

歌剧 2023年7期

小瓊:没有什么比在户外看一场经典歌剧更好的事了! 6 月1 日晚上9 点,我非常幸运地参加了雅典埃皮达鲁斯艺术节的开幕式,这个每年一度的艺术节必定包括希腊国家歌剧院(GNO)的特色活动。新冠疫情过后,希腊国家歌剧院推出了由奥利维尔·皮执导的《蝴蝶夫人》全版制作。5000 名观众欣赏了该剧的演出。在演出进行时看到月亮升起, 这真是太神奇了。


小琼:好吧,让我回顾一下那天的足迹,回忆一下参观雅典卫城时最初的激动心情。卫城是古希腊最重要的建筑遗址,许多人将其与西方文明的开端联系在一起。我们特意在6 月1 日早上去了那里, 参观了供奉雅典娜女神的最大神殿——著名的帕特农神庙,并沿着2500 年前杰出的希腊人走过的路前行。晚上,我们回到了雅典卫城南麓的奥德翁,前往阿迪库斯音乐堂。这是一座相对“新”的建筑, 因为帕特农神庙建于公元前447 年至公元前432 年之间,而阿迪库斯音乐堂仅能追溯到161 年。这座建筑是希腊慈善家和公共赞助人希罗德·阿迪库斯(101-177)送给雅典的礼物,以纪念他对自己出生于罗马的妻子里贾拉的爱,她于160 年去世。

小薇:我读过这个场地的介绍,特别是“奥德翁” 这个词的含义。这是一个为音乐而设计的建筑,与传统戏剧的圆形剧场截然不同,规模也比较小。

小琼:奥德翁最初的设计是用黎巴嫩雪松建造的屋顶,但随着时间的推移,木质屋顶坍塌了,只剩下石头。该场馆进行重大翻修后,目前可容纳多达5000 名观众。

小薇:我一直在翻阅曾在阿迪库斯音乐堂上表演过的歌手名单,这份名单星光熠熠:玛丽亚·卡拉斯、鲁契亚诺·帕瓦罗蒂、普拉西多·多明戈, 我留意到罗伯托·阿拉尼亚很快也会在那里亮相。还有7 月15 日举行的交响乐音乐会:郎朗也将参加埃皮达鲁斯艺术节,登上阿迪库斯音乐堂。

小琼:最重要的是,请记住在距希腊几千公里之外的中国,曾经有一个类似的建造计划!现在的北京中山公园音乐堂,最初建于1942 年日军占领期间,设计参考的原型正是奥德翁!

Joan: Nothing beats an evening in the greatoutdoors and seeing a classic opera! On June 1at 9 p.m., I was so lucky to attend the opening ofthe Athens-Epidaurus Festival featuring the GreekNational Opera (GNO). After the COVID hiatus, theGNO produced Madama Butterfly in a full productiondirected by Olivier Py to a packed audience of 5000.It was magical to see the moon rising while theperformance proceeded.

Valery: But you havent told us where. I know thevenue is historic and truly unique.

Joan: Well, let me retrace my steps that day andrecall my initial excitement of visiting the Acropolis,the most important monument of ancient Greece thatmany associate with the dawn of Western civilization.We specially made a trip there on the morning ofJune 1 to see the Parthenon—the famous temple ofAthena—and walked the paths of illustrious Greeksfrom 2500 years ago. In the evening, we returned tothe southern foothills of the Acropolis to the Odeonof Herodes Atticus, a relatively “new” structure, sincethe Parthenon was built between 447 and 432 B.C.and the Odeon only dates back to 161. The buildingwas a gift to Athens by the Greek philanthropist and public patron Herodes Atticus (101–177) to celebratehis love for his Roman wife Regilla, who died in 160.

Valery: I read the definition of the venue, specificallythe meaning of the word “Odeon.” Its a place formusic, quite different from and much smaller thanan amphitheater for spoken drama.

Joan: The Odeons original design had a roofmade of Lebanese cedar, but over time the roofdisintegrated and only the stone was left. This venuehas had significant renovations, and it can nowaccommodate up to 5000 audience members.

Valery: Ive been reading the list of illustrioussingers whove performed at the Odeon of HerodesAtticus: Maria Callas, Luciana Pavarotti, PlacidoDomingo, and I see Roberto Alagna will soon bethere too. There are also orchestra concerts, and onJuly 15, Lang Lang will perform there as part of theEpidaurus Festival.

Joan: Most impor tant to remember is thatthousands of miles away in China, there was once aplan for a similar structure! The current ForbiddenCity Music Hall in Beijing was first built during theJapanese occupation in 1942, originally planned asan Odeon!

