You’ve got questions? She’s got answers(But you probably won’t like them)
Got questions for Agony Ayi? Send them to
Ayi, why is there so much news about cafeteria food containing rat heads these days? Now I’m scared to eat in my office canteen.
Scared office worker
You youngsters are so 娇生惯养 (jiāoshēng guànyǎng, spoiled).Your generation have never planted anything with your own hands or starved to the point that you have to go 挖野菜 (wā yěcài, dig wild vegetables) like back in the days when we didn’t have enough food.If you’re really worried about 食品安全 (shípǐn ānquán, food safety), cook your own food! That’s way better than the 垃圾食品 (lājī shípǐn, junk food) you young people always get for 外卖 (wàimài, takeout).It’s not rocket science to cook a 营养丰富的 (yíngyǎng fēngfù de, nutritious) and卫生的 (wèishēng de, sanitary) meal.If you’re too lazy to take half an hour to 炒菜 (chǎo cài, stir-fry vegetables), you have no right to complain about rats in your 便宜的 (piányi de, cheap) cafeteria food.
Ayi, should I take my 5-year-old daughter to seeBarbie? I think it could be a nice activity for us to do together, but is she too young for the fiIm?
EIIie’s mother
I don’t understand this 芭比 (Bābǐ, Barbie) everyone is suddenly talking about.When I was growing up, I didn’t have any 娃娃 (wáwa, doll).You know what I did instead of 过家家 (guò jiājiā, playing house) when I was little? I took care of my younger brothers and sisters.I don’t understand what dolls have to do with女性主义 (nǚxìngzhǔyì, feminism).All the women in my household were busy working and pitching in for the family.We don’t talk, we work.
If your kid has too much time to kill, sign her up for a math 辅导班 (fǔdǎobān, tutoring class).You don’t want her to 输在起跑线上 (shū zài qǐpǎoxiàn shang,lose at the starting line), or so my daughter always says.And all that pink is so 辣眼睛 (là yǎnjing,“stings the eyes,” ugly).What’s wrong with traditional大红色 (dàhóngsè, bright red)?