A Life Lesson That toto Taught Me托托教给我的人生一课
I first met Toto, a rabbit, when I was eight years old. One day, when I camehome from school, my parents surprised me with Toto. He was a tiny little pet and Iloved his long ears and button nose. His soft hair felt good when I ran my handsalong his back. Although Toto had great color combinations1 of white, brown andblack, he looked shy, like he was a little scared of people and other things thatsurrounded2 him. But he found his place in the house soon enough—that littlecorner in my bedroom with my dolls and toys.
Toto had this habit of sitting in all dolls and toys, and he almost looked like atoy himself. I treated3 him like a toy most of the time: a toy to be played with. Thecorner was his favorite place, and looking back, Toto was my favorite toy.
As a young and playful4 girl, I would feel joy in throwing Toto around andletting him jump around my room. It was fun to see how long he would hold out. I hithim sometimes when I got unhappy because he would not play with me. Once, Iburied5 Toto under the blanket just to see if he could find his way out. He was solittle and so defenseless6 and yet, he went on sleeping beside me no matter what.Trust was the only option7 left for Toto. He could not do anything about it.
I woke up suddenly one night. Because it was dark, I knew that it was stillnight. I checked on Toto, he was sleeping peacefully. I tried to change my position8without waking him. I carefully turned on my side to face him. I could feel his heartbeating, and I thought that he was trying not to wake me up, too. I knew what myresponsibility9 was: I should start training him to sleep in his new cage. But he didnot like it.
I did not understand it at the time, but now I do. I wished Toto would alwaysstay the same. So if I would come home tomorrow tired and unhappy, he would bethere to make me feel okay. These kinds of thoughts made me feel calmer10, until Ifell into a deep sleep.
When I was ten, I brought Toto to school. My shoebox was colored green and ithad three holes in it. I was so proud that he did very well, never once causing meany problem while he was inside. I carried him to class and everyone wanted toknow what was inside the box. I opened it to“show and tell”for my classmates anda few seconds later everyone was all over him. I felt so proud.
At first, they just talked to Toto right there as he sat in the box. They wereexcited and said how cute he looked. And then, after much poking11, I took Totoout. I noticed that Toto was trembling12, and I felt sorry for him. Toto sat on somany arms that day. Some children were not used to him and they held himroughly13.
I know how badly Toto must have wanted to run and jump to a place wherepeople could never catch him. I was not happy when Toto used to do that at home.But in that classroom, with all those strangers who could have dropped or injuredhim in some other way, Toto held his ground. He was my own brave rabbit. Hetrembled, I am sure. I felt it but ignored14 it. I was too caught up showing Toto offbecause it felt good.
When I came home, I left him in his favorite place and went to watchtelevision. I wonder what Toto thought of me at that moment. I felt disappointed atmyself for I may have had treated Toto as a lifeless toy. And I knew now clearly thathe was not.
1. combination 结合体;联合体;结合;联合
2. surround 围绕;环绕
3. treat 对待;看待
4. playful 顽皮的
5. bury 埋进……中
6. defenseless 无防备的
7. option 可选择的事物;选择
8. position 姿势
9. responsibility 责任;负责
10. calm 平静的
11. poke 用手指或尖利物品戳、刺
12. tremble 颤抖;哆嗦;害怕;紧张
13. roughly 粗暴地;粗鲁地
14. ignore 佯装未见;不理睬;忽视