Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?


时代英语·初中 2023年5期

第一课时 (Section A 1a—2d)

◢ 听力延伸 ◣


( )1.Where did Jane go last summer vacation?

A. To Henan. B. To Hunan.

C. To Hainan.

( )2. How long did Jane stay there?

A. Two days.

B. Seven days.

C. Two weeks.

( )3. What did Jane do on the beach?

A. Eat seafood.

B. Play games.

C. Sleep in the sun.

◢ 知识巩固 ◣

Ⅱ 根据首字母及句意补全单词。

1.Do you want to go a______exciting on vacation?

2.You can ask a______here for help. They are friendly.

3.It sounds like a w______idea to me. I think it can work.

4.F______students can work out the math problem because it is too difficult.

5.He is one of the m______wanted criminals in Europe.

Ⅲ 用方框中所給短语的适当形式填空。

(go out with most of quite a few anyone interesting study for)

1.Tom is very friendly, so he has ______friends.

2.______the time, I just stayed at home to read and relax.

3.Did you meet ______in Changsha?

4.I didn’t ______anyone when I first moved there.

5.She didn’t visit the museum on Saturday because she ______the tests at home.

◢ 能力提升 ◣

Ⅳ 阅读理解。

Saturday, September 24th

Hello! I want to tell you about my trip to Buffalo, USA. I stayed there for a week.

Mom, Dad, my cousin Siobhan and I arrived in Buffalo at eleven o’clock on Friday night. I was very tired, but very excited. We took a taxi to the Holiday Hotel. It’s in the center of the city, so it was easy to find. Our hotel was nice and clean. But it was expensive. Dad wasn’t very happy about that!

The next day, on Saturday, we took a trip to the Niagara River. It was a forty-five-minute trip and it was great. Siobhan doesn’t like ferries (渡船), so she didn’t have fun at all! She likes shopping, so after the trip we went to a big shopping center. I bought a nice T-shirt for myself. It has a picture of Buffalo on it. I also got some postcards for my best friend, Safi. Siobhan bought a schoolbag and two dresses. There were visitors everywhere and it was a great day.

I’m feeling tired now. More tomorrow!

( )1. The writer arrived in Buffalo .

A. by taxi B. by plane C. at night D. on Saturday

( )2. The writer’s dad was not happy with .

A. the ferries B. the hotel price C. the weather D. the shopping center

( )3. Who disliked the trip to the Niagara River?

A. The writer. B. The writer’s dad.

C. The writer’s cousin. D. The writer’s mom.

( )4. What did the writer buy for Safi?

A. A T-shirt. B. A schoolbag. C. Two dresses. D. Some postcards.

( )5. What will the writer do tomorrow?

A. Go shopping. B. Meet his best friend.

C. Show visitors around Buffalo. D. Write more about his trip to Buffalo.

第二課时 (Section A Grammar Focus—3c)

◢ 知识巩固 ◣

I 根据首字母及句意补全单词。

1.Boys and girls, you have to plant all the trees


2.Can I go shopping with you, Mom? I feel very b______at home all day.

3.I fed some h______on the farm last weekend.

4.Everything s______wonderful to me during my last vacation.

5.I enjoy keeping d______every day to write down my feelings.

Ⅱ 从方框中选择适当的不定代词填空。

(anyone everyone someone___something nothing)

1.—Is there ______in the room?

—Yes, there is a girl.

2.The old man has ______but a small house.

3.Listen! ______is singing in the classroom.

4.—Would you like ______to drink, sir?

—Yes. A cup of coffee.

5.______had a good time at the party.

◢ 能力提升 ◣

Ⅲ 完形填空。

Last summer vacation, my friends and I rowed (划船) my parents’ boat for a ride. We rowed for half an hour and___1___ a big cave (山洞). Susan said it could be dangerous to go into it. But Peter said it was___2___. So we started rowing again and got in. Then the tide (潮) started. At first we thought we could fight it but we were___3___. We shouted for___4___ but there was no one around. Susan and I began to cry. Louis told us not to worry. Because he always seemed to know the answer to___5___, we stopped crying.

Luckily, Louis was right again. After some hours the tide went out. We rowed back home quickly.

( )1. A. forgot B. knew C. enjoyed D. found

( )2. A. nice B. fine C. boring D. easy

( )3. A. late B. wrong C. sorry D. busy

( )4. A. help B. luck C. fun D. time

( )5. A. someone B. anyone C. nothing D. everything

第三课时 (Section B 1a—1e)

◢ 听力延伸 ◣



◢ 知识巩固 ◣

Ⅱ 单项选择。

( )1.The old man arrived at the shop early and wanted to buy ______.

A. cheap something B. something cheap

C. anything cheap D. cheap anything

( )2.—______ you buy ______ this morning?

—Yes, I bought a coat.

A. Do; something B. Did; something

C. Did; anything D. Do; anything

( )3.Tom is doing well in his new school. There is ______ to worry about.

A. something B. anything

C. everything D. nothing

( )4.I had a(n) ______ trip to Yueyang last year. It’s a nice city to visit.

A. terrible B. expensive

C. wonderful D. boring

( )5.The physics problem is too hard, so

______ students can work it out.

A. little B. few

C. a little D. a few

◢ 能力提升 ◣

Ⅲ 閱读填空。(有一项多余)

What are your plans (计划) for a vacation?___1___, or would you like to fly to Hong Kong for a shopping trip? How about camping?

___2___. One survey (调查) by VisitBritain found around 4,380,000 people go camping in Britain every year. With nothing but food, water, a tent, and a sleeping bag, you can enjoy an exciting experience—putting up a tent on your own, learning to make a fire, and even cooking for yourself.___3___.

Camping is also a great way to relax and improve your well being.___4___, you let go of all your problems. The smell of dinner cooking over an open fire can help you to put your worries behind. And you can finally make peace (平静) with yourself.

___5___, why don’t you spend a few peaceful nights under the moon and the stars in the countryside? With any luck, you may even see a few cute animals!

A. When you are camping

B. Camping is always popular

C. Many kids have great family holiday

D. Do you want to visit hutongs in Beijing

E.You’re away from other people while having fun

F.So, if you really want to take time away from your study life

1.___ ___ 2.___ ___ 3.___ ___ 4.___ ___ 5.___ ___

第四课时 (Section B 2a—2e)

◢ 知识巩固 ◣

I 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. Try ______(be) here on time next time.

2. I don’t feel like ______(eat) anything.

3.These ______(build) are in the center of the city.

4.There are many ______(different) between those two pictures.

5.There are lots of ______(activity) in our school.

Ⅱ 根据首字母及句意补全单词。

1.Tom is six years old. He is old e______to go to school.

2.I can’t d______what to wear. Could you give me some ideas?

3.Jenny didn’t eat anything this morning, so she is very h______now.

4.At the t______of the mountain, you can see a beautiful city.

5.I got a first in English. I can’t w______to tell my parents about the good news.

Ⅲ 课文精编巧练。

Monday, July 15th

I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family. It was 1.______(sun) and hot, so my sister and I 2.______(try) paragliding on the beach. I felt 3.______I was a bird. It was so 4.______(excite)! In the afternoon, we rode bicycles to Georgetown. There we saw the houses of the Chinese 5.______(trader) from 100 years ago. I wonder what life was like in the past. I really enjoyed 6.______(walk) around the town.

Tuesday, July 16th

What a 7.______(different) a day makes! My father and I decided 8.______(go) to Penang Hill today. Because 9.______the bad weather we had to take the train. When we finally arrived there, it was raining really hard. We didn’t have 10.______umbrella so we were wet and cold. What a terrible day!

◢ 能力提升 ◣


A video (视频) of a man and his dog has become very popular. In the video, they are not just playing near a lake or walking in some woods. They are also paragliding in the sky.

The man Shams and his dog Ouka are from France. Shams is a photographer and movie director. He often goes hiking, camping and paragliding. Before Ouka and Shams met, each of them had a tough life. Shams had depression (抑郁). And Ouka was abandoned (抛弃) for the second time. After meeting, a new life began for the two of them.

Shams began to take Ouka to play outdoors. Later, he found that Ouka was not afraid of heights at all. So Shams decided to take his dog friend to go paragliding. However, taking a dog to fly in the sky is not easy. After training him for a month and a half, Shams took Ouka into the sky. In the high sky, Ouka looked really cool and enjoyed the activity. So far, they have gone paragliding more than 10 times.

( )1. What did Shams and Ouka do in the video?

a. Playing near a lake. b. Taking pictures together.

c. Paragliding in the sky. d. Walking in the woods.

A. a; b; c B. a; b; d C. a; c; d D. b; c; d

( )2. What does the underlined word “tough” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. Busy. B. Hard. C. Boring. D. Interesting.

( )3. How did Ouka feel about paragliding with Shams?

A. Angry. B. Enjoyable. C. Afraid. D. Surprised.

( )4. In which part of a newspaper can we find this passage?

A. Picture. B. People. C. Youth. D. Story.

第五課时 (Section B 3a—Self Check)

◢ 写作导引 ◣




1. go on vacation 去度假

2. stay ______待在家里

3. go to _________/______去海滩/去山里

4.visit  _________/______去看望我的叔叔/参观博物馆

5. somewhere interesting 有趣的地方

6. enjoy doing sth 享受做某事

7. feel like doing sth 想做某事

8. feed _________/______喂母鸡/鸭子

9. ______a test 为考试做准备

10. have a great time/have fun 玩得开心


1.The weather was sunny/hot/warm/cool/windy/rainy/snowy/…

2. I got there by plane/train/ship/bus/car/…

3. I stayed there for a day/two weeks…

4. The food was delicious/terrible.

5. There I saw many kinds of…

6. During the vacation, I often went to…


假如你是林涛,去年夏天你去北京度假,游览过许多地方。请以“My Vacation to Beijing”为题,用英语写一篇80词左右的游记。内容包括:

1. 旅游景点(如the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, Tian’anmen Square, a Beijing hutong等);

2. 天气和活动;

3. 你的感受。

My Vacation to Beijing


◢ Self Check ◣

I 根据首字母及句意补全单词。

1.—Jack, you swam so well. Who taught you?

—Nobody. I taught m_________.

2. It rained hard. All of her clothes got w_________.

3. Mary d______potatoes, but she eats tomatoes a lot.

4. I looked down all the cars far b_________. They seemed like small boxes.

5. Skating and swimming are my favorite a______in my free time.

Ⅱ 完形填空。

I have many good memories (记忆) like when I got a baby sister. Today I am going to tell you

___1___ different. This was a very special experience (经历) to me___2___ I had been waiting for this for years.

1 was born (出生) in India and once I went on vacation with my parents there. One day they took me to a___3___. I asked my mother, “Why are we here?” Mother said, “___4___ and see…”

Then she took me to a doctor—Dr Bindhu. She said hello to the doctor and asked, “Dr Bindhu, do you still___5___ me?” Surprised, the doctor happily said yes. Then they started to talk. At last I heard from my father that this doctor brought me to this___6___ and beautiful world!

It was really___7___ to see the doctor. I wondered and looked at her. She asked me my name, about my school, and studies. I___8___ everything happily. I took a___9___ with her and I looked so excited in the picture. This was one of my dream-come-true moments (時刻) because I had always asked my mother about this doctor and I had really wanted to___10___ her. I thanked my parents for giving me such a big surprise.

( )1. A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything

( )2. A. if B. after C. but D. because

( )3. A. hospital B. cinema C. restaurant D. museum

( )4. A. Learn B. Look C. Wait D. Try

( )5. A. remember B. follow C. teach D. dislike

( )6. A. wonderful B. noisy C. busy D. small

( )7. A. boring B. exciting C. natural D. terrible

( )8. A. heard B. picked C. practiced D. answered

( )9. A. trip B. photo C. walk D. drink

( )10. A. pay B. save C. visit D. forget

Ⅲ 阅读理解。

Jim and his family arrived at Shanghai Pudong International Airport at 7:00 pm. They took a maglev train (磁悬浮列车) to their hotel on Longyang Road. The 30 km train ride only took 8 minutes. They were surprised at how fast the train was. After they got to their hotel, they had dinner and went to bed. They would spend three days enjoying Shanghai.

On the first day, they went to Yu Garden. Yu Garden has a history of over 400 years. They visited this wonderful world of old buildings, ponds (池塘) and bridges. It was really amazing (令人惊叹的). They then took a walk along the old street of Yuyuan Market. They bought some interesting things and ate lots of nice food.

On the morning of the second day, they went to Shanghai Ocean Aquarium. It was very big. They saw a lot of animals there. In the afternoon, they went to Shanghai Tower. It was so tall that Jim was a little afraid.

On the third day, they visited Shanghai Disney Resort. It opened on June 16, 2016. It’s the sixth Disneyland in the world. They took rides, watched shows and took lots of nice photos there. At the end of their trip, they were tired but happy.

( )1. What surprised Jim and his family?

A. Their hotel. B. Their dinner. C. The weather. D. The maglev train.

( )2. How did Jim feel on the first day of their trip?

A. Happy. B. Afraid. C. Lucky. D. Tired.

( )3. What did Jim and his family do in Shanghai Disney Resort?

① They bought lots of things. ② They watched shows. ③ They took rides.

④ They tried new food.   ⑤ They took photos.

A. ①②③ B. ②③⑤ C. ①②④ D. ③④⑤

( )4. Why did the writer write the passage?

A. To ask us to visit Shanghai. B. To show Shanghai is beautiful.

C. To tell us about a friendly family. D. To describe a family trip to Shanghai.

Ⅳ 語法填空。

Tim’s family started early for Dubai. Tim couldn’t wait 1.______(see) Grandma because she would take him on a trip to the desert (沙漠).

The next morning Grandma met 2.______(they) at the train station. Then they drove to the desert. 3.______they left the city behind, they were surprised to see the 4.______(different) between the views (景色) of the desert and those of the city. There were lots of dunes (沙丘), but no 5.______(build). They drove up, down, 6.______around dunes. They stopped to take photos and see animals along the way. Tim wondered how they could get used to the hot weather. It was time for lunch and Tim was hungry, so he and his family headed to the desert camp to have lunch. In the afternoon Tim 7.______(try) camel (骆驼) riding. He felt the riding was really 8.______(enjoy).

At night, they had a campfire party. They sang and danced 9.______(happy). Everyone had a good time. Tim wrote in his diary, “What 10.______wonderful trip it was! I really loved everything in the desert.”


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