The Diabolo空竹
Jack De Graaf
The diabolo consists2 of a spool3controlled by a player using a length ofstring4 attached5 to two sticks, one heldin each hand.
Tricks are performed by moving thesticks in order to move the diabolo and allmanner of tricks are created by throwingthe diabolo in the air, catching it, balancingit on the string, and creating knots6and loops7 with the string.
More diabolos can also be used atonce, however, this being the greatestarea of improvement for diabolo users.
French engineer Gustave Philippartfirst developed the modern diabolo in1906, making the axle8 from scrap9 metal.
This diabolo, amongst many otherdiabolos in history, can be viewed inthe French Museum of Diabolo. This isnot where the diabolo first came from,however.
It is difficult to know exactlywhen the diabolo came into being.However, it is said to have beendeveloping from the Chinese yo-yo.
The Chinese yo-yo itself has along, thin axle with disc-shaped wheelswhile the Westernized one tends to bemore cone-shaped10.
Some people believe the inventionof the diabolo somewhere between4,000 and 3,000 B.C. in China, thusmaking it the oldest game in history.
Back in these days the diaboloitself was made of wood or bamboorather than rubber11 and metal and wasgiven many names such as“Kongzhu”and“Kongzhong”—which mean“makingthe hollow12 bamboo stick whistle”.
In China, there are still diabolos madeof bamboo with openings on the side thatcreate a whistling sound when it is spinning.
Since its introduction into France, thegame was well accepted and immediatelyloved by the French upper class—somegoing as far to think it was better thanTennis. It was viewed asa fashionable13 objectof the upper Frenchclass and from 1810clubs and competitionsspread acrossParis like wildfire.
After Philipparts invention of the“modern” diabolo, its popularity seeped14through the rest of France and jumped acrossthe channel15 to Britain.
It is still a popular game all over theworld today.
1906 年,法国工程師古斯塔夫·菲利帕尔首次发明了现代空竹,用废金属制作了空竹轴。
一些人认为空竹是在公元前4,000年至公元前3,000 年之间的中国发明的,这使其成为历史上最古老的游戏。
自从被引入法国以来,这项运动就被法国上流社会广泛接受, 并立即受到了他们的喜爱———有些人甚至认为这项运动比网球更好。它被视为法国上流社会的时尚之物,自1810 年起,空竹俱乐部和比赛如野火般在巴黎迅速流行开来。
1. diabolo 空竹;扯铃
2. consist 由……组成、构成
3. spool 线轴;绕线轮
4. string 线;细绳
5. attach 系上
6. knot 用绳索等打的结
7. loop 环形
8. axle 轮轴
9. scrap 废弃的;报废的
10. cone-shaped 锥形的
11. rubber 橡胶
12. hollow 空的;空心的
13. fashionable 流行的
14. seep 渗透;渐渐散开
15. channel 海峡