Acupuncture and Moxibustion of Traditional Chinese Medicine中医针灸
针灸蕴涵着大量的实践观察、知识体系和技术技艺,凝聚着中华民族强大的生命力与创造力,是中华民族智慧的结晶。中医针灸于2010 年入选联合国教科文组织《人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录》。
When it comes to 1)acupuncture and 2)moxibustion therapy (ZhenJiu), we are not new to it, but few have actually experienced it. Zhen means“needles that pierce one’s body”. Jiu means “moxibustion”, a specialtreatment in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Plant leaves were onceused to smoke certain parts of the human body. Traditional Chinese medicinedescribes the energy flow within the human body as a network. It is calledjingluo. The major nodes on the network are called xueweior an acupuncture point. Traditional Chinese doctorsbelieve that stimulating certain xuewei can promote energycirculation and 3)expel illness.
Acupuncture is an important part of traditional Chinesemedicine. In accordance with the “main and collateralchannels” theory in TCM, the purpose of acupuncture is tounchoke the channel so as to keep the body’s yin and yang balanced and achieve reconciliation betweenthe internal organs.
Acupuncture and moxibustion are importanttreatment methods of traditional Chinesemedicine, and their miraculous curative effectshave been known to the world. For example, ifa person suffers from shoulder and back pain,by traditional Chinese medicine, the diseasecan be effectively 4)alleviated or even curedthrough acupuncture and moxibustion. Acupuncture and moxibustion arepopular because they do not need surgery or medicine, but only use fineneedles to penetrate certain parts of the patient’s body, which is easy toimplement and can reduce the pain of patients.
Acupuncture and moxibustion is a medical method of traditional Chinesemedicine. Acupuncture and moxibustion theory holds that the human bodyis like a small universe connected by various meridians. By stimulating themeridians physically, it is possible to promote the self-regulation function ofthe human body and bring health to patients. Stimulation methods includeusing moxa velvet to burn or needling the acupoints of these channelsto promote the body to restore balance, thus achieving the purpose ofprevention and treatment of diseases. Acupuncture and moxibustion,depending on the specific situation of each person, choose to use needles,and then use needles to stimulate acupoints. Moxibustion is usually dividedinto direct and indirect moxibustion, that is, to place the moxa stick directly on the acupoints, or to place the moxa sticknear the surface of the body, roasting theselected area. Mugwort cylinders and sticksare made of dried mugwort leaves.
1) acupuncture n. 針灸
2) moxibustion n. 艾灸
3) expel v. 驱逐;排出(空气、水、气体等)
4) alleviate v. 减轻
针灸是传统中医的一种医疗手段。针灸理论认为,人体作为一个小宇宙通过经络联系在一起,刺激这些经络可以促进人体的自我调节功能,以恢复健康。这种刺激包括在经络穴位上针刺或燃烧艾绒(艾)的方法,以达到恢复机体平衡,预防和治疗疾病的目的。针刺,是根据人体的不同状态选择适宜的针具刺激特定的穴位; 灸法通常分为直接灸和间接灸两种,用艾炷接触穴位灸灼,或用艾条并与体表保持一定距离热薰穴位。艾炷和艾条由干艾叶制成。