威脅
2) flexible adj. 灵活的;柔韧的
设定切合实际的短期和长期目标,并在日记中记录进度。长期目标也许是你不太可能在未来10 年、20 年或更长时间内实现的目标,比如退休。与其直接追求你的长期目标,不如确定你必须实现的短期目标,并把它作为实现长期目标的垫脚石。把这一切都写在你的日记里,并试着坚持这个计划。
试着把你的生活围绕在你的激情上——你擅长的事情,给你一种意义和目的感。弄清楚你的激情似乎令人生畏,但它通常是你自然而然地被吸引、兴奋或擅长的事情——符合你的价值观,让你觉得自己正在改变世界。如果你不确定它是什么,想想你目前为止的生活: 你参加了哪些活动,让你有了意义和目的感?这些活动有什么共同点?这可能是你的激情所在。