My best Friend我最好的朋友
I have many friends, but Harish is my bestfriend. He is of my age and is my classmate. Heis simple and gentle. He is hardworking andtruthful1. He never keeps the bad company and isa well-disciplined2 and obedient3 boy.
Harish is the monitor4 of our class. He is asmart student. He works hard and stands first inalmost every exam. He has won many prizes5 forhis excellent work. He is kind to me and oftenhelps me with my study. Everybody likes him.
He does everything on time. He has a soundmind in a sound6 body. He is good not only atstudy but at games also. He likes playing football.He enjoys morning walks and outdoor activities.
He helps me with difficulties. He is a boy ofgentle nature and never loses his temper7. Hisparents are proud8 of his good manners9 andpleasing behavior10. He is popular with all the boysin the school. Whenever I go to his house, he greetsme with open arms and we have a good time.
I am really surprised to see that as a boy heis as smart as the grown-ups. I really feel that Iam very lucky to have such a smart andinteresting friend.
1. truthful 诚实的;讲真话的
2. well-disciplined 训练有素的;有节制的
3. obedient 服从的;顺从的
4. monitor 学校里的;班长
5. prize 奖品;奖项
6. sound 无损伤的;健康的
7. temper 坏脾气;暴躁脾气;心情;情绪
8. proud 自豪的;得意的
9. manner 态度;举止;礼貌
10. behavior 行为;举止